Features of education nanostructures on one-, two- and threecarbid hard alloys under laser radiation




Nanostructures, femtosecond laser, picosecond laser, efficiency of production of nanostructures, temperature, growth rate, grain size, the volume of grain., Наноструктури, фемтосекундний лазер, пикосекундной лазер, ефективність виробництва наноструктур, температури, швидкості росту, розмір зерна, обсяг зерна.


Features of education nanostructures on one-, two- and threecarbid hard alloys under laser radiation / G. Kostyuk, A. Yevseyenkova, O. Bryiaka // Proceedings. XXVI International Conference «New leading technologies in machine building» : International Conference, 3–8 september 2016 y. : тезисы докл. Koblevo-Kharkov, 2016. – P. 11–12.