Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти кафедри комп'ютерних систем та мереж
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Item Architecture of a reliable and stable university network(National Aviation University, 2020-12) Абхішек, ЯдавThe purpose of this project is to include the components use in a suitable network. There are many devices that were used in designing the network, such as routers, switches, backup, firewall, and servers. All devices were connected to each other to make integration network system and configured by putting IP addresses to all devices. Accordingly, it incorporated several mechanisms including a firewall device that prevents any unfavorable data from entering into the network. Additionally, all devices in the network were secured by passwords, and these pas swords were encrypted to be more secure. Moreover, each computer in the network was secured by antivirus programs and a backup system This research discussed in details the budget challenges that the network faced in developing countries. Developing countries have a limited budget that affects choosing devices in the network such as servers. The servers inclu de used for this network design are DHCP server and DNS servers. This p resentation and design included additional components such as a web server, mail server, etc.Item Avenga's private network corporate database notification system(National Aviation University, 2020-12) Vardanian, Lova Robertovych; Варданян, Льова РобертовичInvestigation Google Calendar API and modern approaches for data integration system with corporative data bases or any other services. To develop a flexible and powerful notification tool using Google Calendar API to make corporative development in Avenga team up to date. Develop effective notification system for local use of Avenga team using modern and repayable approach of data migration process. One of the main tasks during development is keep of data secure during migration forces and have an ability to restring any outer connection and be able to scale a performance. To suggest modern and effective approach to implement a notification system with automation system according analyzing of all existed services and approaches. Also, to provide the productive and flexible way to inform colleagues about any events inside local organization using modern technologies, which have already been studied, and new ones to ensure maximum level of security and performants. Can be implemented for any private organization or some third party’s organization in secure way. Different components can be embedded into implementation or can be hosted in other servers. With today’s increase of APIs, our notification system tends to be more productive and flexible. The notification system was designed in such way that it’s possible to get any information through Anypoint Platform using performance section or get remote controlling of this systems as well. Also, security layers were designed in such way that more than one subsystem needs to be violated to compromise the integrity of the system and the information it holds.Item Computer networks as a platform for designing of online games(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Zui, Dmytro Leonidovych; Зуй, Дмитро ЛеонідовичComputer networking is a branch of computer science, telecommunication and computer engineering and its was influenced by a wide range of the technologies and historical events. A computer network provides new ways of communications by means of diverse technologies, such as online chats and messengers, electronic mail, voice and video calls. Network users are able to share resources such as data, files and other types of information. Authorized participants of the network can gain access to the stored information on other computers, resources provided by the devices or perform some tasks with the help of distributed computing across the network.Item Computer system for information modeling of engineering equipment of buildings and structures using cloud technologies(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Kramarenko, Ivan Petrovych; Крамаренко, Іван ПетровичOne of the areas that have received heightened attention recently is the automation of various tasks in the field of engineering and architecture. More often it is possible to encounter this as generative design. It is chosen to explore the huge power of automation for this research work as it is not limited to just BIM modelling or geometry, applying automation for various tasks from geometry generation to data, parameter management, simplifying complex or time-consuming tasks, such as creating and sorting schedules in Revit, etc. Learning the first time any CAD systems or moving to a new level of expertise or changing job responsibilities, it is not unusual to question the value of programming. After all, if you are an CAD systems user, your job is to produce drawings, not to make programs. Sometimes CAD managers are responsible for creating programs to improve workflow and quality. And in rare cases, a company will hire a programmer to automate some aspect of its work.Item Distribution of crew deliveries messages in the airline's information network environment(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Kuksenko, Roman Serhiiovych; Куксенко, Роман СергійовичUkraine International Airlines connects over 80 destinations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well New York City and Toronto from its base at Boryspil Airport. UIA carries nearly 7 million passengers over a year. Actuality of theme. It is hard to track, support and serve such huge number of passengers. It is required to use modern technologies not only in aviation direction but also in computer networks, online services, administrator tools, etc. To store such big amount of data it is not acceptable to use some kind of Excel sheets or other simple tools. It is required to use databases and write correct, efficient and comprehensives for developers SQL queries So, it is highly important to have a unique internal system and a convenient way of its serving.Item Efficiency analysis of wireless networks(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Oliinyk, Danylo Andriyovich; Олійник, Данило АндрійовичThe increasing interest in network efficiency analysis tasks is determined by the necessity of automation in either control functions. Therefore, today the search and implementation of efficiency network principles for human function by means of computer systems. One of the most perspective directions of solving the given problem is based on the usage of modern protocols, programming language and monitoring tools. This problem is solved by means of choosing the correspondent architecture and learning method. The analysis demonstrates that there is still no model, which could be sensitive to all types of distortion.Item Graphic object recognition system(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Klymenkov, Stanislav Vitaliiovych; Клименков, Станіслав ВіталійовичDuring a rather long period of time graphic pattern recognition has been considered in terms of biological and psychological aspects. Furthermore, the subject of investigation included primarily qualitative, which do not allow giving an accurate description of the functioning mechanism. As a rule, functional dependencies were mainly related to the investigation of visual, audial and haptic receptors. However, the principle of decision-making remained unsolved. The main mistake was considered the conception, that a human brain operates according to certain algorithms, thus discovering this set of rules could be recreated by means of computing and other technical devices.Item Information system of repair agency with using of Spring Boot(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Mamchur, Vitalii Volodymyrovych; Мамчур, Віталій ВолодимировичDue to the steady growth of consumer needs, companies are forced to increase their productivity. At the same time, they face a number of problems, among which are the deterioration of quality and optimization costs, as well as the growing consumption of human resources. Production automation systems can solve the above difficulties, as well as open new frontiers of productivity. Production automation is a process in which previously performed human control and management functions are fully transmitted to automatic devices. very often automation is confused with mechanization. To avoid confusion, it should be remembered that mechanization is the simplification of human work through the use of automated equipment, and production automation is the use of an automatic system to control and manage the entire process. in other words, automatic control systems (ACS) exclude the presence of a person during operations and control the stages of execution.Item Information system of the analytical department using cloud technologies(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Shvets, Artur Valeriiovych; Швец, Артур ВалерійовичToday, no industry can do without the implementation of automation systems, decision support. When developing software for a department, Business Intelligence (BI) is a collection of software applications, techniques and business systems that play a key role in the business processes of any corporation. Most companies generate huge amounts of data in the course of their business. To provide access to this data to all departments of the company, a wide arsenal of applications and DBMS is often used.Item IT company employees' working time monitoring system(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Rusnak, Andrii Andriiovych; Руснак, Андрій АндрійовичTo optimize the work process, increase work efficiency and meet deadlines, you can not do without clear planning and control of working time. A clear organization of working hours is equally necessary for both the manager and subordinates. Supervision by the employer or manager maintains work discipline in the team and guarantees fair pay. Control as part of the monitoring of working hours allows to solve such tasks as fixing the time of arrival at work, checking the timely return of the employee after lunch break and presence at work throughout the day, determining the end time, identifying absences, distribution of paid working hours. , holidays, sick leave, downtime due to the employer, etc.Item Machine learning implementation in face recognition and identification(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Alanno, Abdullakh Ali Abdulkarim; Аланно, Абдуллах Алі АбдулкарімIn this graduation project there was covered a significant topic- Machine learning implementation in face detection and recognition. In the first part the concept of Artificial intelligence and research areas related to it. Moreover, the real-life implementation and advantages and disadvantages of using AI. In the second part it was the Machine learning and the workflow that have to followed from defining the problem to data collection, pre-processing data, and finally developing and the evaluating of the model. In addition, the type of collected data which are the labeled and unlabeled data, for that matter there are two main types of learning (supervised and unsupervised). It is also possible to find here the exact relationship and differences between AI, ML, DL. Computer vision and basic information about RGB color space by the end of this part. In the third part it was considered the artificial neural network mechanism and the components of it, also the different operations that occur in the network such as the activation function that helps with providing nonlinearity to the perceptron, also include deep learning algorithms for instance, gradient descent furthermore, a deep explaining of CNN and the sequence and functions of the layers of it, although the objective of using CNN which to extract high-level features from images by using more than one ConvNets layer, typically the first ConvNets is responsible to extract the low-level features such as edges, color. With more layers the model adapts to high-level features as wellItem Organization of communication between Salesforce customers and clients(National Aviation University, 2020-12) Burba, Maksym Andriiovych; Бурба, Максим АндрійовичIn this graduation project there was covered a significant topic – organization of communication between the Salesforce users and their clients. In the first part the concept of CRM and its applications in the real world was researched in order to understand the actuality of this field, so there it is possible to find information about the everything mentioned above in addition to modern tasks of CRM in scope of Salesforce, examples of its usage, the reasons concerning the question why people need it and why it is important to expand the area of communication channels in CRM. In the second part there is consideration of communication channel, which is a part of any business in terms of CRM, as this concept was used during the development of Messaging Application on the Salesforce platform for organization of communication. The part particularly includes the concept of communication channel itself, some information about its importance with its advantages, the benefits of setup of additional communication channel for CRM and even its disadvantages and problems, that prevent the modern CRM platforms from fast evolving – there is still some problems with it. In the end of the part there is a decision about what is the best messaging service for integration with the Salesforce for the application implementation.Item Oбpoбкa peзультaтiв диcкpeтнo-кocинуcнoгo пepeтвopeння iнфopмaцiї(Національний авіаційний університет, 2020-12) Cипкo, Poмaн BiктopoвичУ cучacнoму cвiтi є бaгaтo пpoблeм з пepeдaчeю тa збepiгaнням дaниx, тa чим дaлi плинe чac, тим oб’єми дaниx збiльшуєтьcя, збiльшуєтьcя i швидкicть пepeдaчi, aлe для збepiгaння дужe вaжливo, який caмe oб’єм пaм’ятi будe зaймaти тoй чи iнший oб’єкт. Toму oднiєю iз ocнoвниx нaгaльниx пpoблeм iз збepiгaнням тa пepeдaчeю дaниx є тe, як змeншити oб’єм пaм'ятi для oб’єктa i тим caмим пpишвидшити йoгo пepeдaчу. Taкa пpoблeмa пoтpeбує виpiшeння, бo, нaпpиклaд, якщo poзглядaти цю пpoблeму з тoчки зopу збepiгaння i пepeдaчi iнфopмaцiї з бopтoвoгo кoмп’ютepa, тo мoжнa зpoзумiти, щo бopтoвий кoмп’ютep, нaпpиклaд, БПЛA нe є xpaнилищeм вeликиx oб’ємiв дaниx, a мaє cкiнчeннi pecуpcи. Bзaгaлi в зaлeжнocтi вiд типу тa клacу БПЛA вiн мaє пeвнi зaдaчi, тoбтo йoгo пpизнaчeння. Нaпpиклaд, цe мoжe бути БПЛA для poзвiдки, i зaдaчi у ньoгo пpoвecти фoтo тa вiдeoфiкcaцiю тa пepeдaти цю iнфopмaцiї нa пpиймaльний пункт. Cтaє питaння в якoму фopмaтi пepeдaвaти цю iнфopмaцiю. Питaннями фopмaтiв дaниx зaймaєтьcя oдин iз piвнiв мoдeлi OSI, a caмe пpeдcтaвницький piвeнь (piвeнь пpeдcтaвлeння). Нa цьoму piвнi вiдбувaєтьcя cтиcнeння, aбo poзпaкoвкa дaниx, шифpувaння тa їx дeшифpувaння. Для гpaфiчниx зoбpaжeнь дoцiльнo викopиcтoвувaти aлгopитми cтиcнeння, тa тaким чинoм пepeтвopювaти їx у гpaфiчнi зoбpaжeння з iнaкшим peлeвaнтним фopмaтoм, aлe мeншим oб’ємoм пaм’ятi для їx збepiгaння тa пepeдaчi. Нa cьoгoднi є piзнi aлгopитми cтиcнeння, тaкi як iз втpaтaми тa бeз втpaт iнфopмaцiї, piзнoї кoмпpeciї дaниx, вiд чoгo зaлeжить i якicть oтpимaниx дaниx в peзультaтi. У cвoєму диплoмнoму пpoeктi я буду poзглядaти oдин iз eтaпiв aлгopитмa cтиcнeння JPEG – DCT, a тaкoж aлгopитми визнaчeння cxoжocтi зoбpaжeння. DCT мoжнa ввaжaти ключoвим eтaпoм iз ceми iншиx, вcьoгo eтaпiв вiciм, у тoму чиcлi з DCT. Дocлiджeння будe пpoвoдитиcя нa вияв пoxибoк вiднoвлeння гpaфiчнoгo зoбpaжeння вiд cпeктpaльниx ocoбливocтeй цьoгo зoбpaжeння. Taкoж xoчу пpoaнaлiзувaти нacкiльки eфeктивним є викopиcтaння тaкoгo cпocoбу, як DCT, для cтиcнeння гpaфiчнoгo зoбpaжeння, aджe DCT є oдним iз eтaпiв aлгopитму cтиcнeння JPEG, a caм JPEG є aлгopитмoм cтиcнeння iз втpaтaми. Toбтo, чим бiльшe кoeфiцiєнт кoмпpeciї, тим бiльшe втpaти якocтi зoбpaжeння.Item Processing of crew delivery notifications in the airline's information network(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Sydorchuk, Maksym Yuriiovych; Сидорчук, Максим ЮрійовичIn the modern world and Ukraine, aviation ranks first in the transportation of passengers and cargo and is undoubtedly the most convenient and fastest mode of transport. The main task of aviation is to ensure the safety of passengers. Flight safety is affected by several factors: the reliability of aircraft and ground equipment, the quality of flight training, climate, the quality of the control system. Analyzing plane crashes, scientists say that the main factor is the mistakes of pilots or controllers.Item Research and improvement of administration algorithms of “Navi” network database(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Lebed, Nataliia Volodymyrivna; Лебедь, Наталія ВолодимирівнаLong before the advent of computerized databases, humanity already then had a need to store information in a structured form. Since at a time when computers either did not exist at all, or they were just entering the market and were at the stage of their formation, peculiar databases existed in written or physical form, for example, data archives, reference centers, libraries, ledgers, telephone directories etc. And since now there is a need to store huge amounts of information, while taking up as little storage space and resources as possible, databases are an integral stage in the development of opportunities to simplify the life of mankind. The database is both a tool and the very subject of a collection of data, which shows the state of certain objects and their relationship in a certain subject area.Item Resource management and supervision web application(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Musiienko, Vladyslav Eduardovych; Мусієнко, Владислав ЕдуардовичWith the growth of enterprises, it becomes more difficult to competently manage them. This means an optimal and balanced approach to production, in which it will give the best results. In addition, it must be competitively capable, otherwise even perfectly adjusted production will incur losses. That is, it must either be of better quality than the products of competitors, or, with the same quality, there must be a cheaper production in order to be able to have a lower price and then benefit from intercepting customers. The task of finding the best way to do business is at the heart of all systems focused on planning and organizing enterprise resources. Such a system provides a business process processing model that covers almost all aspects in production: planning orders and deliveries, deliveries to the warehouse and shipments, movements in the warehouse itself and inventory in general, that is, up-to-date data on the availability of the necessary materials. Supply and demand planning is key to running any business because it is the starting point of all processes. Based on this information, all further production will be formed with the purchase of materials, storage, processing and dispatch to the buyer. Such systems tend to cost fabulous money. As practice shows, the program will generate income, but this will only happen in the long term.Item Software module of the system for interior design(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Hryshko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Гришко, Гришко Наталія СергіївнаNowadays the interior design is a very important. Modern people spend a lot of time at home and the good home design is increase the productivity and mode. However, sometimes it is complicated to create good design if the person is not a designer. The interior design is very long and complicated process. It is difficult to imagine how the picture in the head will look like in a real room. According to the Houzz&Home survey in 2020 only 19% of people hiring the professional designer to renovate the home. Moreover, according older generations drive renovation activity defined in the survey: Baby Boomer and Gen X homeowners accounted for 85% of those renovating on Houzz in 2019, up from 83% in the prior year. The rest were largely Millennials, whose share declined from 14% in 2018 to 12% in 2019. the Baby Boomer and Gen X homeowners accounted for 85% of those renovating on Houzz in 2019, up from 83% in the prior year.Item System for development, ceaseless integration and configuration of server software(National Аviation University, 2020-12) Solovko, Ihor Serhiiovych; Соловко, Ігор СергійовичA server programming advancement loop is getting more and more dynamic with each day. Different advances, dialects for scripting, libraries and building approaches emerge and leave their mark in software planning acknowledgement. Around the same period, these programs need to be built as well. What used to be a standalone, web-based, dy-namic product, which serves millions of users every day and operates on massive quanti-ties of data every second, was a decade ago. Ceaseless integration and distribution processes, potential server product creation implementation.Item System of continuous software development using cloud technologies(National Aviation University, 2020-12) Bondarenko, Kostiantyn Ihorovych; Бондаренко, Костянтин ІгоровичIn the modern economy, the use of digital tools in business decisions plays a defining role. With the increasing complexity of high-tech platforms, the continuity of critical IT systems is becoming an important factor. This trend also affected software development. Nowadays, a very high interest in the tasks of optimization, saving time and money for large and small businesses is determined by the need to automate both software processing and continuous integration in real time in cloud systems. Therefore, now the search and implementation of effective methods and principles of continuous software processing using cloud computing systems. I believe that more promising directions for solving this problem is based on the use of cloud platforms and services, as the most advanced solution to the problems of ensuring uninterrupted integration and delivery to ensure processing.Item The System for Social Survey Data Analysis Created with React.js and Apollo GraphQL Libraries(Національний авіаційний університет, 2020-12) Аксьонова, Маргарита АндріївнаThe goal of the graduation project is to design a system that can help users to analyze the survey answers and made improvements or conclusions based on the achieved results. Main Tasks. The main tasks which have been set out are to analyze the user’s needs, to develop a useful and easy to use system for analyzing the surveys, to protect the system with the security rules to make it secure for each user. The Subject of Project. Designing, developing and testing the social survey data analysis system. Practical usage Can be used by each person in to analyze the answers on the survey that was created. Main Metrics and Results. As a result, the social survey data analysis system was developed using React.js library and MongoDB Database. The program is composed of two parts - the server and the client. All the functionality is covered by unit tests. The users have access only to their data. The main functionality of the system is to create surveys, share them, get answers and make analyzing. The performance of the system is in a high quality.