Case study of alternative Jet fuel production with bio-additives from plant oils in Ukraine and Poland
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Springer International Publishing
The present-day situation in civil aviation is discussed. Taking into account limitation of crude oil resources for jet fuel production and worsening of ecological situation, tendency to transition to alternative fuels is presented. Perspectives of Ukraine and Poland in production and application of alternative jet fuels are figured out. The main attention is paid to reveal possibilities of these countries for production of jet biofuels derived from plant oils. The potential of biofuel production from various feedstocks is presented and analyzed. Advantages of oil-derived biofuel production and application are discussed.
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Jet fuel, Alternative fuel, Rapeseed oil, Camelina oil, Fatty acids
Yakovlieva A., Boichenko S., Vovk O., Lejda K., Gryshchenko O. (2018) Case Study of Alternative Jet Fuel Production with Bio-additives from Plant Oils in Ukraine and Poland. In: Karakoç T., Colpan C., Şöhret Y. (eds) Advances in Sustainable Aviation. Springer, Cham. Yakovlieva, A., Boichenko, S., Vovk, O., Lejda, K., & Gryshchenko, O. (2017). Case study of alternative jet fuel production with bio-additives from plant oils in ukraine and poland. Advances in sustainable aviation (pp. 41-63) doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67134-5_4 Retrieved from