Brief analysis of the misdemeanor of pimping
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Національний Авіаційний Університет
Prostitution can be described as the activity of persons offering sexual benefits and in exchange they receive a payment. This is an illegal phenomenon in various states of the world and is an intensely debated social topic. At the same time, the objective side of a crime is understood as the totality of the conditions required by the incrimination norm, regarding the act of conduct for the existence of the crime, (the object of the crime) touch that consists of a change, in the objective reality called a criminal consequence. The crime of pimping is expressed by an action. It is expressed by the following normative ways of alternative character: exhortation to prostitution; prostitution determination; facilitating the practice of prostitution, taking advantage of the use of prostitution by another person.
misdemeanor, pimping, analysis, legislation
Hamâc D.E. Brief analysis of the misdemeanor of pimping. // Інноваційний розвиток правової науки в умовах модернізації суспільства: Х Міжнародна науково-практична конференціяї, 28 лютого 2020 р., м.Київ: зб. доп. - К.: НАУ, 2020. - С. 95-97