Classroom support service in learning process

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Smart-education: sources and prospects: International Scientific and Methodical Conference, October 17-17, 2014 : theses. – К., 2014. –21-23 pp.



Nowadays training methodology is changing very fast. New modern learning approaches has been developed and integrate in global learning process. All new features of learning oriented and directed into increasing of speed of education process and making level of users knowledge wider. The primary requirements for any learning facility is to provide condition which will be result in forming some new individual knowledge of user and give good mental training to create possibility of user to use all new individual knowledge to find the way to make clear some task which will be faced before users. But the best final study result is to prepare users to give them possibility to work out of rules which means that they should work not in general tasks, but try to make clear more complicated tasks that they don’t have enough ability to do that in fact yet. Of course new knowledge of user of education will be result of learning process (professional level of learning material, learning and teaching tools design, learning process structure facility) and user facilities (mental user characteristic, motivation).




Ostroumov I.V. Classroom support service in learning process / I.V. Ostroumov, N.S. Kuzmenko //Smart-education: sources and prospects: International Scientific and Methodical Conference, October 17-17, 2014 : theses. – К., 2014. –21-23 pp.