Тези конференцій кафедри господарського, повітряного та космічного права
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Browsing Тези конференцій кафедри господарського, повітряного та космічного права by Title
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Item Access to the envirommntal information: experience of norway and Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2021-02) Porkhun, Kateryna; Порхун, Катерина; Порхун, ЕкатеринаOne of the most important human rights in the world is the right to access environmental information. Due to the full and timely receipt of environmental information by society it is possible to ensure the principles of sustainable development, rational use of natural resources and nature conservation for future generations, as well as the effective provision and implementation of other human rights and freedoms.Item Acting of legal persons and supranational business forms (conflict of used theoretical concepts)(2011-02-24) Поточна, Л.Тези автора прсвячені аналізу діяльності юридичних осіб і наднаціональних господарських формItem Current developmentsn air lav(Вектор, 2020-05-14) Numan, BsharatCivil aviation is increasingly playing a role in the transportation of passengers and luggage, in the functioning of the tourism business and more. International regulations play an important role in the implementation of air transportation. For the further development of civil aviation there is an urgent need to improve the rules of international law.Item Delimitation legal problem in the sphere of aviation and space law(2016-11-24) Малишко, Володимир Миколайович; Ткачик, ЄТези авторів присвячені аналізу важливих проблем авіаційного і космічного праваItem DOCTRINE OF TRANSPORTATION SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERN STATE FORMATION(2018) R. MoseshviliItem Economic procedural law: a comparison of the experience of Ukraine and Poland in the context of court proceedings(National Aviation University, 2021-02) Liwski, Mateusz; Ливски, Матеуш; Лівски, МатеушThe development of Ukraine as a democratic socially oriented state, the reform of the market economy necessitates the introduction of new socioeconomic mechanisms for regulating and protecting the economic sphere. The problem of development economic procedure law is quite relevant at this stage of development of the country, because the legislation in the field of economic sphere is characterized by the presence of contradictions, imperfections of the law, as well as difficulties in resolving disputes over economic and business.Item Enterpreneurial development processes under europian integration(2017-02-24) Козирєва, Валентина Петрівна; Жаб’як А. А.Тези авторів присвячені аналізу процесів розвитку підприємництва в рамках європейської інтеграціїItem Environmental npp related risk assessment and its communication to the public(2017-02-24) Sabol J.; Šesták B.Тези авторів присвячені екологічній оцінці ризиків, пов'язаних з АЕС та її зв'язок з громадськістюItem FLIGHT COMPENSATION(2018) Saltykova, K.R.Item ICAO TRAINING INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION NETWORK INTEGRATION(2015) Суслова, Г.Item IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS AT THE AIRPORTS(2018) Korynevska T.Item Information security system of the enterprise (the legal aspect)(2017-02-24) Беззубов, Дмитро ОлександровичТези автора присвячені аналізу правового аспкту системи інформаційної безпеки підприємстваItem Judicial practice as a source of commercial law(National Aviation University, 2021-02) Duarte, Henriques; Дуарте, Енрікес; Дуартэ, ЭнрикесThe modern world is characterized by a variety of international economic relations. The regulation of these relations in the legal field plays an essential role from the point of view of the integrity and effectiveness of international law. Today, such a phenomenon as transnational corporations (TNCs) has become an important component of international economic relations. International law with its branch – international economic law - can serve as a solid basis for the general international legal regulation of the activities of TNCs. An important role in this process is played by the norms of international legal regulation of foreign investment.Item Legal changes on deposit insurance regulation(National Aviation University, 2021-02) Bakhishov, A.M.; Бахішов, А.М.; Бахишов, А.М.Two consecutive devaluations in Azerbaijan in 2015 had a serious negative impact on the banking system as a whole. In fact, many banks have had their licenses revoked in various years as they have been more severely affected, and twenty of them are still in the process of being revoked. In order to solve this problem, it was inevitable that the state would take steps to keep deposits in banks, ensure their liquidity, as well as ensure that banks could continue their financial intermediation effectively.Item LEGAL ISSUES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL AIR FLIGHTS IN UKRAINE(2018) Beregovich L.Item Modern problems and prospects of agrarian law in the legal system of Ukraine(2016-11-24) Беззубов, Дмитро Олександрович; Корженівська, Т.В.Тези авторів присвячені розгляду важливих проблем сучасного аграрного права в правовій системі УкраїниItem National legal framework for international information and media rights in Azerbaijan(2017-02-24) Mammadrzali Shahin S.Тези автора присвячені аналізу правового регулювання міжнародної інформації та інформаційних прав в АзербайджаніItem Oscillating policy focus between agriculture and protected areas within environmental lav in Republic of Moldova(Вектор, 2020-05-14) Margineanu, ElenaУ тезах доповіді автором порушена проблема правового регулювання діяльності у галузі сільськогосподарського виробництва в Республіці Молдова з урахуванням екологічних та кліматичних вимог, а також соціальних аспектів (урбанізації, міграції, робочої міграції)