Researches of Self-Esteem as an Element of Professional Formaton of Personality

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National Aviation University


Self-esteem is one of the concepts of individual psychology, which has the largest research base and different interpretations. For example, according to L. S. Vygotsky, self-esteem is a generalized, stable, differentiated (also can be said ranked) attitude of the individual to his social “Me”. I.S. Kon considered self-esteem as a multicomponent and complex phenomenon. His domestic colleagues V. A. Semichenko, M. G. Yaroshevsky expanded the interpretation of the concept in this direction. Therefore, in their opinion, self-esteem is an assessment of his own place among other people and their subjective attitude to it. This description also complements with the statement of I. I. Chesnolova that self-esteem is special psychological formation of self-consciousness of the individual and acts as an internal mechanism of self-regulation of behavior and activity.


1. Burns R. Development of self-concept and education/ trans. Moscow: Progress, 1986. 423 p. 2. Vygotsky L.S. Collection of works: in 6 volumes/ ed. D.B. Elkonin. Moscow:Pedagogy, Vol 4: Child psychology. 1984. 432 p. 3. Kon I.S. In research of myself: personality and self-awareness. Moscow: Politizdat, 1984. 255 p. 4. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology. Moscow: Academy, 1998.502 p. 5. Semichenko V.A. Psychology of ersonality. Kyiv: Publisher Eshke O.M., 2001. 427 p. 6. Chesnokova I.I. The problem of self-awareness in psychology. Moscow: Nauka, 1977, 144 p. 7. Mailey R. Different aspects of “Me”. Psychology of personality: texts/ ed. Y.B Gippenreiter, A.A. Bubbles. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing, 1982.132-141p.


self-esteem, psychological formation of self-consciousness, self-consciousness, the realization of a person’s professional development, person’s professional development, self-esteem as an element of professional development


Zakrevska A. Researches of Self-Esteem as an Element of Professional Formaton of Personality // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. - P. 147-148.