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Відповідальна за розділ: доцент кафедри менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств Наумова Ольга Володимирівна. E-mail: olha.naumova@npp.nau.edu.ua
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- ItemAbout some factors of enterprises` competitiveness(Національний Авіаційний Університет, 2019) Прищепа, Наталія Петрівна; Pryschepa, Natalia; Прищепа, Наталья ПетровнаThe most noticeable today in Ukraine is the growing intensity of competition in the markets of consumer goods. This fact is due to the progressive imbalance between the proposal, which has a significant potential for growth in the form of unused productive capacities of enterprises, and solvent demand, which depends on real incomes of consumers. The success of an enterprise in the market largely depends on how well it solves the problem of ensuring the adequacy of the chosen ways of achieving the objectives, on the one hand, and the availability of resources and market situation - on the other. This is a task belongs to a range of problems of strategic marketing management, or rather one of them - strategic marketing planning.
- ItemABOUT SOME IMPORTANT PROBLEMS OF UKRAINIAN MANAGEMENT(Національний авіаційний університет, 2017) Прищепа, Наталія Петрівна; Остапенко, Тетяна ГеннадіївнаFrom the very beginning of its history the management of an organization has faced many problems and difficulties. These problems were the result of many factors, such as lack of knowledge of how to motivate staff, how to organize their work time and space, which solutions would be most beneficial and correct. And talented managers have always tried to find a solution to them, understand the causes of problems and determine what management techniques are most effective. More and more new management principles, ways of achieving the goals of quality control were created. Many of them are effective even nowadays.
- ItemADAPTIVE DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR UKRAINIAN AIRLINES DUE TO GLOBALIZATION(Київське видання "Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technology: the fifth world congress", 2012-09-25) Литвиненко, Лариса Леонідівна; Lytvynenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Новак, Валентина Олексіївна; Novak, Valentyna
- ItemAgile-маркетинг : управління змінами в маркетингу підприємства(Національний авіаційний університет, 2018-10-19) Коновальчук, Марина Миколаївна; Білявський, Валентин Миколайович; Коновальчук, Марина Николаевна; Белявский, Валентин Николаевич; Konoval'chuk, Maryna Mykolaivna; Biliavskiy, Valentyn MikolayevichПостановка ефективного маркетингу є одним із фундаментальних завдань у сучасному бізнес-середовищі. Дана обставина пов’язана із великою кількістю змін, з якими зіштовхуються будь яке підприємство в процесі функціонування, тому проблема управління змінами залишається постійно актуальною.
- ItemAviation transport development trends in Ukraine(Аудиторська фірма Аналітик, 2020-12) Кириленко, Оксана Миколаївна; Кириленко, Оксана Николаевна; Kyrylenko, Oksana; Новак, Валентина Олексіївна; Новак, Валентина Алексеевна; Novak, Valentyna; Мостенська, Тетяна Леонідівна; Мостенская, Татьяна Леонидовна; Mostenska, Tetiana; Разумова, Катерина Миколаївна; Разумова, Екатерина Николаевна; Razumova, KaterynaThe paper substantiates the number of passenger flows by different modes of transport for the last 40 years and analyzes passenger flows by Ukrainian airlines. The share of different types of transport in the total volume of passenger traffic during the years of independence of Ukraine is compared, and the corresponding conclusions concerning tendencies of development of air transport in Ukraine are made. It has been proven that high-income passengers remain the main type of passengers on domestic routes. Further growth in demand will depend on the growth of the country's economy, airline tariff policy, frequency of flights and ease of connections. The significant growth of passenger traffic in the international connection is partly explained by the trends that began in 1990. Following Ukraine's declaration of independence, imports of imported goods have increased significantly and demand for travel abroad has grown significantly. It should also be noted that the transport infrastructure of Ukraine allows to reach any point of the country using terrestrial modes of transport, which are significantly cheaper than aviation. It is no wonder, therefore, that most domestic airlines are focused on international transportation. Considerable potential for the development of international flights lies directly in the geographical location of the country, which is capable of providing high transit passenger traffic. Analyzing the work of Central European airports, it should be noted that Ukraine was the leader in the growth of passenger traffic. Airports of Ukraine served 10.7 mln passengers in six months, which is 20 % more than in the same period last year. In terms of passengers number carried, Ukraine came second after Poland – 22.3 mln passengers. Romania is in third place with 10.5 mln passengers.
- ItemAviation transport enterprises management as a factor of activisation of globalization processes in economy(Національний авіаційний університет, 2017) Прищепа, Наталія Петрівна; Остапенко, Тетяна ГеннадіївнаIn this thesis it is described, actually processes of globalization. Globalization is not unification, this is union of humanity in whole world. In thesis it is defined, that effective management of different enterprises intensifies globalization processes in the world. In this thesis we can say, that globalization is developed with activization of flexible system of management of avia-transport enterprises.
- ItemBenefits of using artificial intelligence in core HR processes(National Academy of Internal Affairs, 2024) Vats, Iryna; Kirilenko, Oksana; Novak, Valentyna; Вац, Ірина Олександрівна; Кириленко, Оксана Миколаївна; Новак, Валентина ОлексіївнаThe paper examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the main processes of human resource management. It is noted that in modern conditions, AI is considered an advanced tool that can optimize management processes in various sectors of the economy. The author discusses the new opportunities that AI opens up in human resource management, increasing the efficiency of actions at all levels and complementing human abilities. The main part of the paper is devoted to the advantages and potential opportunities of using AI at different stages of the employee's life cycle in a company. In particular, the author emphasizes the optimization of recruitment through analytical processing of large amounts of information rather than subjective judgment. The paper highlights such areas as operational efficiency, recruitment, onboarding, talent management, strategic planning, career development, and management changes where AI can make a significant contribution. The paper also highlights the issues related to the potential dangers of introducing AI technologies. The level of readiness and the degree of involvement of managers in the latest technologies in human resource management is indicated. The paper raises the issue of efficiency and solving various problems. In addition, examples of real software products are provided. The conclusions emphasize the general perspective of using AI in HR processes and identify areas for further research. In particular, there is a call for the development of mechanisms to protect employees from possible misuse of AI and the development of effective strategies for the implementation of technologies that would take into account ethical aspects. The final part of the paper sets the task for the business community and legislative bodies to actively work on standards for the use of AI in HR to create fair and effective HR management
- ItemBUSINESS PLANNING(ЛНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2012) Прищепа, Наталія Петрівна
- ItemChange management in the EU enterprises as a key in building international competitiveness(НАУ, 2012) Передерій, Віктор Васильович; Новак, Валентина Олексіївна; Собкова, Аліна Олександрівна
- ItemCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF PUBLIC CSR POLICIES IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES(Національний авіаційний університет, 2017-10-20) Харчишина, Олена Володимирівна; Прищепа, Наталія Петрівна; Kharchyshyna, Olena Volodymyrivna; Pryshchepa, Nataliia Petrivna
- ItemCompetitive strategies оf railway transport оf Ukraine as an essential part оf the european integration(Stanford University Press, 2018) Кириленко, Оксана Миколаївна; Кириленко, Оксана Николаевна; Kyrylenko, Oksana Mykolaivna; Разумова, Катерина Миколаївна; Разумова, Екатерина Николаевна; Razumova, Kateryna Mykolaivna; Петровська, Світлана Володимирівна; Петровская, Светлана Владимировна; Petrovska, Svitlana VolodymyrivnaThe article is devoted to creation of the model of Eurointegration development of railway transport of Ukraine. The analysis of strategies for determining the level of competitiveness of passenger transportation by railway transport has been carried out. It is proved that the formation of the strategy involves obtaining a certain view of the future state of the industry and ways of solving existing problems. It is scientifically proved that the solution of this issue is possible through the creation of competitive and functional strategies for the development of a passenger business entity based on the use of modern management methods.
- ItemCompetitive strategy aviation sector on the way to the EU(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022-10-28) Danilova, Elvira; Данілова, Ельвіра Ігорівна; Novak, Valentyna; Новак, Валентина Олексіївна; Razumova, Kateryna; Разумова, Катерина МиколаївнаAviation has been proven to be a strong driver of economic growth, jobs, trade and mobility for the European Union. It plays a crucial role in the EU economy and strengthens its global leadership position. It is proved that an aviation strategy is necessary for the European aviation sector to be competitive and reap the benefits of a rapidly changing and developed global economy.
- ItemCREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN THE MODERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS(МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ РОЗВИТКУ СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ СИСТЕМ У НОВІЙ ЕКОНОМІЦІ. Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції (м. Полтава, 19 жовтня 2017 року), 2017) Гращенко, Ірина Семенівна; Hrashchenko, Iryna SemenivnaInnovative economy is built by those who use creativity, imagination, creative energy and knowledge to create new ideas and values. Accordingly, the success of business organizations usually depends on the use of the synthesis of creativity, entrepreneurship and technological innovation. The focus of contemporary production is creativity and therefore the emphasis is shifting from the industrial sector to individual creativity and freedom.
- ItemDevelopment of air transportation during the years of independence of Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2020-10-23) Новак, Валентина Олексіївна; Novak, Valentyna; Кириленко, Оксана Миколаївна; Kyrylenko, Oksana; Разумова, Катерина Миколаївна; Razumova, KaterynaThe level of development of the state transport system is one of the most important signs of its technological progress. The transport system becomes the basis for Ukraine's effective entry into the world community and taking a place in it that corresponds to the level of a highly developed country.
- ItemDevelopment of an enterprise crisis management strategy in modern conditions(National Aviation University, 2023-12-27) Alfantazi, Yasir Edrees Ebraheem; Алфантазі, Ясір Едреес ЕбрахThe conditions of crisis situations require the implementation of anti-crisis management. There are several approaches to defining this concept, such as preventive mechanisms, innovative exit from the crisis, restoration of solvency and financial stability, and industrial relations at the enterprise level. Depending on the interpretation of the concept, its purpose is determined, such as restoration of financial balance, equalization of disparities, ensuring the stability and vitality of enterprises. Anti-crisis management includes such functions as planning strategies and programs, organizing the optimal structure, motivating personnel and controlling changes. For the successful implementation of anti-crisis management, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of early diagnosis, urgent response, adequate response and full implementation of internal capabilities
- ItemDevelopment of an internet marketing strategy "Martin trade" limited liability company in an international competitive environment(National Aviation University, 2020-12-23) Avramenko, Daryna IvanivnaAs a result of the qualification work research, proposals were provided to ensure the Internet marketing strategy of "Martin trade" limited liability company, taking into account international experience and increasing market share by improving marketing activities, operational management and organizational culture of the enterprise. It is also proposed to implement an innovative system to effectively promote the company among existing customers and attract new ones. The work determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the qualification work, object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study. In the work the essence of marketing strategies of Internet development at the enterprise, features of directions of marketing development in the conditions of competition are considered, the basic methods of an estimation of marketing development of the company are investigated. In the work the organizational and economic characteristics of "Martin trade" limited liability company are considered and its financial condition and sales dynamics are analyzed, weaknesses and threats are investigated, the marketing mix of the enterprise is characterized, the quality of services provided by "Martin trade" limited liability company is analyzed. The third part identifies possible ways to expand the marketing activities of "Martin trade" limited liability company on the Internet. The economic substantiation of the recommendations on ensuring the marketing development of "Martin trade" limited liability company in the B2B segment on the Internet and the possible results of improving the company's activities and the introduction of innovative methods of gaining new customers via the Internet was provided.
- ItemDEVELOPMENT OF GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES IN THE WORLD ECONOMY(НАУ, 2008) Ільєнко, Оксана Вікторівна; Ilienko, Oksana ViktorivnaThe article contains the main concepts of globalization; reveals the essence, the basic features and the driving forces of globalization; defines the main stages and results of internationalization stipulated by the global processes that occur in the world economy and the logical, sequential changes that ensure the development of the world system.
- ItemDevelopment of measures related to the competitiveness of the enterprise during the implementation of foreign economic activity «PARKTRANS.UA»(National Aviation University, 2024-12) Klymchuk, Oleksiy; Климчук, Олексій МиколайовичThe topic of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the context of foreign economic activity is of particular relevance in the current conditions of globalization and integration of the world economy. With the development of international trade, the digitalization of business processes and the growing number of transnational corporations, competition in international markets is becoming more and more intense. The successful operation of enterprises in foreign markets depends on the ability of companies to adapt to new challenges, promptly respond to changes in the external environment and offer innovative solutions that will meet international standards
- ItemDevelopment of measures to improve the competitiveness of FORTA & K LLC in foreign economic activity(National Aviation University, 2024-12) Kotlytskyi, Tymofii; Котлицький, Тимофій ВікторовичIn today's world, the formation of a market economy is closely linked to the creation of a competitive environment, since competition is an integral part of the market and a prerequisite for its functioning. Given that the winner in a competitive struggle is the one who analyzes and fights for his or her competitive position, the issue of assessing and managing competitiveness in both domestic and international markets is of particular relevance to every company.