Наукові матеріали кафедри маркетингу
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Item Assessment of marketing activity management in territorial units: theoretical-methodological approach(Riga: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2018) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Walid, AtiaThe subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of interaction of economic subjects while shapingthe potential of territorial marketing as a factor of its socio-economic development. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the territorial marketing functioning. The methodology of the presented study of marketing management in territorial units is based on the multivariate assessment of various economic entities that clearly shows the priorities and unevenness in the areas’ development. Area economic entities themselves are interested in the area development and determine the direction of area development. Economic entities’ direct residence and economic activity conducted by them in the area should be taken into account. This makes them serious experienced experts who are really interested in the effective and rapid development of their area. Economic entities themselves determine the measurable criteria for assessing the directions that they were originally offered. The “brainstorming” is used where the experts in the area development are involved. There is a joint process aimed at obtaining the most concrete and measurable results that actual state is assessed from 0 to 10 by the process participants based on personal observations and statistics. The evaluation of marketing results is based on the multicriteria socio-economic approach. The evaluation criteria should include the economic mechanism formation. This mechanism provides an effective interaction of market institutions and business entities in the area; selection of wholesale and retail organizational and economic forms, financial and credit and business services, as well as organizational and legal forms of trade and economic interregional ties; the markets system creation that is based on the priority provision of consumers and small owners interest; the choice of the most effective channels for goods movement, transportation, warehousing, material, financial, and information flows rationalization. The methodology for estimating the integral indicator of territorial marketing functioning that is presented in the work is based on the next indicators: financial stability, business activity, profitability, technical and technological stability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability that allows monitoring the functioning of the territorial marketing system. This methodology is universal since it allows evaluating areas of different industrial orientations and comparing them in order to identify the greatest functioning stability. Methodology for marketing research of areas potential is based on the system approach, complex consideration of conceptual principles of areas’ marketing potential formation and development; key features of territorial marketing allow carrying out purposeful actions for the sustainable development of area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions of its formation are determined, and their aggregate acts as a point of growth of market marketing component of the economic potential of the territory and is the basis for constructing the model of infrastructure of the marketing potential of the territory, used to make sound and balanced management decisions; developed a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the functioning of territorial marketing. Research conclusion: grounded methodology of research of territorial marketing potential that is based on the system approach, complex consideration of concepts of area marketing potential formation and development. The key features of territorial marketing are distinguished that allow carrying out purposeful actions for the stable development of the area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions for its forming are determined, and their complex serves as a point of growth of market marketing component of the area economic potential and is the basis for the creation of the infrastructure model for the area marketing potential that is used to make substantiated and balanced management decisions; a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of territorial marketing is developed.Item Assortment portfolio price positioning of a transnational corporation in the Ukrainian market(EDP Sciences, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Смерічевська, Світлана Василівна; Smerichevska, Svitlana Vasylivna; Шевченко, Анна Валеріївна; Shevchenko, Anna ValeriivnaThe paper deals with the critical stages of the evolution of theoretical approaches to the positioning strategies content. On this basis, the key approaches to the market positioning processes management formulated. The correlation between the concept of creating consumer value and the price positioning strategy proved. The algorithm of the process of forming and implementing the strategy of assortment portfolio price positioning of a transnational corporation on the Ukrainian market proposed.Item Business Model Canvas як універсальна концепція управління бізнесом компанії(Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили, 2017) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena IhorivnaУ статті узагальнюються теоретичні погляди щодо визначення поняття "бізнес-модель" компанії. Обгрунтовуються особливості застосування сучасними компаніями універсальної концепції канви бізнес-моделі (Business Model Canvas). Надається характеристика основних блоків (компонентів) канви бізнес-моделі (Сегменти споживачів, Ціннісна пропозиція, Канали, Відносини з клієнтами, Потоки надходження доходів, Ключові ресурси, Ключові види діяльності, Ключові партнери та Структура витрат). Відзначається, що наявність виділеного клієнтського напряму у складі трьох компонентів — "Цільові групи споживачів", "Канали просування" та "Технології клієнтських відносин" є головною перевагою цієї моделі. Наводиться приклад побудови Business Model Canvas на прикладі компанії бюджетних авіаліній. Визначаються переваги використання цієї технології бізнес-моделювання для сучасних компаній. Робиться висновок, що канва бізнес-моделі може допомогти керівникам компаній розробляти нові бізнес-моделі, змінювати їх у відповідності до мінливих умов, а також управляти бізнес-портфелем різних фірм у межах однієї великої компанії. Використання цієї концепції дозволяє побудувати оптимальну бізнес-модель, на основі якої у подальшому прийматимуться необхідні управлінські рішення, спрямовані на забезпечення стійкості та конкурентоспроможності компанії.Item Clusterization of urban territory for building an effective delivery sustem(Wydawnictwo naukowe WSPIA, м. Познань, 2020) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Савченко, Л. В.; Savchenko, L.V.Поняття кластеризації має досить широке трактування. Зокрема, для території міста кластеризація часто передбачає отримання певних територіальних зон, які розглядають як єдине ціле при моделюванні транспортних потоків, організації логістичного обслуговування споживачів тощо. Сучасні програмні продукти з побудови ефективної схеми доставки товарів жителям міст часто мають можливість зонування території, що обслуговується. Це дозволяє вдало розподіляти транспорті засоби, водіїв та кур’єрів по різних частинах міста, будувати раціональні маршрути доставки. Стаття містить набір математичних методів, що дозволяють розподілити міських споживачів на оптимальну кількість кластерів, а також здійснити кластеризацію території при заданій кількості зон, або отримати зони приблизно однакового розміру. Для моделювання транспортних потоків вантажного, пасажирського та індивідуального транспорту міст розглядається функціонал потужного програмного продукту PTV Vision® VISUM. Зонування території міста в ньому є необхідним етапом моделювання транспортних потоків. Окрему увагу приділено вирішенню логістичних задач, для яких географічна кластеризація (або зону- вання) міської території є доцільною або необхідною умовою отримання оптимальних рішень при організації перевезень. Прикладом вдалої кластеризації є застосування поштових індексів, що лягли в основу побудови логістики поштових операторів. Аналогічне розбиття міста на зони обслуговування взяте за основу приватними компаніями експрес-доставки, відділення яких розташовані як центроїди міських зон обслуговування.Item Coal producer’s energy efficient potential assesment(Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Gospodarcza, Przeworsk, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Бєзгіна, Олена Степанівна; Byezgina, Olena StepanivnaEnsuring sustainable competitiveness of economic entities is an important component of economic security enterprises at the present stage of development. Solving this problem requires the creation of an effective competitiveness management system at enterprises. In the conditions of toughening competition on the commodity markets, increasing competitiveness becomes the main strategic goal of effective function the economic entities. There is an objective need to create a mechanism for management competitiveness at the enterprise level, providing for the search for new ways and methods for the formation of competitiveness in accordance with the conditions of competitive environment. In this regard, of particular interest is the application of concept competitiveness management in solving the problem of creating strategic competitive advantages of the economic entities. The effective use of resources potential as an instrument of optimization management the economic entities opens up broad opportunities for acquiring unique competenciesentities opens up broad opportunities for acquiring unique competencies and the formation on this basis of sustainable competitiveness. The purpose of writing this collective monograph is to substantiate the theoretical-methodological foundations and develop a system for management the competitiveness of economic entities in a change market environment, taking into account the current state of resources potential and economic conditions, as well as the degree of globalization and international economic relations the economic entities.Item Digital transformation management of Ukraine’s economy(International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Касьянова, Наталья Віталіївна; Kasianova, Natalia Vitaliivna; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena Ihorivna; Колбушкін, Юрій Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychOver the last decades, we have been able to witness a real information revolution, a radical transformation of society, when not only the technical characteristics of goods and services but also the models of interaction and relations between people, as well as new values and patterns of their behaviour are formed. The main value instead of natural resources is the information which, unlike the minerals, which are limited and constantly decreasing, has unique characteristics for its own conservation and multiplication. The more a society works with information, uses it, the faster it accumulates, and the greater value is given to humanity, which, under the influence and accumulation of that information, continues to transform itself from an industrial to an information society. The economic basis for the formation of this information society is digital capital embodied in relevant technologies, human skills, databases, computing power, and computational algorithms. In Ukraine, all this is, but at the same time, there is an unresolved problem of its effective use, which requires a proper understanding by economists in close collaboration with the digital sphere, which is understood in the modern technological trends, as well as sociologists, political scientists and philosophers who are oriented in modern social transformation. This is very important, given that the revolution is not only ample opportunity but also a variety of risks and threats, both man-made and humanitarian. Therefore, their timely identification and localization are only possible through the fruitful cooperation of the entire scientific community.Item Digital-маркетинг: теорія і практика: навчальний посібник(Київський міжнародний університет, 2022) Слободяник, Анна Миколаївна; Могилевська, Ольга Юріївна; Романова, Лідія Василівна; Салькова, Ірина ЮріївнаСвіт став цифровим, як і економіка. Поки ще не існує загальноприйнятих і гармонізованих визначень та правових дефініцій, однак цифрові технології вже стрімко захоплюють плацдарми для наступу. Цифровізація (англ. digitalization) стає найважливішим фактором економічного зростання економіки будь-якої країни і взагалі є сучасним трендом розвитку. Розвиток сучасної економіки, заснованої на використанні новітніх технологій, створенні нових матеріалів, аналізі великих масивів даних, розробці нових систем управління призводить до зміни принципів конкурентних відносин. Конкурентна боротьба вийшла за межу традиційних уявлень про суперництво на існуючих ринках. Дедалі більше її унаявлюють як спосіб формування нових ринків товарів, послуг, технологій систем управління. Цифрова економіка є результатом перетворення традиційної економічної діяльності, продуктів і послуг у цифрову форму. Він заснований на Інтернеті та підтримується електронними засобами. Цифрова трансформація економіки призвела до створення нових бізнес-моделей, нових продуктів і послуг, нових способів ведення бізнесу. Ця економіка розвивається швидкими темпами і, як очікується, продовжить це робити в найближчі роки.Item Economic consequences of financial stability violation of world automotive corporations(Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Kryvoviaziuk, I.; Raicheva, L.The purpose of the paper is to determine the state of automotive corporations’ financial stability and to generalize the consequences of its violation for their activity and the global economy as a whole. Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works in the field of corporate finance management and strategic development that studied analysing and evaluating the financial stability of corporate companies, maintaining their financial stability in the medium and long term, official statistics data of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, financial statements of corporations Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan), Mercedes-Benz (Germany), and Tesla Motors (USA), own research results. The methodological basis of the study is a set of general scientific and special methods used to achieve the research goal: theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis – in studying the content of scientific works on the research of financial stability of corporate companies and maintaining their financial stability; observation – to obtain primary information about the state of the world automotive market; the method of coefficient analysis and typing the situations – to assess the financial stability of automotive corporations; analytical – in determining the economic consequences of financial stability violation of automotive corporations; causation – to obtain final conclusions. Results. This article deals with the development of automotive industry in the world. The financial stability of leading automotive corporations is evaluated. The economic consequences of financial stability violation of automotive corporations are summarized. Financial strategies to improve the financial stability of automotive corporations are proposed. Practical value. The results of the study may be useful to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the financial management of Toyota Motor Corporation, Mercedes-Benz and Tesla Motors. Value/originality – the state of financial stability of automotive corporations is determined and the consequences of its violation for their activity and the world economy as a whole are generalized. Further research should be directed towards the development of project measures to improve the financial stability of automotive corporations in the world.Item Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivation component(LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2018) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Колбушкин, Юрий Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychEnvironmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally respon- sible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environment lead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand.Item Management of the development of human capital of the airline using personnel logistics tools(EDP Sciences, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Kolbushkin, Yurii Petrovych; Mikhnenko, Anatoly Mykhailovych; Polous, Olga ViktorivnaThe article deals with the main approaches to the definition of “personnel logistics”. The study of approaches to the definition of “personnel logistics” can reveal the lack of a unified approach to its understanding. The expediency of using personnel logistics tools in managing the development of human capital of the enterprise is established. The human capital of the enterprise is in constant motion, varying in size and structure, it can be said that to create a system for managing the development of human assets of the enterprise appropriate to apply a logistic approach. The sectoral features of airline personnel management are presented. The system of management of development of human capital of the airline with the use of personnel logistics tools is offered. The process approach to the system allows constructing an adaptive personnel management system with feedback on the basis of the logistic concept, since these processes act as objects of management of this scientific direction. The technologies of management of development of human capital of the airline with the use of personnel logistics tools are systematized.Item Managing the potential of digital transformation of Ukraine’s economy(Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Касьянова, Наталья Віталіївна; Kasianova, Natalia Vitaliivna; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena Ihorivna; Колбушкін, Юрій Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychThe possibilities of digitalisation can become a point of growth for economic systems when the standard tools for improving efficiency begin to exhaust themselves. The main goals of digital transformation are to increase the speed of decision-making, increase the variability of processes depending on the needs and characteristics of the client, and reduce the number of employees involved in the process. The problem of identifying the main drivers of digitalisation of the economy requires the study of the possibility of implementing digital transformation by industrial enterprises of Ukraine. A typical problem of modern domestic enterprises is the gap between automated production and outdated forms of corporate management. The above mentioned determined the aim of the paper – to assess the digitalisation potential of Ukraine's economy and identify the problematic issues of digital technologies at industrial enterprises. For the transition to the digital form of business, it is necessary to conduct a digital transformation of business entities, which implies the use of the entire pool of modern information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of transformation processes depends not only on the power of external influences but also on the potential of enterprises and the economy as a whole to perceive these impacts. In this regard, the first stage of development of the strategy of digitalisation of the economy of Ukraine has to become a stage of an assessment of the digitalisation potential of the country. The proposed approach to assessing the potential of digitalisation of the economy is based on the need to quantify the individual components of the digitalisation resources and catalysts, to determine their harmony under the strategic goal and taking into account the degree of involvement of the enterprise in digital processes. Evaluation of the catalysts impact on the digitalisation of the economy is implemented using the Fuzzy Logic Theory. Thestructure of the model for the catalysts impact evaluation containsfour submodels: model of digitalisation potential dependence on the level of professionalism and qualification factors; model of potential dependence on financial and investment state; model of dependence on the state of infrastructure support of digitalisation processes; model of dependence on management actions and organisational support. According to the level of catalysts impact, the digitalisation potential is in the range of the average level of activation (75%). That is, after the transformation process completed in the steady-state mode, the level of the digitalisation potential of the economy will make forced harmonic oscillations with the same frequency, but with different amplitude. The developed model allows estimating with sufficient reliability the dynamics of the potential level of digitalisation of the Ukrainian economy at known statistical and expert values of input parameters.Item Mechanisms to ensure the activation of the market of products of aircraft building based on clustering and outsourcing(Wydawnictwo naukowe WSPIA, м. Познань, 2020) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena Ihorivna; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana ViacheslavivnaTo activate the market of aircraft products based on market cooperation mechanisms, it is necessary to perform the formation and development of clusters and restructural outsourcing. The development of clusters increases the interaction between industries and thus contributes to the multiplication of growth. One of the most important directions of reforming domestic enterprises in modern conditions is diversification, the purpose of which is to increase the stability and efficiency of the enterprise. The mechanism of implementation of diversification of production is outsourcing. The application of restructural outsourcing involves the refusal of the outsourcing customer to perform the business process on its own, accompanied by the closure of its division, the release of property and personnel.Item Method of strategic planning and management decisions making considering the life cycle theory(Riga: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2017) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Колбушкин, Юрий Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychThe subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of development strategy formed for objects (country, region, branch, enterprise) on the basis of the life cycles theory under the external environment uncertainty. The methodology of strategic planning under the external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory includes: the definition of key criteria for assessing the product lifecycle, the definition of the limits scope for the solvable problem, the definition of parameters of models stability, the formation of models for analysis, setting the problem under uncertainty, the mechanism of step-by-step adjustment, and effectiveness assessment of strategic decisions based on strategies, the algorithm for the integrated assessment of the strategies effectiveness taking into account the uncertainty factors. Strategic planning is not characterized by temporal intervals but by a set of strategies, each of which is determined by the ways of achieving the main object objectives. For a rapid analysis of the product life cycle, the external indicators are used, such as: the growth rate of the product market, the relative growth rate of the product (compared to the growth rate of the entire market of the region or country), the firm market share, the firm relative market share (compared to the market share of leading competitor), and internal indicators, such as: the dynamics of enterprise revenue by product, the dynamics of company profits by product, the dynamics of enterprise profitability by product, the dynamics of enterprise investment. For each indicator that describes the enterprise performance, the directions of change are taken: α – growth, const – constant or β – decrease. The methodology involves a certain sequence of studying the product life cycle in retrospect and at the current moment, then the modelling and development of options for short- and long-term strategies implementation are made. Results of the survey are to substantiate the methodology of strategic planning under conditions of external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory. Practical implications: the possibilities of using life-cycle models allow: 1. reasonably predicting sales and plan production program; 2. determining the basic strategies at different stages of development; 3. determining the sequence of stages of enterprise development; 4. ensuring harmonious interaction of organizational characteristics with the external environment factors that influence the process of organizational development. Increasing the sustainability of the organization’s development can be achieved by re-establishment of dynamic changes in the plan in terms of using effective methods for forecasting with the consideration of the life cycle theory. It is necessary to take into account the interconnection between all levels of life cycles: industry, technology, enterprises, product; ensuring the competitive advantage of the organization. Using the theory of optimal solutions making in uncertain conditions under the analysis of long-term projects allows transferring qualitative factors into quantitative indicators that can be used in the future to bring investment projects to the same kind and choose the best. In conditions of increased uncertainty of the external environment, it is necessary to develop the theory of enterprise management, taking into account its life cycle, as well as the life cycle of its separate elements and processes at all levels. Combination of strategic management with the life cycles theory will increase the objectivity and effectiveness of taken management decisions. The accounting of the organization life cycles in strategic planning allows choosing an effective strategy.Item Methodological principles of energy efficiency improvement for Ukrainian industrial enterprises(WSPiA, 2019-12) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii FrantsovychОбґрунтовано зміст і складові потенціалу енергоефективності промислових підприємств. Узагальнено основні підходи до зовнішнього стимулювання та внутрішнього управління реалізацією організаційних, технологічних, техніко-економічних та інших заходів, спрямованих на підвищення енергоефективності промислових підприємств на прикладі вугледобувних підприємств. Виявлено основні передумови та чинники забезпечення енергоефективності підприємств України за умов сьогодення. З урахуванням цього запропоновано систему показників оцінки рівня енергоефективності підприємства та розроблено підхід до оцінювання потенціалу енергоефективності з урахуванням рівня складності умов ведення основної виробничої діяльності підприємства. Визначено перспективи розвитку інструментів фінансування енергоефективності промислових підприємств на базі існуючого світового досвіду. Розроблено напрями організаційно-економічного забезпечення управління проектами підвищення енергоефективності вугледобувних підприємств. Розвинуто методологічні засади управління ризиками вугледобувних підприємств у процесі реалізації проектів підвищення їх енергоефективності. Запропоновано рекомендації з реалізації заходів підвищення енергоефективності вугледобувних підприємств. Результати проведеного дослідження можуть бути корисними для підприємств паливно-енергетичного комплексу.Item Methods of management by enterprise corporate social responsibility development: ecological component(Przeworsk: WSSG, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Раменська, Світлана Євгеніївна; Ramenska, Svitlana YevheniivnaThe authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches the management of competitiveness the economic entities in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource potential, formation of competitive advantages and development strategies. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities, marketing and logistics, analysis of energy-efficient potential, assessment of development potential. The research results have been implemented in the different models of inventory management, corporate social responsibility management, business process management and project management. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities and increase their competitiveness. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of competitiveness the economic entities in the context of efficient use the resource potential and iintroduction of modern innovations.Item Multican marketing as an innovation technology of providing services in the conditions of globalization of the banking market(Sumy State University, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Reshetnikova, I.L.; Polishchuk, Y.A.General theoretical approaches to the content of the concept of multi-channel marketing have been generalized. It is proved that multi-channel marketing differs from multi-channel communications and is a modern and global technology of integration of all components of the marketing complex in the process of interaction with the consumer. It is substantiated that the level of possession of mobile devices in Ukraine and their penetration among the population creates a background for widespread using of Internet channels by service providers. The special relevance of the use of multi-channel marketing takes on the market of banking services because it allows personalizing the contact with the consumer and take into account his or her requirements in terms of access points and convenient time. The data about the increase of non-contact payments in the domestic market and stability of this trend has been displayed in this article. At the same time, the reduction of traditional branches of banks is not always justified, as the consumer must have their own choice as to the convenience of using one or another channel. The expert assessment proved that despite the high cost of maintaining the liaison office has relatively high efficiency among the clients of advanced age. Therefore, against the background of reduction of unprofitable branches, there should be processes of modernization of those that remain on the market from the point of view of conversion into financial service centers. The article proposes a method of constructing a system of multi-channel marketing of a banking institution, which consists of four stages: analysis of large amounts of data on consumer behavior, their preferences regarding the ways and means of connecting to banking services, products and services, the volume, timing and regularity of provision; segmentation of the market and the definition of target segments depending on the level of ownership of mobile devices and information technology, age, income and social activity; optimization of the set of channels from the point of view of maximization of profit and minimization of expenses for their maintenance in the context of each target segment; evaluate the effectiveness of multi-channel interaction and adjustment of the configuration of the channels. It is proved that the main feature of segmentation of consumers in the construction of multi-channel marketing should be the level of ownership and frequency of use of electronic devices. The results of the study may be useful for banking institutions that are trying to build a system of multi-channel marketing.Item Research on the development of the machine-building industry of Ukraine: state and prospects(Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii FrantsovychПромислове виробництво являє собою взаємоузгоджену та глибоко структуровану систему виробничих комплексів, галузей та підгалузей, кожен з елементів яких перебуває у тісному взаємозв’язку як між собою, так і з системою в цілому. Зростання ефективності економічної діяльності одного з елементів повинне викликати ефект синергії відносно інших елементів і промислового виробництва загалом. Разом з тим, в структурі промисловості країн світу функціонують й такі галузі, що здатні чинити набагато більший вплив на інші елементи системи промислового виробництва. Серед таких галузей центральне місце в структурі промисловості багатьох країн світового господарства займає машинобудування.Item The analisis of the foreign experience of the aircraft engineering enterprises transformation(Національний авіаційний університет, 2018-10) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena IhorivnaThe experience of adaptation of the leading manufacturers of the world aircraft engineering market to the changing market conditions considered. A set of actions and measures for the transformation of certain potential types of aircraft engineering manufacturers determined.Item The application features of seasonal-cyclic patterns in international financial markets(Allied Business Academies, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Dzhusov, Oleksii Anatoliiovych; Sardak, Sergii Eduardovych; Klimova, Olena IhorivnaThe paper deals with the topical issue of studying cyclic patterns in the economy and their practical application for the forecasts on the development of financial markets. The work aims to establish the features of the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" in the international financial markets in current conditions and to develop recommendations for the practical application of these patterns in the investment activities. The US stock market as an integral part of the World financial market was chosen as a basis for research. The research was conducted by statistical processing of data on the values of the broad market index Standard & Poor's-500 for the period from 1950 to 2019. The study showed that the formation of forecasts about the annual growth or decline of the stock market index using the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" can show a high result in cases where the growth of the Standard & Poor's-500 index by the results of both the first five days of January and the results of the entire month of January of this year is a positive value. Otherwise, forecasting based on these instruments is not advisable. The best results (the forecast efficiency was 93.3%) were achieved with the joint application of both cyclic patterns. The practical application of the research results makes it possible to improve the efficiency of investment activities in international financial markets.Item Tools for formation and development of the environmentally friendly food products market: regional aspect in Ukraine(Business Perspectives, 2020-07-15) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Дергачова, В.В.; Dergachova, V.V.; Князєва, Т.В.; Kniazieva, T.V.; Смерічевська, С.В.; Smerichevska, S.V.Utilization of modern technologies in food production causes several negative consequences having a long-term impact on public health due to the consumption of food containing components of inorganic origin. his circumstance requires the formation and development of the market of organic food in Ukraine. he paper aims to substantiate the possibility of using economic and organizational tools to rationalize environmentally friendly food consumption and eliminate their negative consequences for the region’s population. he study’s basis is the classical provisions of modern economic theory, environmental economics, and the concept of socio-ethical marketing. Based on the analysis of oicial statistics, the parameters and opportunities for the growth of the organic food products market in Ukraine by region are determined. he conformity of the product ofer of ecologically clean products to diferent consumer segments in the region is revealed according to the criteria that characterize the groups of goods according to the degree of their ecological purity compared to the price parameter, frequency of purchase, and place of purchase. he priorities for the gradual expansion of the organic food market in the region have been determined with an emphasis on its expansion by attracting new consumer segments. he need for additional organizational measures in the region, aimed at both non-commercial and commercial promotion of healthy lifestyles and proper nutrition, is argued, which increases consumers’ involvement in these processes and increases awareness and interest in regular consumption of organic food.