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Автори: Yakovlieva, Anna
Boshkov, Vasilyi
Ключові слова: jet fuel
alternative fuel
rape oil
low-temperature properties
freezing point
pour point
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: Proceedings of the 21th Conference for Junior Researchers ‘Science – Future of Lithuania’
Короткий огляд (реферат): The work is devoted to the investigation of low-temperature properties of alternative jet fuels mixed with bio-additives derived from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol. For the scope of this work modification of conventional jet fuel with bio-additives derived from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol were chosen to develop alternative jet fuels. The main low-temperature characteristics – freez-ing point and pour point of conventional jet fuel and three types of bio-additives were identified and compared with the requirements to conventional Jet A-1 fuel. The influence of bio-additives derived from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol on low-temperature characteristics of new jet fuels has been studied and explained. The necessity of studying new technologies is grounded. Mathematical depend-encies of freezing point and viscosity of alternative fuels on bio-additives content were proposed
Опис: Proceedings of the 21th Conference for Junior Researchers ‘Science – Future of Lithuania’ TRANSPORT ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, 4-5 May 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/37873
ISSN: 978-609-476-138-6
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові матеріали співробітників кафедри екології (монографії, глави монографій)

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