Кафедра організації авіаційних перевезень
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Відповідальний за розділ: старший викладач кафедри організації авіаційних перевезень Чередніченко Костянтин Валентинович.
E-mail: kostiantyn.cherednochenko@npp.nau.edu.ua
Browsing Кафедра організації авіаційних перевезень by Title
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Item Adaptive method of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) driving in an obscure environment(National Aviation University, 2020-11-27) Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Ayrapetyan, AnnaIn our country, despite difficult economic and geopolitical conditions, the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is taking place as part of the development of domestic aviation. All over the world, this area is being actively developed, and it has definitely been supported by domestic researchers. Unmanned systems are being actively developed in the geodesic, agro-industrial and aerospace industries, used in everyday life and have many prospects for their practical application. Researcher`s interest in this area has made it possible to achieve certain results in a short time, but there are still many unresolved issues. One important area of research is the problem of adapting the autonomous UAV to the external environment. The task is much more complicated if the UAV flies at low altitudes above a complex terrain. In other words, the external environment is unknown or little known and can change dynamically. These are current scientific and practical challenges that need to be addressed. Analysis of recent research and publications.Item Airline personnel management system(National Aviation Uniiversity, 2020-12) Dubskyi, DmytroІn todаy’s envіronment, аіrlіnes аre under іncreаsіng рressure to delіver іnnovаtіve, technologіcаlly аdvаnced servіces wіth shrіnkіng budgets. Аs а result, resources must be fully utіlіzed аnd focused on the hіghest рrіorіtіes аt аny gіven tіme. Resource mаnаgement іs the effіcіent аnd effectіve develoрment of аn orgаnіzаtіon's resources when they аre needed. Such resources mаy іnclude fіnаncіаl resources, іnventory, humаn skіlls, рroductіon resources, or іnformаtіon technology (ІT). Іneffectіve or suboрtіmаl resource mаnаgement wіll certаіnly leаd to negаtіve consequences such аs рoor рroductіvіty, delаys, decreаsed quаlіty, іncreаsed costs аnd mіssed oррortunіtіes. Current mаrket condіtіons, whіch hаve а sіgnіfіcаnt іmраct on аіrlіnes, аre chаrаcterіzed by the followіng mаіn fаctors: lіberаlіzаtіon of the globаl аіr trаnsрortаtіon mаrket; creаtіon аnd develoрment of аіrlіne аllіаnces; chаnges іn the рreferences of раssengers who аre рlаcіng ever greаter demаnds on the quаlіty of servіce; strengthenіng the рosіtіons of low-cost аіrlіnes; trends towаrds the consolіdаtіon аnd іnternаtіonаlіzаtіon of аіrlіne раrtners; develoрment of new technologіes іn the аіrlіne іndustry (іncludіng e-commerce). The creаted condіtіons рromote the strengthenіng of comрetіtіon between domestіc аnd foreіgn comраnіes, more freely oрerаtіng іn the Turkіsh mаrket. The аbove рroblems hаve а very sрecіfіc monetаry eхрressіon, dіrectly аffectіng sаles volumes аnd results of oрerаtіonаl аctіvіtіes. Іn thіs regаrd, for eаch аіrlіne, the іssue of іmрlementіng contіnuous рerformаnce monіtorіng іn comраrіson wіth other cаrrіers іs relevаnt.Item Airport infrastructure development(National aviation university, 2020-12) Pavliukova, ValeriiaThe object of study - is the activities of the international airport "Kiev" in the service of cargo and passenger flows. The subject of study - is the ways and methods of developing the logistics infrastructure of the airport, improving the quality of air transport services . The purpose of the thesis is to identify current trends and develop approaches to the development of the logistics infrastructure of Boryspil International Airport. The relevance of the topic of the thesis is due to the need to develop the logistics infrastructure of the airport. Together with consumers, airports have to orient their activities in the provision and use of air transport services, improve their quality and provide mutual economic incentives. Such an approach can only be when at each stage of the air transport process the quality level of each service parameter will correspond to the level of requirements and expectations. The graduation work was carried out according to the materials on the activity of air transport of Ukraine, statistical data of the Boryspil airport. The practical significance of the results lies in the fact that taking into account foreign experience in the formation of a logistics strategy for the development of the airport, the introduction of modern technologies to create comprehensive communications at the Boryspil airport, it is necessary to bet on the development of its logistics infrastructure to meet the needs of all interested parties.Item Challenges and threats for Ukraine airports caused by the global pandemic(National Aviation University, 2020-11-27) Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Morhunova, DariaToday the world has changed. Unpredictable and rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has completely shattered all the plans and strategies that have been built up over the years. The tense pandemiological situation in the world, state restrictions and the closure of borders between countries to counter the spread of the virus has directly affected the global and domestic aviation industries. And the temporary suspension of airlines and air infrastructure, caused by a sharp drop in passenger traffic, has led not only to the bankruptcy of airlines and massive staff reductions, but also to global changes in the services of the aviation industry as a whole. According to the results of the economic analysis "Impact of COVID-19 on the airport business" conducted by the Airport Council International (ACI), the situation is disappointing for the global aviation industry. In particular, the airport sector expects a reduction in passenger volume by 59.6% in 2020 compared to the initial projected baseline to COVID-19 and a reduction in passengers by 58.4% compared to 2019. This is equivalent to a decrease of 5.6 billion passengers per year.Item Comparative Characteristics of the Development of the Airline Fleet(National Aviation University, 2021) Hrytsiuk, Bohdan; Грицюк, БогданFleet efficiency, like business efficiency, focuses on generating the most output from the least amount of resources. This entails increasing output while keeping expenses down. Productivity, fuel consumption, emissions, routes, and expenses are all factors that go into determining fleet efficiency. One of the most difficult aspects of the airline industry's decision-making process is fleet planning. An excessively large fleet size would result in an airline incurring unnecessary costs, as expanding capital assets make for a significant amount of the airline's operating expenditures. An undersized fleet, on the other hand, would result in a large number of passengers fleeing to other market competitors. Furthermore, with the airline industry's profit margins around the world under constant pressure from long-term exposure to a high-cost and low-fare environment, an irrational fleet composition will inevitably impair the airline's operations. As a result, airlines may need to create a more practical fleet planning method at a strategic level in order to meet passenger demand with reduced costs and more manageable risks.Item Development of multimodal transportation in Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2020-11-27) Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Tymoshenko, M.A.The development of multimodal transportation is a promising area for the development of Ukraine's transport system, as it allows to significantly increase the volume of transportation through its territory with the participation of national transport companies, helping to increase the country's competitiveness in the global transport services market. I believe that the fastest implementation of the concept of multimodal transportation should become the basis of Ukraine's state policy in the field of transport and infrastructure. Ukraine's economy has long been focused on working with CIS countries, and as a result, we have almost no necessary container transportation infrastructure, which lead us to complication of multimodal transportations. Currently, there is a process of reorientation of freight flows, but there are risks of remaining a gray area in the international container network due to lack of government policy and lack of developed infrastructure. So to solve this problem. First of all, improving the regulatory framework and establishing funding mechanisms. The statistics mentioned above best show that we should follow the example of European countries. Therefore, in this case we are talking about the bill "On multimodal transport", which was developed in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and the Government's priority action plan.Item Drones usage in the airport warehouse system(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2020-02) Kopin, OlexiyThe research is devoted to development, implementation and technical support of drone system in airport warehouse for reducing labor costs. The object of research. Airport warehouse automation technologies. The subject of research. Drone system in airport warehouse. The aims and objectives of the research. The aim is to create drone system for airport warehouse and assess self-repayment of the system period for three cost scenarios. To achieve the aim during performing, it is necessary to perform a number of tasks: identify the innovative technologies in warehouse and supply chain research areas and choose one for research; collect and analyze trends in the warehouse management systems; calculation of total development, implementation and technical support of the drone system at the airport warehouse and application of it based on three defined scenarios; assessment of self-payment period of the system. The techniques presented in this research can be easily adapted for larger airport warehouses.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Air Cargo Transportation"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Габріелова, Тетяна Юріївна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія ЄвгенівнаThe Course Training Program on «Air Cargo Transportation» is based on the Educational Professional Program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum № ECB -7-275/17 for Specialty 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management» Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program on «Air Cargo Transportation» №РБ-6-275/17-2.2.10 approved by the Vice-Rector for Academics on 09.10.2019 and corresponding normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Air Transportation Sales and Tariffs"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Герасименко, Ірина Миколаївна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія Євгенівна; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya ViktorivnaThe Syllabus on "Air Transportation Sales and Tariffs" is based on the Educational and Professional Program and Bachelor Curriculum № CB -6-275/16 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management» and correspondent normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Aviation Insurance"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Дерев'янко, Тамара Антонівна; Сулима, Людмила ОлексіївнаThe Syllabus on «Aviation Insurance» is based on the educational and professional program and Bachelor Curriculum № CB-6-275/16 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management» and correspondent normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Aviation Transportation Efficiency"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Борець, Ірина Валеріївна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія ЄвгенівнаThe Syllabus on «Efficiency of Air Transportation» is based on the Educational and Professional Program and Bachelor Curriculum № CB-6-275/16 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management» and correspondent normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Basics of Transport Enterprises Activity"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Янчук, Марина; Козелецька, Ірина Степанівна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія ЄвгенівнаThe Course Training Program on “Basics of Transport Enterprises Activity” is based on the Educational Professional Program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum ECB-7-275/17 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Programs «Air Transportation Management» and Multimodal Transport and Logistics”, Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program on “Fundamentals of Transport Enterprise Activity”, index РБ-7-275/17-2.2.4, approved by the Vice Rector for Academics on 25.02.2019, corresponding normative documents and orders №207/од of 27.04.2018 and 210/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Customs Operations"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Акмалдінова, Вікторія Євгенівна; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Передерій, Надія МиколаївнаThe Course Training Program on «Customs Operations» is based on the Educational Professional Program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum ECB-7-275/17 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management», Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program on “Customs Operations”, index РБ-7-275/17-2.2.5 approved by the Vice-Rector for Academics and corresponding normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Fundamentals of Ergonomics"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019, 2020) Дерев'янко, Тамара Антонівна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія Євгенівна; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Мединський, Денис ВолодимировичThe Course Training Program on the « Fundamentals of Ergonomics » is based on the Bachelor Extended Curriculum № ECB-7-275/17 for Speciality 275 «Transport technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Transport technologies» and Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management», corresponding normative documents and order №210/од of 27.04.2018 and №207/од of 27.04.2018Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Fundamentals of the Transportation Process Theory"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Білякович, Олег Миколайович; Сидоренко, Катерина ВікторівнаThe Course Training Program on «Fundamentals of the Transportation Process Theory» is based on the Educational program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum №ECB-7-275/17 for Specialty 275.4 «Transport Technologies (by air transport)», Educational Professional Programs «Organization of the Transportation and Management (by air transport)», «Organization of the Aviation Operations and Services», «Automation and Automatization of the Aviation Operations and Services», «Multimodal Transport and Logistics», «Transport Systems (air transport)», Ukrainian version of the Course Training Program on «Fundamentals of the Transport Process Theory» approved by Vice-Rector for Academics and corresponding normative documents (order №207/oд of 27.04.18).Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Human Resources Management in Transport Industry"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Козелецька, Ірина Степанівна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія Євгенівна; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya ViktorivnaThe Course Training Program on “Human Resource Management in Transport Industry” is based on the Bachelor Extended Curriculum No ECB-7-275/17 for Specialty 275 “Air Transport Technologies, Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program “Air Transportation Management”, Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academics on 27.02.2019 and corresponding normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018 .Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Systems Analysis"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Юн, Геннадій Миколайович; Жукова, Світлана Олександрівна; Сидоренко, Катерина ВікторівнаThe Course Training Program on «Systems Analysis» is based on the Educational program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum №ECB-7-275/17 for Specialty 275.4 «Transport Technologies (by air transport)», Educational Professional Programs «Organization of the Transportation and Management (by air transport)», «Organization of the Aviation Operations and Services», «Automation and Automatization of the Aviation Operations and Services», «Multimodal Transport and Logistics», «Transport Systems (air transport)», Ukrainian version of the Course Training Program on «Fundamentals of the Transport System Process Theory» approved by Vice-Rector for Academics.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Technology of Interaction in the Air Transport System"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Сулима, Людмила ОлексіївнаThe Syllabus on «Technology of Interaction in the Air Transport System» is based on the educational and professional program and Bachelor Curriculum № CB-6-275.2.1/16 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management» and correspondent normative documents order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Transport Geography"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2020) Валько, Алла Миколаївна; Жукова, Світлана Олександрівна; Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya ViktorivnaThe Course Training Program on « Transport Geography » is based on the Educational Professional Program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum ECB-7-275/17 for Speciality 275 «Air Transport Technologies», Specialization 275.04 «Air Transport Technologies», Educational Professional Program «Air Transportation Management», Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program on “Transport Geography”, index РБ-7-275/17-2.2.5 approved by the Vice-Rector for Academics and corresponding normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.Item Educational and Methodological Complex "Transport Vehicles"(Нацональний авіаційний університет, 2019) Козелецька, Ірина Степанівна; Акмалдінова, Вікторія ЄвгенівнаThe Course Training Program on “Transport Vehicles” is based on the Educational Professional Program and Bachelor Extended Curriculum No ECB-7-275/17 for Specialty 275 “Air Transport Technologies”, Specialization - 275.04 “Air Transport Technologies”, Educational and Professional Programs: Air Transportation Management and Multimodal Transport and Logistics and Ukrainian version of this Course Training Program, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academics on 18.02.2019 and corresponding normative documents and order №207/од of 27.04.2018.