Investigation of magnetic field
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Polit. Challenges of science today: XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers and Students, April 2–3, 2014 : theses. – К., 2014. – 34p.
Earth's magnetic field – is a field around our planet, where there are magnetic forces.
Magnetic field is characterized by intensity vector. Intensity vector “T” is the sum of the
vectors strengths of several fields: The main magnetic field (dipole uniform) is formed by
electric currents in the earth's core, the magnetization of the upper layers of the earth
creates a so-called continental field, ferromagnetic ore unevenly located in the earth's
surface create local anomalous, magnetic fields that distort the main field of the Earth.
Typically, the vector T is estimated from its projections, on the NED coordinate
system (Mx, My, Mz components). Also important two angles: declination and
inclination, which indicated position of intensity vector in space, horizontal H and
vertical Z components indicate intensity of T.
Declination is positive for an eastward deviation of the field relative to true north. It
can be estimated by comparing the magnetic north/south heading on a compass with the
direction of a celestial pole.
The inclination is given by an angle that can assume values between -90° (up) to 90°
(down). In the northern hemisphere, the field points downwards. It is straight down at
the North Magnetic Pole and rotates upwards as the latitude decreases until it is
horizontal (0°) at the magnetic equator.
Nychak M.V. Investigation of magnetic field/ M.V. Nychak, O.O. Mironyuk, I.V. Ostroumov // Polit. Challenges of science today: XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers and Students, April 2–3, 2014 : theses. – К., 2014. – 34p.