Ensuring the development of the transport industry of ukraine in the context of the crisis

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National Aviation University


In the difficult conditions of foreign policy and internal socio-economic processes, Ukraine needs an effective state policy in the field of transport, which will take into account geopolitical features, in particular the Euro-Atlantic direction of State Development, the peculiarities of the industry in the structure of the economy, its role in the socio-economic transformations of Ukraine and will provide an opportunity for sustainable development of the transport industry and ensure its competitiveness in the international arena. The current level of development of the transport sector, the globalization of World Economic Relations, and the activation of trade relations in the world contribute to the integration of the domestic transport complex into the European and global transport systems. The transport industry is part of the basic, systemically important sectors of the state economy, however, today, the existing potential of industry enterprises is not applied enough, and the sphere itself is under the influence of negative phenomena, in particular caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic.


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transport industry, crisis, public policy, economy, competitiveness


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