Features of communications organization In the educational building №8-a NAU

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Національний авіаційний університет
Introduction. The academic building №8 holds a special place in the campus of the National Aviation University (NAU). The sixteen-storied building was constructed in the years of 1973-1976, and now it is a dominant building block and a kind of urban business card of the institution. Formulation of the problem. Organization of communications in public buildings is an integral part of the three-dimensional planning structure design. Comfort of the stay and moving, operational safety, building management, and ensuring a rapid and efficient evacuation in emergencies depend on the communications amount, location, capacity, and design decisions. The object of study is the three-dimensional structure of the academic building №8-a, NAU. The subject of the study is the organization of horizontal and vertical communications. The research was performed in December 2019 during a typological analysis of the building under the guidance of the faculty of the Department of Urban Planning of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Design.
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National Aviation University, the academic building №8-а, organization of communications, of horizontal and vertical communications, typological analysis of the building, Department of Urban Planning
Bondarchuk M. S., Malitska S. S. Features of communications organization In the educational building №8-a NAU. ХХ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція здобувачів вищої освіти і молодих учених «Політ. Сучасні проблеми науки», 1-3 квітня 2020 р. Київ: НАУ, 2020. С.6-8 (Scientific adviser – Agieieva G. M.).