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- ItemA concept to implement a protective function of administrative law(Актуальні питання державотворення в Україні: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 року) / Редкол.: д.ю.н. І. С. Гриценко (голова), к.ю.н. І. С. Сахарук (відп. ред.) та ін. – В 3-х томах. - Том 3. – К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. – 304 c., 2016-05-20) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаРозглянуто поняття реалізації охоронної функції адміністративного права.
- ItemADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL PROCEDURES IN THE SPHERE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE.(Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». – К.: НАУ, 2017. – № 4(45). – С. 65-72., 2017) Бородін, Іван Лук'янович; Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаPurpose: the task of scientific research is to determine a concept of administrative legal procedures, also, basic directions to solve problems of their legal support in Ukraine. The administrative procedures according to the nature of their legal influence on social relations have been classified and analyzed. Methods: general scientific, philosophical and specially-legal methods of the scientific research have been used. A system analysis method has been used to determine rulemaking, adoption of individual acts of public administration, control procedures. A dogmatic method was valuable to formulate conclusions and recommendations of practical character within the research issues concerning the determination of investigated administrative legal procedures at the legislative level of Ukraine. Results: particularities of three groups of administrative procedures id est: a) rulemaking; b) adoption of individual acts of public administration; c) control have been defined, the stages and problems of their implementations have been investigated. Discussion: national legislation concerning the administrative legal procedures. The lack of regulations that would determine a procedure for rights and duties implementation, provided by substantive norms in the field of public administration, leads to the fact that those substantive rules do not work. The development of administrative legal procedures and the investigation of problems of their implementation is an important topic for the future research.
- ItemAdministrative liability of legal entities: history and present(Науковий журнал "Proceedings of the National Aviation University" (“Вісник Національного авіаційного університету”). – 2016. – № 3. – Том 68. – С. 133-139., 2016) Миронець, Оксана Миколаївна; Бородін, Іван Лук'яновичРозглянуто історичні та правові аспекти адміністративної відповідальності юридичних осіб
- ItemAir safety as a key category of ICAO standards(2017) Головко, Світлана Григорівна
- ItemCоціальний аспект договору(2012) Шуст, Наталія Борисівна; Барікова, Анна
- ItemDEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL LEGAL IDEOLOGY OF THE STATE IN CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION(European Reforms Bulletin. - 2015. - № 2. – Р. 26-29., 2015) Калюжний, Ростислав АндрійовичThe article is devoted to illumination of essence of legal ideology as the political and legal phenomenon, grounded her theoretical and methodological principles, the looks of the Ukrainian scientists are analysed in relation to the mechanisms of her forming in the conditions of transformations of globalization of the national legal system of Ukraine. The analysis of a spring base from the problems of legal ideology grounds to draw conclusion, that her research comes true in next basic directions: firstly, as a variety of legal activity of different legal subjects; secondly, as totality of measures, tasks, programs, discipling for the achievement of certain goals (first of all, development of the legal state and protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen); thirdly, as the sociallegal phenomenon immanently related to the legal culture and legal consciousness; fourthly, as a legal category.
- ItemEnhancing information and digital competence of future lawyers in the interactive education process(EURÓPSKA VEDA Vedecký časopis EUROPEAN SCIENCE Scientific journal. - 2018. - №3. - Р. 77-81., 2018) Головко, Світлана ГригорівнаThe article actualizes the problem of enhancing information and digital competence of future lawyers as it is a leading component of professional competence. The conclusion is based on the fact that modern information and communication technologies are fundamental in designing methodological systems that involve the use of methods and forms of active, practical-oriented learning. The requirements for computer support to train future lawyers are formulated.
- ItemFEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW OF UKRAINE «ON EDUCATION»(Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». – К.: НАУ, 2017. – № 4(45). – С. 43-50., 2017) Головко, Світлана ГригорівнаPurpose: the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", which is a systematic element of modern domestic legislation in the education area, has become an important step towards the formation of the legal framework for the functioning of all educational levels. One of the most urgent problems of this process is ensuring effective implementation of the new law. In its turn, it actualizes the study of the peculiarities and practical tools for the implementation of the basic legislative norms as an important condition for the basic law efficiency. Methods: to fulfill the research tasks general scientific and special methods of legal science have been applied. By means of the formal-logical method, the basic norms of the current legislation on education were analyzed, and the basic role of the law "On Education" was grounded. Applying the сomparative legal method made it possible to note the Europeanisation of normative and legal support of the domestic educational industry and to determine the features of its implementation. Results: peculiarities of the formation and introduction of normative and legal support for the functioning of the domestic education system are analyzed. The compliance of the norms of the modern legislation on education with the European tendencies is argued. The most actual practical steps that will promote effective implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" are underscored. Discussion: an important feature of the new basic law in the education area is the availability of independent norms and transitional provisions. Correspondingly, the further research is required by the harmonization of domestic legislation on education, the definition of the primary components of the legal and regulatory framework, which require development, harmonization of existing normative acts, the development of a system of measures to involve the general public in this process.
- ItemFREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAWS AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF HUMAN RIGHTS: COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF INTERNATIONAL LEGISLATION(Юриспруденція в сучасному інформаційному просторі: [Матеріали ІХ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 1 березня 2019 р.] Том 1. – Тернопіль: Вектор, 2019. – 394 с., 2019-03-01) Водоласкова, Катерина Юріївна
- ItemHistorical aspects and overview of legal understanding of airspace sovereignty concept(National Aviation University, 2023-03) Vodolaskova, K.; Holovko, S.; Водоласкова, К.; Головко, С.When we, as passengers, fly in an airplane from the porthole we do not see borders on the ground, nor do we see them in the sky. God created Earth for peaceful human use for the benefit of all. However, in order to ensure the safety and security, to establish certainty in borders and due to development of technical capabilities of the aviation industry, humanity has begun to establish rules, objective standards and principles, based on the peace-making nature.
- ItemHistorical origins of mediation(National Aviation University, 2021-02-26) Cherevatiuk, Viktoriya; Cherevatiuk, AlinaThe mediation in its modern form was formed only in the second half of the XX century, but its foundations were born much earlier. The mankind constantly seemed to walk around it, but for a long time did not dare to apply. The first ideas about mediation in the state in which we are accustomed to seeing it were voiced in 1976 in the United States, when a historic conference named after R. Pound entitled "Causes of public dissatisfaction with the administration of the US justice system", which made a real breakthrough in mediation. It was at the Pound Conference that two documents were published, which became the foundation for the most famous alternative way of resolving disputes.
- ItemHuman rights and globalization(2016) Череватюк, Вікторія БогданівнаТhе аrtісlе іs аbоut рroроrtionality of sисh сoпсерts аs globalization and human rights, analysis of globalist ideas of free domande quality of all people, based on natural law from the origins of the present. The author explore what happens to human rights in the context of globalization and its impact human rights, considering both advantages and threats of this process.
- ItemHUMAN SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION: MODERN LEGAL PARADIGM(Human security in the context of globalization: modern legal paradigm [monograph]/ Under the general editorship Iryna Sopilko. — Slovak Republic, Podhájska : Východoeurópska agentúra pre rozvoj, n.o. Eastern European Development agency n. o.— 2017. — 278 с., 2017) Сопілко, Ірина Миколаївна; Череватюк, Вікторія Богданівна; Армаш, Надія Олексіївна; Беззубов, Дмитро Олександрович; Вишновецька, Світлана Василівна; Головко, Світлана Григорівна; Гончарук, Степан Тихонович; Гусар, Ольга Анатоліївна; Катеренчук, Катерина Володимирівна; Кметик, Христина Володимирівна; Хом'яченко, Світлана Іванівна; Козирєва, Валентина Петрівна; Ланцедова, Юлія Олександрівна; Лихова, Софія Яківна; Макеєва, Олена Миколаївна; Малярчук, Назар Вікторович; Пивовар, Юрій Ігорович; Проскура, Ганна Миколаївна; Рощук, Марія Василівна; Устинова, Ірина Петрівна; Толкачова, Ірина Анатоліївна; Юлдашев, Сергій Олексійович; Рябченко, Олена Петрівна; Алієв, Амір; Амелічева, Лілія Петрівна; Гаращенко, Людмила Петрівна; Гаврилишин, Анатолій Петрович; Ленівський, Руслан Володимирович; Пивовар, Ірина ВікторівнаThe monograph highlights the human security holds a specific place among social values as one of the most important human needs, a necessary condition for full and productive life of an individual, society and the state. The problem of human security in a globalized world is especially important given the emergence of many new phenomena and attributes of the modern world that give rise to new threats and require proper legal regulation.
- ItemICAO: historical background, institutional framework and competence(National Aviation University, 2023-09) Vodolaskova, Kateryna; Holovko, Svitlana; Водоласкова, Катерина; Головко, СвітланаThe history of ICAO is closely connected with the adoption of the Chicago Convention. The Chicago Convention is the main source of international public air law. Before the ratification of the Chicago Convention, PICAO was established by 26 states. It was in effect from June 6, 1945, to April 4, 1947. By March 5, 1947, the 26th ratification was adopted. ICAO was established on April 4, 1947. In October of the same year, ICAO became a specialized UN agency affiliated with the ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council.
- ItemInnovation in higher education as a condition for integration into the Common European Educational Space(Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies: Proceedings the Seventh World Congress «Aviation in the XXI-st century». September 19-21, 2016. – K., 2016. –P. 12.18 – 12.20., 2016-09-19) Головко, Світлана Григорівна; Головко, Микола ВасильовичThe position that the effectiveness of the training of future specialists depends on a complex of pedagogical conditions, including those productive methods and technologies that provide achievement of targeted educational goals, and obtaining of educational content according to national and European standards and principles of quality assurance with a view the requirements of the labor market, was substantiated.
- ItemJurisprudence: Subject Matter and Content of Category(European Reforms Bulletin. - 2015. - № 4. – 110-115., 2015) Калюжний, Ростислав Андрійович; Шапенко, Людмила ОлександрівнаСтаттю присвячено розгляду питань походження, сутності та змісту юриспруденції, з’ясуванню загальних та специфічних особливостей її еволюції, а також логіки процесу становлення юридичної науки. В ході дослідження авторами охарактеризовано юриспруденцію як одну з найважливіших складових духовної культури суспільства, що завжди відображала процеси суспільної свідомості. Оскільки її формування відбувалося під впливом філософії, етики, політичної ідеології та інших гуманітарних наук, таких як логіка, філологія, історія тощо. На сучасному етапі розвитку юриспруденція є достатньо розгалуженою і диференційованою системою наукових знань, видів і форм наукової діяльності. Будучи не лише теоретико-світоглядною, але і практико-прикладною наукою, юриспруденція представляє собою раціонально сформовану систему теоретичних знань про право та діяльність, спрямовану на отримання цих знань та обслуговування конкретних практичних потреб правового життя сьогодення.
- ItemLegal regulation of luggage air carriage in conditions of transformations in Ukrainian society(Авіація у XXI столітті – Безпека в авіації та космічні технології: [матеріали VІ Всесвітнього конгресу, Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 19-21 вересня 2016 р.] – Київ, 2016. – С. 11.23-11.27., 2016-09-19) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаРозглянуто правове регулювання авіаперевезення багажу в умовах трансформації суспільства
- ItemLegal thinking in theory and philosophy of law(Національний авіаційний університет, 2018) Бородін, Іван Лук'янович; Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаPurpose: the necessity to use different approaches in a process of studying law as a complicated phenomenon has been substantiated in the article. Multidimensional legal thinking is important because a meaningful idea about the nature of law depends on approaches that have been used in its investigation. Methods: phenomenological; hermeneutic; comparative-legal; sociological; logical; dialectical. Results: the nature and the place of the category of “legal thinking” within the limits of such legal sciences as state and law theory and philosophy of law have been analyzed; the relationship between some types of legal thinking has been analyzed; the necessity, importance, expediency and relevance of the integrative jurisprudence formation for a modern society’s functioning has been substantiated. Discussion: legal thinking issues, law as a phenomenon, as an instrument for satisfying subjects’ of legal relations needs, the interrelation of certain types of legal thinking with the requirements of legality.
- ItemMain directions of mass media influence on individual’s legal culture(National Aviation University, 2016) Макеєва, Олена МиколаївнаThe article deals with the content and characteristics of directions of mass media influence on individual’s legal culture. Main directions of legal influence, such as informative-legal education, legal nurturing, legal propaganda are defined by the author.