Stress management techniques for air traffic controllers: enhancing decision-making in emergencies
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Air traffic controllers are entrusted with the essential duty of upholding the safety and efficacy of air transportation, a responsibility that underscores their indispensable contribution to aviation. Yet, this role comes with immense pressure, particularly during emergencies where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death. In this article, the realm of stress management techniques tailored specifically for air traffic controllers is delved into with the aim of bolstering their decision-making prowess in the face of adversity.
Stress management, extreme situations, psychology of decision-making, Стрес-менеджмент, Психологія прийняття рішень, Екстремальні ситуації, ekstremalne sytuacje, Psychologia podejmowania decyzji, Radzenia sobie ze stresem