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Название: Practical use of activation energy of wear resistance and compatibility of tribocouple materials
Авторы: Bogdanovych, Oleksandr Ivanovych
Ключевые слова: tribotechnical tests
wear resistance
activation energy
Дата публикации: 10-окт-2018
Издательство: National Aviation University
Библиографическое описание: Bogdanovych O. I. Practical use of activation energy of wear resistance and compatibility of tribocouple materials / O. I. Bogdanovych // Proceedings of The Eighth World Congress “Aviation in the XXI-st Century” – “Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies”. Kyiv, Ukraine, October 10-12, 2018: матеріали конгр. – Київ, NAU; 2018. – pp. 1.2.27-1.2.29.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Practical use of activation energy values II-nd ( Е м ) and III-rd ( Е р ) of the stage of triboreaction (TR) obtained for the wear of steel ШХ 15 in hydrocarbon media (aviation fuel of Р T, ТС -1, ТС -1 * for long-term storage, AM Г -10 oil, and also E p in the reciprocating motion.The obtained results confirmed the correctness and efficiency of the kinetic model of normal mechano-chemical wear and the calculation and experimental technique for estimating the kinetic and energy-activation criteria for assessing wear resistance and compatibility materials for tribotylism.
Описание: 1. The obtained values of activation energies II-nd (Е м ) and III-rd (Е р ) The stages of the TR confirmed the adequacy of the kinetic model and the efficiency of the calculation and experimental methodology for estimating the kinetic and energy- activation characteristics of the two stages of the TR. 2. The obtained values of Е м and Е р in the aviation fuel of РT and TС-1, as well as of AMГ-10 oil supplemented the complex matrix criterion of wear resistance and compatibility of tribocouple materials [4]. 3. Insignificantly better antiwear properties of jet fuel РТ in comparison with similar properties of jet fuel ТС-1, which was impossible to establish using traditional criteria for assessing wear resistance (dизн – diameter of wear spot of ball ШХ15 of friction machine KIEСA-2 or УПС-01) [6]. 4. It has been experimentally established that it is possible to use E p during reciprocating motion [8]. 5. The obtained values of E м and E p added to the data base of the wear resistance of steel ШХ15 and antiwear properties of jet fuel of PT, TС-1 and TС-1* for long-term storage and AMГ-10 oil [4,5,6,7].
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/39665
Располагается в коллекциях:The 8th World Congress, 2018

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