Legal regulation of working hours in aviation sphere

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National Aviation University


The crew of the aircraft is the main component of the ship, without which it would not be possible to operate the ship. The legislation of Ukraine specifies the following term: Aircraft crew (main crew) – aviation personnel who, in the prescribed manner, perform duties with control and maintenance of the aircraft during implementation flights. According to Art. 35 of the Aviation Code of Ukraine, the crew of an aircraft is a person of the aviation personnel who, in accordance with the established procedure, is entrusted with the performance of certain duties for the management and maintenance of the aircraft during flights. All crew members belong to the flight crew



aviation personnel, working hours, regulation of working hours, crew member


Kozhanenko E.M. Legal regulation of working hours in aviation sphere [Electronic resource] / E.M. Kozhanenko // Аеро-2022. Повітряне і космічне право : Матеріали Всеукраїнської конференції молодих вчених та студентів, Київ, 25–26 November 2022. – Київ, 2022. – Mode of access: