Browsing by Author "Vysotska, Iruna Ivanivna"
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Item A dynamik model for eveluation of the economic cluster development strategy regarding transport component(University of banking, 2021-04-16) Sokolova, Olena Oleksandrivna; Kravchenko, Volodumur Georgiuovuch; Kravchenko, Tetyana Volodumurivna; Vysotska, Iruna Ivanivna; Koliada, Yuriy VasulovuchThe article presents an approach to evaluating the strategy of economic development of the cluster, which includes a dynamic economic-mathematical model and tools of adaptive modeling, in particular the formation of generalized model coefficients based on neurofuzzy model. The mechanism of obtaining estimates of generalized coefficients of the dynamic model, which influences the choice of the scenario of development of the studied clusters and the forecasted limits of possible changes of economic indicators is shown. Computer experiments of choosing the strategy of economic development of clusters (on the example of Kyiv region and Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regions) and analysis of alternative scenarios of their development.Item Development of conceptual provitions to effectively manage the activities of a multimodal transport operator(National Aviation University, 2021-02-26) Soloviova, Olena Oleksandrivna; Vysotska, Iruna Ivanivna; Borets, Iruna Valeriuvna; Sokolova, Olena EvgenivnaModern market requirements for transportation of cargo flows according to the «quality, speed, and cost» criteria were studied. It was found that multimodal routes have the lowest delivery time, high reliability, and minimum transit time, which provides a more accurate level of control of costs, traffic schedules, and transport safety. It was determined that the effectiveness of multimodal transportation schemes depends on a degree of realization of resource capabilities and management technologies of a multimodal transport operator (MTO).Item Directions of communication relations development in the agriculnural aviation works market(National Aviation University, 2022-04-29) Soloviova, Olena Oleksandrivna; Herasumenko, Iruna Mukolaivna; Pron, Svutlana Vitaliuvna; Kravchenko, Volodumur Georgiuovuch; Vysotska, Iruna IvanivnaThe basis of better organization of production, strengthening the competitiveness of the business entity in the market, the formation of its image in the socio-economic environment is marketing and marketing communications. The article considers the theoretical foundations of the complex of marketing communications of a special purpose airline with consumers of agricultural aviation services. The target consumers for the special purpose airline in the market of agricultural aviation works are agricultural enterprises. This paper proposes the use of aviation method of plant protection, which is effective for both special purpose airlines and agricultural enterprises.Item Tеоретичні засади ціноутворення та побудови тарифів на транспорті(Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, 2021-05-10) Соловйова, Олена Олександрівна; Герасименко, Ірина Миколаївна; Пронь, Світлана Віталіївна; Висоцька, Ірина Іванівна; Soloviova, Olena Oleksandrivna; Herasumenko, Iruna Mukolaivna; Pron, Svitlana Vitalivna; Vysotska, Iruna IvanivnaУзагальнено та обґрунтувано теоретичні засади сутності ціноутворення, її складових та побудови тарифів на різних видах транспорту. Зроблено групування функцій ціни за напрямами і механізмами господарського управління. З’ясовано, що реалізувати всі функції неможливо внаслідок суперечливості цілей і завдань еквівалентного розподілу цінностей створених продуктів, тому в ринковій економіці ціни звільнені від низки функцій і використовуються в основному як ринкові регулятори і стимулятори.