Browsing by Author "Vasiukovych, Oksana"
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- ItemApplication of reference internet resources in the teaching of aviation english to representatives of the digital native generation(Institute for digitalisation of education of the NAES of Ukrane, 2022-03) Васюкович, Оксана Миколаївна; Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна; Матвієнко, Ольга Василівна; Кудіна, Валерія Василівна; Vasiukovych, Oksana; Pershukova, Oksana; Matviyenko, Olga; Kudina, ValeriaThe article deals with exploring the potential of IT in the process of English as a language of speciality (English for special purposes, ESP) teaching. The authors presented the results of the pedagogical research carried out at the National Aviation University, Ukraine. To increase the efficiency of teaching Aviation English, a new approach was applied, which was based on students’ ability to be engaged in online activities and use digital tools naturally. The approach is characterized by the guided use of the machine translator Google Translate and Multitran online dictionary in the process of learning English as a language of speciality to develop students’ skills in the correct application of online lexicographic materials. To test the effectiveness of the new approach, the research was conducted, in which students of the experimental group were taught with the use of the mentioned online reference tools under the teacher’s guidance. The results of the research provide information about the positive influence of the approach on the development of the experimental group students’ professional English competence compared with the students from the control group. It proves that properly designed and purposefully introduced complex language learning activities involving online reference tools (online machine translator and online dictionary) made a positive influence on the students’ level of knowledge and can be employed in the process of language learning in non-linguistic universities. The conclusion was made that online dictionaries and translation machines are valid tools for improving the foreign language skills of students of non-linguistic universities. Benefits and disadvantages of using online dictionaries and machine translators in the ESP learning process were explored and it was concluded that online dictionaries (OD) and machine translation (MT) tools make it possible to check the meaning of a word, provide a wealth of important information about lexical elements, technical terms and idiomatic expressions. In the paper, some examples of students’ educational activities in Aviation English teaching with the use of online reference tools are given.
- ItemFostering students’ autonomy in learning English in nonlinguistic university(EDP Sciences, 2020-03) Pershukova, Oksana; Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна; Vasiukovych, Oksana; Васюкович, Оксана Миколаївна; Nikolska, Nina; Нікольська, Ніна ВікторівнаThe study aims to find out whether it is possible to foster students’ learner autonomy in the context of ESP language learning in non-linguistic universities by the creation of a special learning environment. It was carried out at National Aviation University in Ukraine with two groups of first-year students of electronics (experimental and control) in 2018-2019. Testings to determine students’ level of communicative competence in English and surveys to identify students’ level of learner autonomy development were conducted in September and May of the same year of education. The control group did not receive any special training, while in the experimental group were created special learning conditions for students’ autonomy fostering. With the purpose to prepare students to accept responsibility for their learning, they were given the opportunities to choose educational materials; to set goals of their learning; to reflect the process and evaluate the results of learning, etc. Modern technologies were widely used as well as scaffolding (if necessary). According to the results of the experiment, it was stated that only a part of the most active students used the created conditions and gained experience in autonomous learning. The conclusion was made about creating such an environment. It is a challenge that is appropriate to realize to give an autonomous learning experience to aspiring students.
- ItemProblem-based ESP methods for teaching future air traffic controllers to conduct radio exchange in non-routine situations(Видавництво "Політехніка" КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019-07) Bystrova, Bogdana; Nemlii, Liudmyla; Pazyura, Nataliya; Vasiukovych, Oksana; Бистрова, Богдана Василівна; Немлій, Людмила Сергіівна; Пазюра, Наталія Валентинівна; Васюкович, Оксана Миколаївна; Быстрова, Богдана Васильевна; Немлий, Людмила Сергеевна; Пазюра, Наталья Валентиновна; Васюкович, Оксана НиколаевнаThe research aimed to study and experimentally verify the efficiency of the use of problem-based methods in teaching future air traffic controllers to conduct radio exchange in non-routine situations. The professional readiness to conduct radio exchange is viewed as a complex of professional skills and knowledge (communicative, cognitive and functional) enhanced by motivation. The study involved 67 university students of a bachelor’s degree programme majoring in “Aviation transport”. Tests, observations and specially designed questionnaires were used to evaluate the use of problem-based methods (role-playing, simulation of specific situations, problem-solving, case studies) in ESP study. The conclusion was made about the effectiveness of problem-based ESP methods since they simulate possible professional situations and promote communication between future air traffic controllers and pilots, thus contributing to the acquisition of professional knowledge and activation of use of standard phraseology of radio exchange and plain English in non-routine situations. As shown by the results of our study, problem-based ESP methods are effective in raising future air traffic controllers’ motivation to acquire Aviation English as they bring the learning closer to professional life
- ItemUsing interactive learning in future aviation professionals teaching English(Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2023-04) Pershukova, Oksana; Першукова, Оксана Олексіївна; Pazyura, Natalia; Пазюра, Наталія Валентинівна; Vasiukovych, Oksana; Васюкович, Оксана МиколаївнаThe article aims to find out whether interactive learning in ESP language course for future aviation professionals introduction can raise students’ level of motivation. This study was conducted dur ing the 2019-2020 academic year at National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine). Testings to determine students’ level of proficiency accord ing to Language Proficiency Rating Scale (ICAO, Level 4) were con ducted in September and May of the same year of education. With the purpose to learn the motivational effect from interactive learning intro duction students were asked to respond to the questionnaire based on Attitude/Motivation Test Battery simultaneously with language testing. The analyses of the data revealed the positive effect of the interactive learning introduction in future aviation professionals’ training course on the motivational level as well as language competence level. A greater impact on students’ instrumental motivation is observed, which can be explained by the use of professionally-oriented training materials, while students’ integrative motivation also has a positive effect. According to the results of the experiment, some other conclusions are made
- ItemНавчально методичний комплекс дисципліни «Фахова іноземна мова» (спец. 272; ОС Бакалавр )(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022) Васюкович, Оксана Миколаївна; Vasiukovych, OksanaНавчальна дисципліна Фахова іноземна мова є теоретичною та практичною основою сукупності знань та вмінь, що формують профіль фахівця в галузях авіаційного транспорту та транспортної інфраструктури. Метою викладання дисципліни є набуття студентами навичок іншомовної комунікації в ситуаціях професійної діяльності під час виконання службових обов’язків; усного спілкування для зрозумілого викладення власних думок; вирішення можливих проблемних ситуацій; вивчення спеціалізованої авіаційної термінології; ознайомлення з новітніми досягненнями науки та техніки в галузі авіаційного транспорту та транспортної інфраструктури.
- ItemНавчально методичний комплекс дисципліни «Фахова іноземна мова» (спец. 272; ОС Бакалавр)(Національний авіаційний університет, 2022) Васюкович, Оксана Миколаївна; Vasiukovych, OksanaНавчальна дисципліна Фахова іноземна мова є теоретичною та практичною основою сукупності знань та вмінь, що формують профіль фахівця в галузях авіаційного транспорту та транспортної інфраструктури. Метою викладання дисципліни є набуття студентами навичок іншомовної комунікації в ситуаціях професійної діяльності під час виконання службових обов’язків; усного спілкування для зрозумілого викладення власних думок; вирішення можливих проблемних ситуацій; вивчення спеціалізованої авіаційної термінології; ознайомлення з новітніми досягненнями науки та техніки в галузі авіаційного транспорту та транспортної інфраструктури.