Адміністративно-правове забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я
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Національний авіаційний університет
Дисертацію присвячено вивченню концептуальних уявлень і розробці авторської парадигми адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я, а також визначенню перспектив його подальшого розвитку. Сформульовано науково-методологічні підходи до вирішення проблем у сфері правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Проаналізовано генезис адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Сформульовано принципи та визначено функції адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Охарактеризовано конституційні засади реалізації права людини на охорону здоров’я та умови їх адміністративно-правового забезпечення. Охарактеризовано моделі забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Визначено напрями забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Розглянуто участь Верховної Ради України та Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини в забезпеченні реалізації права на охорону здоров’я як загальних суб’єктів. Визначено роль Президента України та органів виконавчої влади як суб’єктів забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Охарактеризовано органи місцевого самоврядування як суб’єкти забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Розкрито роль судів і органів прокуратури в забезпеченні реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Визначено вплив громадських об’єднань та інших суб’єктів на забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Проаналізовано основні засоби адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я (ліцензування, акредитацію медичних закладів, атестацію лікарів, стандартизацію та сертифікацію у сфері охорони здоров’я). Визначено форми і методи адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Розкрито сутність адміністративної відповідальності за правопорушення у сфері охорони здоров’я. Досліджено зарубіжний досвід правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. Визначено тенденції і перспективи розвитку адміністративно-правового забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я.
Диссертация посвящена изучению концептуальных представлений и разработке авторской парадигмы административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья, а также определению перспектив его дальнейшего развития. Сформулированы научно-методологические подходы к решению проблем в сфере правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализирован генезис административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Раскрыты принципы и функции административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы конституционные принципы реализации права человека на охрану здоровья и условия их административно-правового обеспечения. Определены модели обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы направления обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Выделены и сформированы направления административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Рассмотрено участие Верховной Рады Украины и Уполномоченного Верховной Рады Украины по правам человека в обеспечении реализации права на охрану здоровья в качестве общих субъектов. Определена роль Президента Украины и органов исполнительной власти как субъектов обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы органы местного самоуправления как субъекты обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Раскрыта роль судов и органов прокуратуры в обеспечении реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализировано влияние общественных объединений и других субъектов на обеспечение реализации права на охрану здоровья. Рассмотрены лицензирование, аккредитация медицинских учреждений и аттестация врачей как средства обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализированы стандартизация и сертификация в сфере здравоохранения как средства обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определены формы и методы административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определена сущность административной ответственности за правонарушения в сфере здравоохранения. Исследован зарубежный опыт правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определены перспективы развития административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья.
Administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care is defined as a system of actions of authorized entities, which provides target-oriented impact on the state of guaranteeing of the right to health care through law norms, means, forms and methods of administrative and legal influence. It has been stated that the realization of the right to health care is a process of transforming legally possible behavior enshrined in law norm into the actual action of the entity to support the preservation of physiological, psychological health, ability to work, social activity, expectancy of life. Administrative and legal means of guaranteeing of the right to health care are perceived as a set of techniques and methods of activity of medical legal relations entities, regulated by the norms of administrative law, applied in order to realize the right to health care. It has been established that the methods of studying administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care are the system of philosophical, generally scientific, specific and special methods, which assist to the process of cognition of administrative provision of the right to health care in the state. The principles of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care have been offered to be understood as the initial provisions, principles and standards, which should be the basis for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care by authorized entities. The functions of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care have been offered to understand as separate components (directions) of administrative and legal guaranteeing for its realization due to the nature and content of the right to health care. The author has carried out the classification of the indicated functions, which is based on organizational and regulatory components. It has been emphasized that the realization of the right to health care is ensured not only by the constitutional basis in the form of the relevant norm (norms), but also by a set of regulatory acts of administrative and legal nature, which ensure the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine. The constitutional principles of the realization of the right to health care have been characterized. The author has studied the essence of the right to health care as a complex category, the content of which determines the directions for guaranteeing the realization of this right. A typology of models for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care has been suggested. According to that typology the author has singled out: the basic, optional and absolute models, and has provided their advantages and disadvantages. The author has carried out the analysis of the main functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The forms of interaction of the Verkhovna Rada with the President of Ukraine in the field of health care have been determined. The author has suggested the systematization of powers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and their classification according to various criteria. The author has improved the definition of the legal status of central executive agencies and the scope of their powers on guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The author has proved the necessity of optimizing the system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, reviewing its functions, delimitation of powers between structural units, in particular regarding the implementation of control and supervisory activities. The author has studied the special nature of the functions of local self-government, which are characterized by autonomy in resolving community problems and are related to the implementation of democracy. The emphasis has been placed on their separation from the functions of state executive agencies in the field of health care in regard to guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The author has emphasized on the expediency of generalizing court practice within medical cases and its harmonization with the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights. It has been offered to determine the criteria for the selection of public associations (organizations) with their further inclusion into the list of entities of implementing control over the quality of medical care. The necessity of establishing the legal institution “Health Care Ombudsman” with further specification of the procedure of its functioning has been proved. The main purpose of accreditation has been determined the stimulation of medical facilities to improve quality indicators. The emphasis has been placed on the wider involvement of representatives of the professional medical community into the certification of medical employees. International standards in the health care sector have been analyzed. The main requirements and standards enshrined in international acts have been singled out. The advantages of implementing the quality management system of a health care facility have been established. The author has substantiated the expediency for creating the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization and Adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Approval of the National Program of Immunological Prophylaxis and Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases for 2021-2027”. Areas for improving administrative liability in the health care sector have been defined. The author has analyzed international experience for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care, which allowed us to form areas for the improvement of national legislation. The author has defined perspectives for the development of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care by distinguishing criteria aimed at solving the problems of individual and public health.
Диссертация посвящена изучению концептуальных представлений и разработке авторской парадигмы административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья, а также определению перспектив его дальнейшего развития. Сформулированы научно-методологические подходы к решению проблем в сфере правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализирован генезис административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Раскрыты принципы и функции административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы конституционные принципы реализации права человека на охрану здоровья и условия их административно-правового обеспечения. Определены модели обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы направления обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Выделены и сформированы направления административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Рассмотрено участие Верховной Рады Украины и Уполномоченного Верховной Рады Украины по правам человека в обеспечении реализации права на охрану здоровья в качестве общих субъектов. Определена роль Президента Украины и органов исполнительной власти как субъектов обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Охарактеризованы органы местного самоуправления как субъекты обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Раскрыта роль судов и органов прокуратуры в обеспечении реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализировано влияние общественных объединений и других субъектов на обеспечение реализации права на охрану здоровья. Рассмотрены лицензирование, аккредитация медицинских учреждений и аттестация врачей как средства обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Проанализированы стандартизация и сертификация в сфере здравоохранения как средства обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определены формы и методы административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определена сущность административной ответственности за правонарушения в сфере здравоохранения. Исследован зарубежный опыт правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья. Определены перспективы развития административно-правового обеспечения реализации права на охрану здоровья.
Administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care is defined as a system of actions of authorized entities, which provides target-oriented impact on the state of guaranteeing of the right to health care through law norms, means, forms and methods of administrative and legal influence. It has been stated that the realization of the right to health care is a process of transforming legally possible behavior enshrined in law norm into the actual action of the entity to support the preservation of physiological, psychological health, ability to work, social activity, expectancy of life. Administrative and legal means of guaranteeing of the right to health care are perceived as a set of techniques and methods of activity of medical legal relations entities, regulated by the norms of administrative law, applied in order to realize the right to health care. It has been established that the methods of studying administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care are the system of philosophical, generally scientific, specific and special methods, which assist to the process of cognition of administrative provision of the right to health care in the state. The principles of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care have been offered to be understood as the initial provisions, principles and standards, which should be the basis for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care by authorized entities. The functions of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care have been offered to understand as separate components (directions) of administrative and legal guaranteeing for its realization due to the nature and content of the right to health care. The author has carried out the classification of the indicated functions, which is based on organizational and regulatory components. It has been emphasized that the realization of the right to health care is ensured not only by the constitutional basis in the form of the relevant norm (norms), but also by a set of regulatory acts of administrative and legal nature, which ensure the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine. The constitutional principles of the realization of the right to health care have been characterized. The author has studied the essence of the right to health care as a complex category, the content of which determines the directions for guaranteeing the realization of this right. A typology of models for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care has been suggested. According to that typology the author has singled out: the basic, optional and absolute models, and has provided their advantages and disadvantages. The author has carried out the analysis of the main functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The forms of interaction of the Verkhovna Rada with the President of Ukraine in the field of health care have been determined. The author has suggested the systematization of powers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and their classification according to various criteria. The author has improved the definition of the legal status of central executive agencies and the scope of their powers on guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The author has proved the necessity of optimizing the system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, reviewing its functions, delimitation of powers between structural units, in particular regarding the implementation of control and supervisory activities. The author has studied the special nature of the functions of local self-government, which are characterized by autonomy in resolving community problems and are related to the implementation of democracy. The emphasis has been placed on their separation from the functions of state executive agencies in the field of health care in regard to guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care. The author has emphasized on the expediency of generalizing court practice within medical cases and its harmonization with the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights. It has been offered to determine the criteria for the selection of public associations (organizations) with their further inclusion into the list of entities of implementing control over the quality of medical care. The necessity of establishing the legal institution “Health Care Ombudsman” with further specification of the procedure of its functioning has been proved. The main purpose of accreditation has been determined the stimulation of medical facilities to improve quality indicators. The emphasis has been placed on the wider involvement of representatives of the professional medical community into the certification of medical employees. International standards in the health care sector have been analyzed. The main requirements and standards enshrined in international acts have been singled out. The advantages of implementing the quality management system of a health care facility have been established. The author has substantiated the expediency for creating the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization and Adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Approval of the National Program of Immunological Prophylaxis and Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases for 2021-2027”. Areas for improving administrative liability in the health care sector have been defined. The author has analyzed international experience for guaranteeing the realization of the right to health care, which allowed us to form areas for the improvement of national legislation. The author has defined perspectives for the development of administrative and legal guaranteeing of the right to health care by distinguishing criteria aimed at solving the problems of individual and public health.
право на охорону здоров’я, адміністративно-правове забезпечення, медична допомога, громадське здоров’я, індивідуальне здоров’я, адміністративна відповідальність, право на охрану здоровья, административно-правовое обеспечение, медицинская помощь, общественное здоровье, индивидуальное здоровье, административная ответственность, right to health care, administrative and legal provision, medical care, public health, individual health, administrative liability
Муляр Г. В. Адміністративно-правове забезпечення реалізації права на охорону здоров’я. – Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора юридичних наук зі спеціальності 12.00.07 – адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право. – Національний авіаційний університет, Київ, 2021, 565 с.