The concept of ethnic identity in contemporary cultural studies

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Talkom, Kyiv


Ethnic identity is defined as an emotional, strong affiliation with a permanent group. It distinguishes an individual and is the basis of their behavior. According to V. Michaels, essentialism does not describe identity, but attempts to act on its basis. Developing the idea of the influence of the social context on ethnic identity, we highlight the most significant factors influencing the formation of ethnic identity, specifically the peculiarities of ethnic socialization in family, school and immediate social environment, heterogeneity / homogeneity of the ethnocultural environment, status relations between ethnic groups. There is some terminological uncertainty in this issue. For example, we talk about "ethnicity", "ethnic identification", "ethno-national mentality". The key concepts of this notion are "ethnocultural group", "identity", "acculturation", "cultural distance".


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ethnic identity, concept, contemporary cultural studies, identity, acculturation, cultural distance


Tkachenko A. The concept of ethnic identity in contemporary cultural studies /A. Tkachenko// National identity in language and culture: collection of scientific works. – K.: Talkom, 2021. – p. 304-307