Трансформація публічного управління будівельною галуззю на засадах цифровізації: європейський та український досвід
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Національний авіаційний університет
У дисертаційній роботі здійснено широке узагальнення та наведено нові науково обґрунтовані положення, що в сукупності розв’язують важливу науково-прикладну проблему, яка полягає у теоретико-методологічному обґрунтуванні ключових трендів сучасної трансформації публічного управління будівництвом на засадах цифровізації в країнах Європейського Союзу та в Україні, розробці на його основі відповідних моделей, механізмів та науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо подальшого вдосконалення державної політики цифровізації будівельної галузі Україні в контексті євроінтеграційного курсу нашої держави. Окреслено основні підходи до наукового розуміння комплексного характеру публічного управління діяльністю будівельної галузі та регулювання цієї галузі в контексті запровадження в її управління інноваційних цифрових технологій, що ґрунтується на таких засадничих “стовпах”, як формування екологічно-відповідальної сфери виробництва; ефективна енергетика на відновлюваних джерелах; здоров'я і благополуччя людей; збереження навколишнього середовища та реалізується в шести групах завдань-принципів цифрової трансформації будівельної галузі: єдиної відповідності; рівних можливостей; єдиних правил; захисту життя і здоров’я громадян; захисту навколишнього середовища; підвищення конкурентоспроможності.
Визначено ключові засади, принципи та стратегічні напрями публічної політики цифровізації будівельної галузі в Європейському Союзі, зокрема окреслено низку політичних та ринкових драйверів – рушійних сил цієї політики. Систематизовано практично-політичний інструментарій Європейського Союзу щодо механізмів запровадження ВІМ-технології в будівельну галузь європейської спільноти, що реалізується у форматі трьох публічно-управлінських моделей адміністративно-організаційного механізму запровадження інформаційного моделювання будівель: моноцентричної, мережевої та моделі симбіозу.
Запропоновано засади принципово нової державної Концепції цифрової трансформації будівельної галузі України та наведено обґрунтування її структурно-функціонального наповнення. Розроблено концептуальні напрями подальшого вдосконалення публічного управління цифровою трансформацією будівельної галузі України, орієнтовані на пришвидшення цифровізації вітчизняного будівельного сектору, набуття ним на основі впровадження цифрових технологій ознак конкурентоспроможності на міжнародному рівні та здатності відіграти вирішальну роль у повоєнній відбудові України.
The dissertation presents new scientifically based provisions and makes a broad generalization, which together solve an important scientific and applied problem, which consists in the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the key trends of the modern transformation of public construction management on the basis of digitalization in the countries of the European Union and in Ukraine, development on its basis of relevant models, mechanisms and scientific and practical recommendations regarding the further improvement of the state policy of digitalization of the construction industry in Ukraine in the context of the European integration course of our country. It is emphasized that in the conditions of martial law and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, the ability of the system of public administration bodies to perform extremely complex tasks of structural, technical, communal and socio-cultural reconstruction of the cities and villages of Ukraine, to overcome the comprehensive deficit of resources (human, financial, material and raw materials, technical, etc.) and carry out an extremely large amount of restoration of destroyed structures, buildings and infrastructure objects, which determines the key role of the construction sector in post-war Ukraine and imposes special requirements for public regulation and management of the activities of construction organizations, which acquires a strategic character. The ontological content and scientific understanding of the phenomenon of digitalization in the infrastructure of human life and the processes of public governance is revealed, which consists in defining digitalization as an innovative tool for fundamental changes in the fundamental conditions of social-political, financial-economic, construction-technical, etc. human activity in the third millennium, as a result of which all the processes traditional for these spheres acquire a new content and character, which is reflected in the widespread processes of digitization of documents and procedures of current activities, the transfer of a significant part of them into the format of electronic services, the formation of large databases and their operation. Accordingly, the essence of the digital transformation of the system of public governance as an ordered set of central and regional bodies of state executive power and regional, district and local self-government bodies is a systemic transformation under the influence of digitalization from a hierarchical-vertical to a horizontal-network one, which fundamentally changes the power-administrative relations both between individual institutions of public governance, and within these institutions themselves and their mutual relations and interaction with the economic and industrial sector and institutions of civil society. The main approaches to the scientific understanding of the complex nature of public management and regulation of the construction industry in the context of the introduction of innovative digital technologies into its management are outlined, based on such fundamental "pillars" as the formation of an environmentally responsible sphere of production; efficient energy from renewable sources; health and well-being of people; preservation of the environment and is implemented in six groups of tasks-principles of the digital transformation of the construction industry: uniform compliance; equal opportunities; uniform rules; protection of life and health of citizens; environmental protection; increasing competitiveness. The key components of a comprehensive approach to the public regulation of the digital transformation of the construction industry in the European Union are highlighted, which is carried out in the form of four interrelated policies and corresponding systemic actions of public administration bodies of all levels, aimed at the development of digital skills by citizens through the deployment of a network of educational and training centres and the introduction to educational programs of schools, lyceums and universities of relevant academic disciplines; development of modern digital infrastructure of society with total administrative and territorial coverage of ultra-fast Internet and 5G network; administrative and financial and economic assistance to accelerate digitalization of construction and other sectors of the economy, including the use of artificial intelligence and digitalization of public services. The key principles, principles and strategic directions of the public policy of digitization of the construction industry in the European Union are defined, in particular, a number of political and market drivers – driving forces are outlined, where the political drivers include legislative support, reduction of administrative obstacles and excessive bureaucracy, ensuring better access to publicly significant information , which is administered by public administration bodies, as well as the stimulation of corporate social responsibility; to market – demand in the market, which is increasingly oriented towards innovative construction products, the need for businesses to reduce costs and increase labour productivity in order to remain competitive in the medium and long term. Characteristic signs of exhaustion of resources for the extensive development of large cities and megacities, which constitute a number of interconnected problematic factors, are revealed, primarily: overpopulation, urbanization, exhaustion of the territory of urban development, shortage of housing and commercial buildings, oversaturation of large cities with transport, environmental pollution, wear and tear of engineering communications old cities, security and civil protection problems, which determine the need for the formation of a new public policy of territorial and spatial organization of the human community, and in particular a new strategy for the development of urban planning – extensive construction development of underground spaces of large cities and megacities – underground construction. The practical and political toolkit of the European Union regarding the mechanisms for introducing ВIM technology in the construction industry of the European community, which is implemented in the format of three public-management models of the administrative-organizational mechanism for introducing information modelling of buildings, is characterized and systematized: monocentric (with the one dominated by the state coordination centre), network (with the formation of a wide network of peripheral and local centres of ВIM promotion) and the symbiosis model (which involves a combination of the best features of the previous two and is more effective for countries that are only at the initial stage of introducing digital innovations in construction). The main regularities and trends of the digital transformation of the construction industry at the current stage are highlighted, which are grouped into four main directions of public-management stimulation of further sustainable development of the construction industry – energy efficiency; vertical digitization; underground construction; a bet on the latest materials, deployed in 16 relevant instrumental sub-directions, which will collectively allow the construction industry to occupy a prominent place in the socially responsible digital economy of today and ensure the transition to ecologically-centric sustainable development of society as a whole. The foundations of the fundamentally new state concept of digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine are substantiated and the author's justification of its structural and functional content is presented. Conceptual directions for further improvement of public management of the digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine are proposed, aimed at accelerating the digitalization of the domestic construction sector, its acquisition, based on the implementation of digital technologies, of the signs of competitiveness at the international level and the ability to play a decisive role in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
The dissertation presents new scientifically based provisions and makes a broad generalization, which together solve an important scientific and applied problem, which consists in the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the key trends of the modern transformation of public construction management on the basis of digitalization in the countries of the European Union and in Ukraine, development on its basis of relevant models, mechanisms and scientific and practical recommendations regarding the further improvement of the state policy of digitalization of the construction industry in Ukraine in the context of the European integration course of our country. It is emphasized that in the conditions of martial law and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, the ability of the system of public administration bodies to perform extremely complex tasks of structural, technical, communal and socio-cultural reconstruction of the cities and villages of Ukraine, to overcome the comprehensive deficit of resources (human, financial, material and raw materials, technical, etc.) and carry out an extremely large amount of restoration of destroyed structures, buildings and infrastructure objects, which determines the key role of the construction sector in post-war Ukraine and imposes special requirements for public regulation and management of the activities of construction organizations, which acquires a strategic character. The ontological content and scientific understanding of the phenomenon of digitalization in the infrastructure of human life and the processes of public governance is revealed, which consists in defining digitalization as an innovative tool for fundamental changes in the fundamental conditions of social-political, financial-economic, construction-technical, etc. human activity in the third millennium, as a result of which all the processes traditional for these spheres acquire a new content and character, which is reflected in the widespread processes of digitization of documents and procedures of current activities, the transfer of a significant part of them into the format of electronic services, the formation of large databases and their operation. Accordingly, the essence of the digital transformation of the system of public governance as an ordered set of central and regional bodies of state executive power and regional, district and local self-government bodies is a systemic transformation under the influence of digitalization from a hierarchical-vertical to a horizontal-network one, which fundamentally changes the power-administrative relations both between individual institutions of public governance, and within these institutions themselves and their mutual relations and interaction with the economic and industrial sector and institutions of civil society. The main approaches to the scientific understanding of the complex nature of public management and regulation of the construction industry in the context of the introduction of innovative digital technologies into its management are outlined, based on such fundamental "pillars" as the formation of an environmentally responsible sphere of production; efficient energy from renewable sources; health and well-being of people; preservation of the environment and is implemented in six groups of tasks-principles of the digital transformation of the construction industry: uniform compliance; equal opportunities; uniform rules; protection of life and health of citizens; environmental protection; increasing competitiveness. The key components of a comprehensive approach to the public regulation of the digital transformation of the construction industry in the European Union are highlighted, which is carried out in the form of four interrelated policies and corresponding systemic actions of public administration bodies of all levels, aimed at the development of digital skills by citizens through the deployment of a network of educational and training centres and the introduction to educational programs of schools, lyceums and universities of relevant academic disciplines; development of modern digital infrastructure of society with total administrative and territorial coverage of ultra-fast Internet and 5G network; administrative and financial and economic assistance to accelerate digitalization of construction and other sectors of the economy, including the use of artificial intelligence and digitalization of public services. The key principles, principles and strategic directions of the public policy of digitization of the construction industry in the European Union are defined, in particular, a number of political and market drivers – driving forces are outlined, where the political drivers include legislative support, reduction of administrative obstacles and excessive bureaucracy, ensuring better access to publicly significant information , which is administered by public administration bodies, as well as the stimulation of corporate social responsibility; to market – demand in the market, which is increasingly oriented towards innovative construction products, the need for businesses to reduce costs and increase labour productivity in order to remain competitive in the medium and long term. Characteristic signs of exhaustion of resources for the extensive development of large cities and megacities, which constitute a number of interconnected problematic factors, are revealed, primarily: overpopulation, urbanization, exhaustion of the territory of urban development, shortage of housing and commercial buildings, oversaturation of large cities with transport, environmental pollution, wear and tear of engineering communications old cities, security and civil protection problems, which determine the need for the formation of a new public policy of territorial and spatial organization of the human community, and in particular a new strategy for the development of urban planning – extensive construction development of underground spaces of large cities and megacities – underground construction. The practical and political toolkit of the European Union regarding the mechanisms for introducing ВIM technology in the construction industry of the European community, which is implemented in the format of three public-management models of the administrative-organizational mechanism for introducing information modelling of buildings, is characterized and systematized: monocentric (with the one dominated by the state coordination centre), network (with the formation of a wide network of peripheral and local centres of ВIM promotion) and the symbiosis model (which involves a combination of the best features of the previous two and is more effective for countries that are only at the initial stage of introducing digital innovations in construction). The main regularities and trends of the digital transformation of the construction industry at the current stage are highlighted, which are grouped into four main directions of public-management stimulation of further sustainable development of the construction industry – energy efficiency; vertical digitization; underground construction; a bet on the latest materials, deployed in 16 relevant instrumental sub-directions, which will collectively allow the construction industry to occupy a prominent place in the socially responsible digital economy of today and ensure the transition to ecologically-centric sustainable development of society as a whole. The foundations of the fundamentally new state concept of digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine are substantiated and the author's justification of its structural and functional content is presented. Conceptual directions for further improvement of public management of the digital transformation of the construction industry of Ukraine are proposed, aimed at accelerating the digitalization of the domestic construction sector, its acquisition, based on the implementation of digital technologies, of the signs of competitiveness at the international level and the ability to play a decisive role in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
1.1. Сучасні методологічні підходи до розуміння й тлумачення категоріально-понятійного апарату цифрового публічного управління в будівельній галузі
1.2. Аналітичний огляд дискурсного простору проблематики сталого розвитку будівельної галузі в контексті світових процесів глобальної цифрової трансформації
1.3. Онтологічний зміст та наукове розуміння феномену цифровізації в інфраструктурі життєдіяльності людства та процесах публічного управління
Висновки до розділу 1
2.1. Генезис становлення механізмів державного управління будівельною галуззю в контексті запровадження інноваційних цифрових технологій
2.2. Сутність та особливості явища цифровізації систем публічного управління в контексті цифрової трансформації будівельної галузі
2.3. Ключові засади, принципи та стратегічні напрямки публічної політики цифровізації будівельної галузі в сучасному світі
Висновки до розділу 2
3.1. Публічна політика розвитку будівельної галузі ЄС: загальні тенденції
3.2. Ключові засади, принципи та стратегічні напрямки публічної політики цифровізації будівельної галузі Європейського Союзу
3.3. Становлення та розвиток концепції «розумного міста» – Smart City як результату цифровізації будівельної індустрії
Висновки до розділу 3
4.1. Курс на енергоефективне будівництво як ключова складова стратегії «зеленого»переходу Європейського Союзу
4.2. Політика «підземного будівництва» як стратегічний шлях розвитку мегаполісів майбутнього ЄС та світу 4.3. Запровадження цифрових ВІМ-технологій в будівельній сфері: європейський досвід та перспективи його імплементації в Україні
Висновки до розділу 4
5.2. Сучасний стан та проблеми цифрової трансформації будівельної галузі України в державно-управлінському вимірі
5.3. Шляхи подальшого вдосконалення механізмів публічного управління будівельною галуззю в Україні
Висновки до розділу 5
публічне управління, публічна політика, просторове планування, будівельна галузь, цифрова трансформація, Розумні міста, construction industry, digitalization, digital transformation public administration, public policy, spatial planning, Smart City
Шандрик В. І. Трансформація публічного управління будівельною галуззю на засадах цифровізації: європейський та український досвід. - Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора наук з державного управління. 25.00.02 "Механізми державного управління". -Національний авіаційний університет. - Київ, 2024. – 420 с.