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    Socially responsible consumption in the conditions of sharpening of contradiction between artificial and natural
    (National aviation university, 2022) Abysova, Mariia Anatoliivna; Абисова, Марія Анатоліївна
    The article is devoted to the analysis of socially responsible consumption as a type of social responsibility, caused by the rapid growth of the technosphere, i.e. the integration of technology into society and culture. The concept of "technosphere" reflects the property of technology remaining in the form of local controlled objects creating an integrated environment. The current state of technogenic civilization can be called a crisis due to the displacement of the natural by the artificial. A technized society, as a quasi-natural formation, perceives the standards of technical activity as a natural horizon for the development of events. A socially responsible consumption policy, as opposed to the actions of commercial corporations pursuing financial and economic goals at the expense of public welfare, in particular in matters of environmental protection, and social stratification, declares itself as a form of civil and political action.
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    Public Sphere Mediatization
    (National aviation university, 2021) Abysova, Mariia Anatoliivna; Абисова, Марія Анатоліївна
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the public sphere of modern society as a complex and dynamic phenomenon of social and political interactions involved in the virtualization, mediatization, and digitalization processes. In contrast to the traditional public sphere, the digital public sphere is controlled by algorithms – hidden mechanisms integrated into many information platforms responsible for the structuring of information on public platforms where people can discuss issues of concern. The arguments of techno-optimists and techno-pessimists regarding the effectiveness of digital activity and its risks in short-term, action-oriented practices and long-term perspectives are given. The search for consensus in the definition of digital activism makes the debate about its nature, harm, and benefit to society of great current interest and encourages further study of the given problem.
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    The COVID-19 pandemic impact on international relations: key trends
    (National Aviation Univercity, 2020-11-30) Poda, Tetiana; Пода, Тетяна Анатоліївна
    У статті проаналізовано деякі аспекти впливу пандемії СOVID-19 на розвиток міжнародних відносин на тлі розгортання все жорсткіших карантинних обмежень у світі. Здійснено аналіз трансформації міжнародних відносин у віртуальному вимірі. Осмислено діяльність загальноєвропейських інститутів, які продемонстрували низьку ефективність в умовах надзвичайної ситуації. Показано, що спалах коронавірусу поставив під питання спроможність адекватного реагування певних міжнародних структур, продемонструвавши слабкості міжнародної системи перед новим глобальним викликом. Розповсюдження COVID-19 показало, що у «глобальному селі» жодна країна не може вважати себе окремою від світу. На основі аналізу змін, що відбуваються у світі, запропоновано прогноз розвитку напрямів системи міжнародних відносин.
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    The development of "network diplomacy" as a new form of international interaction
    (National Aviation University, 2020-04-30) Poda, Tetiana; Пода, Тетяна Анатоліївна
    The article is devoted to the new traditional diplomacy branch analysis, which emerged as a result of scientific and technological progress - network diplomacy. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the term base field of this phenomenon. The article examines different ways of the network diplomacy phenomenon understanding, outlines the main directions and main tasks performed by "network diplomacy" as a new form of international cooperation. The author also analyzes the negative side of the information and communication technologies spread, in particular, emphasizes that information is not only an important factor in development, it becomes a tool for achieving certain goals, manipulation, political intolerance.
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    Information and communication technologies impact on the development of democracy
    (National Aviation University, 2019-11-30) Poda, Tetiana; Пода, Тетяна Анатоліївна
    The author made an attempt to analyze the impact of global post-industrial communications on democracy based on the latest information technologies. It is stressed that in the modern world they are increasingly talking about the emergence of the phenomenon of "e-democracy", which means openness, transparency of state power, increasing the efficiency of political governance and active participation of citizens in making political decisions based on information and communication technologies. It has also been analyzed the negative side of the dissemination of information and communication technologies, in particular the author stresses that the information becomes not only an important factor of development, it turns into an instrument for achieving certain goals, manipulation, political intolerance. The aim of the article is to study the impact of information technologies on the formation of democracy. The author poses the following tasks: to identify the positive and negative factors of influence of the information society on formation of e-democracy and decision-making processes in the political sphere; to outline problems faced by democratic institutions in the era of the information society. The research methodology of article cover general scientific approaches: benchmarking method, system analysis method and dialectical method. While analyzing the phenomenon of e-democracy, the author relied on the theory of democracy and the information society. Comparative analysis method is applied to the analysis of democracy in modern society. The system analysis method was used in interpreting the concepts of the information society. Research results. Information democracy predetermines the transformation of interaction between the state and civil society, between the government and the management bodies, given that modern information and communication technologies show new perspectives of foreign and Internal policies that interact with civil society, including mass media, Internet, social media platforms, interactive communications, etc. In particular, they emphasize manipulative actions on the part of the governmental and business structures, distortion of information or false. The internet has become the dominant force when it comes to raising funds for election campaigns, gaining access to information, exchanging views and discussions, mobilizing people for political activities. Conclusions. Social networks, websites and tweets are increasingly acting as a channel of political information as well as the main public arena, where citizens express their ideas, attract others to protest actions, vote or volunteer work. We can create an open political system, which is oriented on solving citizens' problems, forming civil society with educated and conscious citizens, only on the basis of information democracy.
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