Інтелектуальні методи управління засобами завадозахисту систем радіозв'язку в умовах дестабілізуючих впливів
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Національний авіаційний університет
Метою дисертаційної роботи є підвищення завадозахищеності систем радіозв’язку в умовах комплексного впливу дестабілізуючих факторів на основі інтелектуального управління їх засобами завадозахисту. У рамках виконаних досліджень отримано такі наукові результати: 1. Обґрунтовані та розвинуті положення системного підходу до вирішення проблеми інтелектуального управління засобами завадозахисту СРЗ спеціального призначення: здійснено обґрунтування принципів побудови інтелектуальних систем управління системами радіозв’язку спеціального призначення; проведена класифікація задач інтелектуального управління засобами завадозахисту СРЗ; розроблена схема системного аналізу і синтезу методів інтелектуального управління засобами завадозахисту СРЗ; сформульована мета функціонування підсистеми інтелекутального управління засобами завадозахисту СРЗ, обґрунтовані принципи її побудови і структура; обґрунтовані етапи вирішення проблеми розробки методології інтелектуального управління засобами завадозахисту СРЗ; визначені вимоги до методів управління в СРЗ спеціального призначення; проведена декомпозиція рішення даної проблеми на завдання в залежності від сигнальної та завадової обстановки в СРЗ та наявності інформації про дії системи радіоелектронного придушення. 2. Запропонована нова наукова концепція організації взаємодії моделей елементів систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення. Формалізовано опис процесу функціонування системи радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах складної радіоелектронної обстановки. 3. Запропоновані моделі функціонування систем радіозв’язку на різних рівнях взаємодії відкритих систем, які дозволяють послідовно здійснити комплексну оцінку стану системи радіозв’язку спеціального призначення: математична модель оцінки радіоелектронної обстановки систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення; модель оцінки стану систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах комплексного впливу дестабілізуючих факторів та математична модель захисту систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах комплексного впливу дестабілізуючих факторів. 4. Розроблено вперше математичну модель оцінки радіоелектронної обстановки систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення. Удосконалено модель оцінки стану систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах комплексного впливу дестабілізуючих факторів. Розроблено вперше математичну модель захисту систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах комплексного впливу дестабілізуючих факторів. 5. Запропоновано сукупність нових методів оцінювання стану системи радіозв’язку спеціального призначення в умовах складної радіоелектронної обстановки. 6. Удосконалено метод оцінки радіоелектронної обстановки систем радіозв’язку спеціального призначення. Набув подальшого розвитку метод оцінки та прогнозування стану СРЗ який відрізняється від відомих використанням нового типу нечітких когнітивних темпоральних моделей, орієнтованих на багатовимірний аналіз і прогнозування стану об’єктів в умовах невизначеності. Удосконалено метод оцінки кібер захищеності системи радіозв’язку спеціального призначення. 7. Розроблено сукупність методів інтелектуального управління засобами завадозахисту систем радіозв’язку в залежності від радіоелектронної обстановки в системі та наявності інформації про дії системи радіоелектронного придушення. 8. Розроблено вперше метод синтезу раціональної топології СРЗ спеціального призначення з використанням генетичного алгоритму. Удосконалено метод інтелектуального управління параметрами СРЗ спеціального призначення. Розроблено вперше метод комплексного управління ресурсами СРЗ спеціального призначення.
As a result of the conducted research, a methodology of intelligent management of the means of jamming of special purpose radio communication systems (SRS) in the conditions of a complex radio-electronic environment was developed, which allows to increase the efficiency of the functioning of radio communication systems in conditions of complex destructive influence, which is of significant importance in improving the existing and creating a promising radio communication techniques of special purpose control and communication systems. The purpose of the dissertation is to increase the noise immunity of radio communication systems in conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors on the basis of intellectual control of their noise protection means. Within the framework of the performed studies, the following scientific results were obtained: 1. Substantiated and developed provisions of the system approach to solving the problem of intelligent control of jamming means of special-purpose SRC: substantiation of the principles of building intelligent control systems of special-purpose radio communication systems; classification of tasks of intellectual control of the means of protection of SRC; a scheme of system analysis and synthesis of methods of intelligent control of the SRC jamming protection means has been developed; the purpose of the functioning of the intelligent control subsystem of the SRC jamming protection means is formulated, the principles of its construction and structure are substantiated; reasonable stages of solving the problem of developing a methodology for intelligent control of the SRW protection means; defined requirements for management methods in special purpose SRC; decomposition of the solution of this problem to the problem was carried out depending on the signal and interference situation in the SRC and the availability of information on the actions of the electronic suppression system. 2. A new scientific concept of organization of interaction of models of elements of special-purpose radio communication systems is proposed. A description of the process of functioning of a special-purpose radio communication system in a complex electronic environment has been formalized. The developed concept allows: to organize the interaction of different models and their coordination according to the parameters and characteristics of the SRH, according to the time of calculations, accuracy and units of measurement; operate with already existing models, as well as include newly created models in the complex, providing the possibility of replenishment, improvement and restoration of models; integrate complex models depending on the specific situation of creation and adaptation; model networks and their elements; perform various calculations and multi-level modeling; effectively evaluate network parameters and characteristics. 3. Models of functioning of radio communication systems at different levels of interaction of open systems are proposed, which allow sequentially to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the state of a special-purpose radio communication system: a mathematical model for assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems; a model for assessing the state of special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors and a mathematical model for protecting special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors. For the first time, a mathematical model for assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems has been developed. The model for assessing the state of special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors has been improved. For the first time, a mathematical model of protection of special-purpose radio communication systems in conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors has been developed. 4. A set of new methods for assessing the state of a special-purpose radio communication system in a complex radio-electronic environment has been proposed. The method of assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems has been improved. The method for assessing and predicting the state of SRC has been further developed, which differs from those known by using a new type of fuzzy cognitive temporal models focused on multidimensional analysis and forecasting the state of objects under uncertainty. The method of assessing the cyber security of a specialpurpose radio communication system has been improved. 5. A set of methods of intelligent control of noise protection of radio communication systems depending on the electronic situation in the system and the availability of information about the actions of the electronic suppression system. 6. The proposed methodology for the synthesis of a rational topology of a specialpurpose SRC using a genetic algorithm. The structure of SRC is presented in the form of a two-dimensional incidence matrix. This matrix is used as a chromosome by genetic algorithm operators. In the genetic algorithm, the elements of the incidence matrix describing the relationships between elements of the SRC are genes. In each cycle of the genetic algorithm, pairwise crossing of chromosomes is carried out, during which part of the genes are exchanged, which for the network under study means the appearance and disappearance of the corresponding connections between elements. 7. The method of intelligent management of the parameters of the special-purpose SRH is proposed. The difference between the proposed method and the known ones lies in the complex management of the parameters of the physical, channel and network level of the special purpose SRC. The proposed method makes it possible to select the working frequencies of radio communication means taking into account the strategy of means of radio-electronic warfare; allows you to choose a rational network topology, choose a rational information transmission route, and allows you to choose the mode of operation of the radio communication tool taking into account the bandwidth of the SRC. 8. The method of complex management of special purpose SRC resources is proposed. The specified technique allows: to determine the impact of destabilizing factors on the special purpose SRC and to determine the number of necessary forces and means of radio communication, which must be increased for the full functioning of the special purpose SRC under the influence of means of radio-electronic warfare, fire damage and cybernetic influence.
As a result of the conducted research, a methodology of intelligent management of the means of jamming of special purpose radio communication systems (SRS) in the conditions of a complex radio-electronic environment was developed, which allows to increase the efficiency of the functioning of radio communication systems in conditions of complex destructive influence, which is of significant importance in improving the existing and creating a promising radio communication techniques of special purpose control and communication systems. The purpose of the dissertation is to increase the noise immunity of radio communication systems in conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors on the basis of intellectual control of their noise protection means. Within the framework of the performed studies, the following scientific results were obtained: 1. Substantiated and developed provisions of the system approach to solving the problem of intelligent control of jamming means of special-purpose SRC: substantiation of the principles of building intelligent control systems of special-purpose radio communication systems; classification of tasks of intellectual control of the means of protection of SRC; a scheme of system analysis and synthesis of methods of intelligent control of the SRC jamming protection means has been developed; the purpose of the functioning of the intelligent control subsystem of the SRC jamming protection means is formulated, the principles of its construction and structure are substantiated; reasonable stages of solving the problem of developing a methodology for intelligent control of the SRW protection means; defined requirements for management methods in special purpose SRC; decomposition of the solution of this problem to the problem was carried out depending on the signal and interference situation in the SRC and the availability of information on the actions of the electronic suppression system. 2. A new scientific concept of organization of interaction of models of elements of special-purpose radio communication systems is proposed. A description of the process of functioning of a special-purpose radio communication system in a complex electronic environment has been formalized. The developed concept allows: to organize the interaction of different models and their coordination according to the parameters and characteristics of the SRH, according to the time of calculations, accuracy and units of measurement; operate with already existing models, as well as include newly created models in the complex, providing the possibility of replenishment, improvement and restoration of models; integrate complex models depending on the specific situation of creation and adaptation; model networks and their elements; perform various calculations and multi-level modeling; effectively evaluate network parameters and characteristics. 3. Models of functioning of radio communication systems at different levels of interaction of open systems are proposed, which allow sequentially to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the state of a special-purpose radio communication system: a mathematical model for assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems; a model for assessing the state of special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors and a mathematical model for protecting special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors. For the first time, a mathematical model for assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems has been developed. The model for assessing the state of special-purpose radio communication systems under conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors has been improved. For the first time, a mathematical model of protection of special-purpose radio communication systems in conditions of complex influence of destabilizing factors has been developed. 4. A set of new methods for assessing the state of a special-purpose radio communication system in a complex radio-electronic environment has been proposed. The method of assessing the electronic situation of special-purpose radio communication systems has been improved. The method for assessing and predicting the state of SRC has been further developed, which differs from those known by using a new type of fuzzy cognitive temporal models focused on multidimensional analysis and forecasting the state of objects under uncertainty. The method of assessing the cyber security of a specialpurpose radio communication system has been improved. 5. A set of methods of intelligent control of noise protection of radio communication systems depending on the electronic situation in the system and the availability of information about the actions of the electronic suppression system. 6. The proposed methodology for the synthesis of a rational topology of a specialpurpose SRC using a genetic algorithm. The structure of SRC is presented in the form of a two-dimensional incidence matrix. This matrix is used as a chromosome by genetic algorithm operators. In the genetic algorithm, the elements of the incidence matrix describing the relationships between elements of the SRC are genes. In each cycle of the genetic algorithm, pairwise crossing of chromosomes is carried out, during which part of the genes are exchanged, which for the network under study means the appearance and disappearance of the corresponding connections between elements. 7. The method of intelligent management of the parameters of the special-purpose SRH is proposed. The difference between the proposed method and the known ones lies in the complex management of the parameters of the physical, channel and network level of the special purpose SRC. The proposed method makes it possible to select the working frequencies of radio communication means taking into account the strategy of means of radio-electronic warfare; allows you to choose a rational network topology, choose a rational information transmission route, and allows you to choose the mode of operation of the radio communication tool taking into account the bandwidth of the SRC. 8. The method of complex management of special purpose SRC resources is proposed. The specified technique allows: to determine the impact of destabilizing factors on the special purpose SRC and to determine the number of necessary forces and means of radio communication, which must be increased for the full functioning of the special purpose SRC under the influence of means of radio-electronic warfare, fire damage and cybernetic influence.
навмисні перешкоди, селективні завмирання, система радіозв’язку, інтелектуальне управління, завадозахищеність, ефективність, засоби завадозахисту, intentional interference, selective fading, radio communication system, intelligent control, noise immunity, efficiency, noise protection
Шишацький А.В. Інтелектуальні методи управління засобами завадозахисту систем радіозв'язку в умовах дестабілізуючих впливів – Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.06 «Інформаційні технології». – Національний авіаційний університет, Київ, 2024. – 321 с.