Models that take into account the main factors of forecasting in air transport
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National Aviation University
In long-term forecasting, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the factors that determine the quantity-demand. Where it is necessary to carry out a complete analysis of demand, the forecasting methodology should include the following steps: establishing a form of relationship between expected variables and levels of demand for air transportation, including changes in these levels;
forecasting expected levels of external factors in the project year;forecasting the future levels of demand for transportation at the established levels of external factors.
forecasting, market analysis, regression analysis, demand levels, air transport
Turchyna K. A., Medynskyi D. V. Models that take into account the main factors of forecasting in air transport / K. A.Turchyna, D. V. Medynskyi // Інноваційні технології: матеріали наук.-техн.конф. студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених / за заг. ред. П. В. Горінова, К. О. Бабікової , Л. М. Мельничук; ІНТЛ НАУ (м. Київ, 25-26 листоп. 2020 р.). - К., 2020. - C. 378-382