The Fifth World Congress "AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY", 2012

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    Sources of development of aviation bases in Ukraine. Personalities and memorable places
    (National Aviation University, 2012-09) Timoshenko Maria; Тимошенко Мария Николаевна; Тимошенко Марія Миколаївна; Bolotov G. I.; Болотов Григорий Иванович; Болотов Григорій Іванович
    The article is devoted the problem of determination, maintainance and celebration in honour of birthplaces and inventor activity of creators of world aviation, on the walks of life of Ukraine.
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    Arhitecture and planing organization of the air terminal complexes based of the principles of univercal design
    (National aviaton university, 2012) Barmashina Ludmila; Бармашина Людмила Миколаївна; Бармашина Людмила Николаевна; Vasylchenko V.
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    (Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies: Proceeding the fifth congress “Aviation in the XXI-st century”. NAU, 2012-09-25) Ilchenko Daria; Ільченко Дар'я Миколаївна; Ильченко Дарья Николаевна
    For successful implementation of main functions (architectural-planning and ecological) urban greening system should correspond to the basic principles of formation, namely: the principle of spatial unity, functional ecology, historical identity, investment appeal. Parameters of city space should be put in a basis of typology of receptions of formation of urban greening system: its functionality, character development, the degree of transformation and artificial components of the urban environment, providing stability of greenery in difficult ecological conditions of cities of Donbass, balance of the built-up and free areas from building.
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    Functions in organizaion of airrelaxation center
    (The Fifth World Congress “Aviation in the XXI-st century” “Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies”, 2012) Lysiuk Irina; Лисюк Ірина Андріївна; Лысюк Ирина Андреевна
    In the article the actuality of creation of a new architectural unit is considered in the system of the airport - a center of airrelaxation, designed especially for providing rest of workers and visitors, features of its functioning, depending on the necessities of users.The problem of airport rest is very important for the reason of the accident’ number, which were made by human mistakes. To decrease the level of stresses in the surrounding of the big air transit centre it is necessary to intend a place for all-around rest for all kinds of users.