2021 ХVІI міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Сучасні проблеми менеджменту»
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- ItemManagement of foreign economic relations of the enterprise on the basis of sustainable development(National aviation university, 2021-10-29) Kovalenko, Yulia; Stepanova, Diana; Коваленко, Юлія Олександрівна; Степанова, ДіанаForeign economic activity is one of the most important factors in the development of the national economy. No country in the world will be able to independently develop its own production processes, ensure economic growth without effectively using the benefits of the international division of labor and the combined international scientific and technological potential. This is especially relevant in modern conditions when the processes of international economic integration, the international division of labor, globalization of the world economy are developing intensively. Foreign economic activity promotes the development of promising areas of export potential. It is due to foreign economic activity that our country solves the problem of lack of energy, new machines, and equipment, technologies, some consumer goods.
- ItemConceptual framework for regulating the development of Ukraine's seaport industry(National aviation university, 2021-10-29) Stankiewich-Mroz, Anna; Razumova, Kateryna; Ramazanova, Ulyana; Станкевич-Мроз, Анна; Разумова, Катерина Миколаївна; Рамазанова, УлянаThe development of seaports is a strategically important task for Ukraine. It requires purposeful regulating influence of the state at all its stages. This influence should contribute to the transition to a progressive stage of development and the content of positive trends. The combination of state regulation and market self-regulation provide the effective development of the economic system of maritime transport and its basis - sea ports. However, in today's conditions, state and market regulators act uncoordinatedly and ineffectively, which causes the need to revise the content and improve the tools of the state's regulatory impact on the economy of sea ports. To provide the development of port economy it is necessary to combine and coordinate sectoral and territorial directions of state regulation and to form an appropriate effective economic policy.
- ItemSome features of the formation of a system of strategic planning for regional development(National aviation university, 2021-10-29) Prokopenko, Olha; Boichenko, Elina; Прокопенко, Ольга; Бойченко, Еліна БорисівнаModern Ukrainian legislation concerning strategic planning for the development of regions (territorial communities) can be combined in three general areas. First, it is a direction that concerns the role and place of local authorities in organizing and implementing the process of managing the development of the region, in particular – through the application and implementation of development strategies; second, it is a direction that concerns strategic planning of regional development and third, it is the participation of residents of the region (communities) in the process of forming a strategy for the development of the region (territorial communities).
- ItemThe need to transform the organizational culture of enterprises(National aviation university, 2021-10-29) Podrieza, Mikhail; Gurina, Ganna; Подрєза, Михайло; Гуріна, ГаннаIt is proved that the development of any society or organization is determined primarily by the cultural level of its citizens or members, which is explained by the presence of common goals, values in relation to themselves and the environment, principles and approaches to everyday tasks. In this regard, the importance of the organization's culture is increasingly taken into account in the management of the enterprise. At the same time, it is assumed that the continuous improvement of the level of culture in the enterprise leads to a comprehensive improvement in the quality of activities and reduce costs. Of course, the formation of the culture of any organization, in particular its management culture, is significantly influenced by national culture and local territorial subculture or subcultures under the influence of which is the formation of basic life values and priorities of the local population and so on. Thus, in particular, under the influence of national culture and local subcultures, a national management stereotype of the whole country and a certain area is formed, which is created as a result of long historical formation of an organic approach to organization and management, a priori representation of individuals management activities can be carried out, what it is aimed at, how the worker is integrated in the organization, what place is given to him in it, and so on.
- ItemAir transportation between Ukraine and EU countries: from progressive liberalization to deregulation(National aviation university, 2021-10-29) Ovsak, Oksana; Овсак, Оксана ПавлівнаNowadays the basis of agreements about air traffic between Ukraine and other countries are bilateral air service agreements (ASA). Aviation communication between Ukraine and EU is regulated on the basis of bilateral air service agreements (ASA) with all member states and Horizontal Agreement with the European Commission on certain aspects of air services. The last one has been developed by European Commission as model agreement that liberalizes air services between the EU and third countries, called „horizontal“. The EU also provides setting up open aviation areas (so called “open skies”) with key partners to further liberalise сertain markets on the bilateral basis by European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) agreement between the EU and third countries.