Consumer extremism and the unenviable position of the seller's
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National Aviation University
Purpose: to explore the notion and the essence of the consumer extremism (terrorism) and to find out an adequate solution for disputes between the seller and the customer. The methodological basis of the research comprises philosophical, ideological, general scientific and special methods. Results: the concept of the consumer extremism as the illegal action is defined as the dishonest actions of consumers operating under the law, aimed at receiving money from the seller (manufacturer of products, supplier of services) in order to profit from it, and not to renew their violated right. Also the author found out that there is no adequate regulation of this issue in Ukrainian legislation. The author suggested the list of actions to be taken while dealing with the consumer extremist. Discussion: improvement of the national legislation in the sphere of consumer terrorism; search for actions to be taken while dealing with the consumer terrorist.
consumer protection, protection of the rights of the contractor, consumer extremism, consumer terrorism, protection of the rights of the seller, protection of the rights of the service provider
Filinovych V. Consumer extremism and the unenviable position of the seller's. // Юридичний вісник Національного авіаційного університету. 2019. 2 (51). С.105-109