Наукові матеріали кафедри маркетингу
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Browsing Наукові матеріали кафедри маркетингу by Author "Kolbushkin, Yurii Petrovych"
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Item Digital transformation management of Ukraine’s economy(International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Касьянова, Наталья Віталіївна; Kasianova, Natalia Vitaliivna; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena Ihorivna; Колбушкін, Юрій Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychOver the last decades, we have been able to witness a real information revolution, a radical transformation of society, when not only the technical characteristics of goods and services but also the models of interaction and relations between people, as well as new values and patterns of their behaviour are formed. The main value instead of natural resources is the information which, unlike the minerals, which are limited and constantly decreasing, has unique characteristics for its own conservation and multiplication. The more a society works with information, uses it, the faster it accumulates, and the greater value is given to humanity, which, under the influence and accumulation of that information, continues to transform itself from an industrial to an information society. The economic basis for the formation of this information society is digital capital embodied in relevant technologies, human skills, databases, computing power, and computational algorithms. In Ukraine, all this is, but at the same time, there is an unresolved problem of its effective use, which requires a proper understanding by economists in close collaboration with the digital sphere, which is understood in the modern technological trends, as well as sociologists, political scientists and philosophers who are oriented in modern social transformation. This is very important, given that the revolution is not only ample opportunity but also a variety of risks and threats, both man-made and humanitarian. Therefore, their timely identification and localization are only possible through the fruitful cooperation of the entire scientific community.Item Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivation component(LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2018) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Колбушкин, Юрий Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychEnvironmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally respon- sible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environment lead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand.Item Management of the development of human capital of the airline using personnel logistics tools(EDP Sciences, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Kolbushkin, Yurii Petrovych; Mikhnenko, Anatoly Mykhailovych; Polous, Olga ViktorivnaThe article deals with the main approaches to the definition of “personnel logistics”. The study of approaches to the definition of “personnel logistics” can reveal the lack of a unified approach to its understanding. The expediency of using personnel logistics tools in managing the development of human capital of the enterprise is established. The human capital of the enterprise is in constant motion, varying in size and structure, it can be said that to create a system for managing the development of human assets of the enterprise appropriate to apply a logistic approach. The sectoral features of airline personnel management are presented. The system of management of development of human capital of the airline with the use of personnel logistics tools is offered. The process approach to the system allows constructing an adaptive personnel management system with feedback on the basis of the logistic concept, since these processes act as objects of management of this scientific direction. The technologies of management of development of human capital of the airline with the use of personnel logistics tools are systematized.Item Managing the potential of digital transformation of Ukraine’s economy(Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2019) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Касьянова, Наталья Віталіївна; Kasianova, Natalia Vitaliivna; Клімова, Олена Ігорівна; Klimova, Olena Ihorivna; Колбушкін, Юрій Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychThe possibilities of digitalisation can become a point of growth for economic systems when the standard tools for improving efficiency begin to exhaust themselves. The main goals of digital transformation are to increase the speed of decision-making, increase the variability of processes depending on the needs and characteristics of the client, and reduce the number of employees involved in the process. The problem of identifying the main drivers of digitalisation of the economy requires the study of the possibility of implementing digital transformation by industrial enterprises of Ukraine. A typical problem of modern domestic enterprises is the gap between automated production and outdated forms of corporate management. The above mentioned determined the aim of the paper – to assess the digitalisation potential of Ukraine's economy and identify the problematic issues of digital technologies at industrial enterprises. For the transition to the digital form of business, it is necessary to conduct a digital transformation of business entities, which implies the use of the entire pool of modern information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of transformation processes depends not only on the power of external influences but also on the potential of enterprises and the economy as a whole to perceive these impacts. In this regard, the first stage of development of the strategy of digitalisation of the economy of Ukraine has to become a stage of an assessment of the digitalisation potential of the country. The proposed approach to assessing the potential of digitalisation of the economy is based on the need to quantify the individual components of the digitalisation resources and catalysts, to determine their harmony under the strategic goal and taking into account the degree of involvement of the enterprise in digital processes. Evaluation of the catalysts impact on the digitalisation of the economy is implemented using the Fuzzy Logic Theory. Thestructure of the model for the catalysts impact evaluation containsfour submodels: model of digitalisation potential dependence on the level of professionalism and qualification factors; model of potential dependence on financial and investment state; model of dependence on the state of infrastructure support of digitalisation processes; model of dependence on management actions and organisational support. According to the level of catalysts impact, the digitalisation potential is in the range of the average level of activation (75%). That is, after the transformation process completed in the steady-state mode, the level of the digitalisation potential of the economy will make forced harmonic oscillations with the same frequency, but with different amplitude. The developed model allows estimating with sufficient reliability the dynamics of the potential level of digitalisation of the Ukrainian economy at known statistical and expert values of input parameters.Item Method of strategic planning and management decisions making considering the life cycle theory(Riga: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2017) Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Smerichevskyi, Serhii Frantsovych; Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Kniazieva, Tetiana Viacheslavivna; Колбушкин, Юрий Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii PetrovychThe subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of development strategy formed for objects (country, region, branch, enterprise) on the basis of the life cycles theory under the external environment uncertainty. The methodology of strategic planning under the external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory includes: the definition of key criteria for assessing the product lifecycle, the definition of the limits scope for the solvable problem, the definition of parameters of models stability, the formation of models for analysis, setting the problem under uncertainty, the mechanism of step-by-step adjustment, and effectiveness assessment of strategic decisions based on strategies, the algorithm for the integrated assessment of the strategies effectiveness taking into account the uncertainty factors. Strategic planning is not characterized by temporal intervals but by a set of strategies, each of which is determined by the ways of achieving the main object objectives. For a rapid analysis of the product life cycle, the external indicators are used, such as: the growth rate of the product market, the relative growth rate of the product (compared to the growth rate of the entire market of the region or country), the firm market share, the firm relative market share (compared to the market share of leading competitor), and internal indicators, such as: the dynamics of enterprise revenue by product, the dynamics of company profits by product, the dynamics of enterprise profitability by product, the dynamics of enterprise investment. For each indicator that describes the enterprise performance, the directions of change are taken: α – growth, const – constant or β – decrease. The methodology involves a certain sequence of studying the product life cycle in retrospect and at the current moment, then the modelling and development of options for short- and long-term strategies implementation are made. Results of the survey are to substantiate the methodology of strategic planning under conditions of external environment uncertainty with the consideration of the life cycle theory. Practical implications: the possibilities of using life-cycle models allow: 1. reasonably predicting sales and plan production program; 2. determining the basic strategies at different stages of development; 3. determining the sequence of stages of enterprise development; 4. ensuring harmonious interaction of organizational characteristics with the external environment factors that influence the process of organizational development. Increasing the sustainability of the organization’s development can be achieved by re-establishment of dynamic changes in the plan in terms of using effective methods for forecasting with the consideration of the life cycle theory. It is necessary to take into account the interconnection between all levels of life cycles: industry, technology, enterprises, product; ensuring the competitive advantage of the organization. Using the theory of optimal solutions making in uncertain conditions under the analysis of long-term projects allows transferring qualitative factors into quantitative indicators that can be used in the future to bring investment projects to the same kind and choose the best. In conditions of increased uncertainty of the external environment, it is necessary to develop the theory of enterprise management, taking into account its life cycle, as well as the life cycle of its separate elements and processes at all levels. Combination of strategic management with the life cycles theory will increase the objectivity and effectiveness of taken management decisions. The accounting of the organization life cycles in strategic planning allows choosing an effective strategy.Item Особливості та маркетингові тенденції розвитку пивоварної галузі України(Національний авіаційний університет, 2018) Радченко, Ганна Анатоліївна; Радченко, Анна Анатолиевна; Radchenko, Anna Anatolyevna; Колбушкін, Юрій Петрович; Колбушкин, Юрий Петрович; Kolbushkin, Yurii Petrovych; Томчук, АнастасіяУ статті розглянуто основні тенденції розвитку пивоварної галузі в Україні. Визначено основних гравців на ринку, обсяги випуску та величину використання виробничих потужностей підприємств, зайнятих броварством. Досліджено обсяги експортно-імпортних операцій у галузі. Проаналізовано рівень цін на пивну продукцію в Україні та інших країнах світу. Визначено роль крафтових пивоварень та представлено прогноз їх розвитку в майбутньому. Встановлено, що в 2017 р. крафт зайняв приблизно 1% ринку в Україні та є майбутнім українського пивного ринку та першим кроком до формування культури споживання напою. Проаналізовано особливості законодавчого регулювання, а саме обмеження влади щодо рекламної діяльності пивзаводів, упровадження вимог до перебрендування продукції, введення нових правил ліцензування та появу пільг на ліцензію, а також обмеження на рівні міськрад, що стосуються заборони продажу алкоголю в установлений час доби.