Адміністративно-правове забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні
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Національний авіаційний університет
Дисертацію присвячено системному дослідженню адміністративно правового забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні. Досліджено економічну конкуренцію в Україні як об’єкт адміністративно-правового
забезпечення. Розкрито поняття і зміст адміністративно-правового забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні. Надано авторське визначення адміністративно-правового забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні. Розглянуто нормативно-правову основу забезпечення економічної конкуренції в країні адміністративно-правовими засобами. Окреслено коло суб’єктів адміністративно-правового абезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні. Виокремлено адміністративні процедури у сфері економічної конкуренції в Україні. Охарактеризовано заходи адміністративного примусу як засоби захисту економічної конкуренції в Україні. Узагальнено зарубіжний досвід адміністративно-правового забезпечення економічної конкуренції. З’ясовано актуальні проблеми адміністративно-правового забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні.
Диссертация посвящена системному исследованию административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Исследована экономическая конкуренция в Украине как объект административно-правового обеспечения. Раскрыты понятие и содержание административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Предоставлено авторское определение административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Рассмотрена нормативно-правовая основа обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине административно-правовыми средствами. Очерчен круг субъектов административно-правового обеспечения економической конкуренции в Украине. Выделены административные процедуры в сфере економической конкуренции в Украине. Охарактеризованы меры административного принуждения как средства защиты экономической конкуренции в Украине. Обобщен зарубежный опыт административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции. Выяснены актуальные проблемы административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине.
The thesis is concerned with the systematic study of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine. The author stuied the economic competition in Ukraine as an object of administrative and legal support in the field of business activity with the participation of economic entities of Ukraine and in the field of foreign economic activity with the participation of foreign economic entities. Approaches to definition of the oncepts of economic competition, unfair competition, fair competition, custom/business custom with regard to he characteristics of administrative and legal relations, as well as anticompetitive performance in economic competition, including in the field of foreign economic activity were analysed.The concept and the essence of dministrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine are revealed. The author's definition of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine as the activity of subjects of power is ormulated and substantiated, which involved creating conditions for facilitating development, support, security nd protection of economic competition, effective performance of Ukrainian economy, monopolyre striction, rotection of subjects of economic activity and consumers from anti competitive actions, establishment and evelopment of fair business practices by means of administrative measures. Regulatory framework for dministrative legal support of economic competition in Ukraine is considered. The author's definition of the egulatory framework for support of economic competition in Ukraine is proposed. It is stated that the legal basis for economic competition in Ukraine is the Constitution of Ukraine, international, intergovernmental, nterdepartmental agreements, agreements of Ukraine with other foreign countries, international legal acts atified by Ukraine, legislative acts of Ukraine, as well as bylaws of Ukraine. The scope of subjects of dministrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine is outlined. It was concluded that the system of subjects of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine consists of subjects of power of general competence, carrying out exclusively regulatory 21 activities in the field of economic competition and subjects of power of special competence, carrying out public authoritative management activities related to the support, security and protection of economic competition, restriction of monopoly in economic activity and protection of economic entities from anti-competitive actions in economic competition. Administrative procedures in the field of economic competition in Ukraine are highlighted. In particular, the roceedings in cases of violation of legislation on the protection of economic competition, anti-dumping rocedure, anti-subsidy procedure, special procedure, procedure for granting concentration permission to economic entities, procedures for granting permission for concerted actions to economic entities, procedures for providing preliminary opinions on concerted actions, procedures for providing preliminary opinions on the concentration, procedures for providing conclusions on the possibility of renting an integral property complex of the enterprise were analysed.Administrative actions as a means of protecting economic competition in Ukraine are characterised. The author identified that in the field of economic competition the measures of administrative prevention, measures of administrative termination and measures of administrative responsibility are the administrative actions. It is concluded that the administrative actions enshrined at the legislative level are versatile and provide an opportunity for the subject of power to choose one or another measure of administrative coercion. The foreign experience of administrative and legal support of economic competition is summarized, in particular within the internal market of the European Community, the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It was found that the competent competition authorities take measures to properly implement measurs of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine within the country and the commodity market where they operate and are established. The author clarified the current problems of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the inexpediency of assigning the cases on challenging the decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in court, in particular decisions to refuse to hear a case of violation of legislation on protection against unfair competition, to the jurisdiction of commercial courts. Proceeding from the existing public law dispute, the legal status of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and public administration functions in the field of economic competition, it is proposed to assign the cases on challenging the decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to refuse to consider cases of violation of unfair competition laws to the jurisdiction of administrative courts.
Диссертация посвящена системному исследованию административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Исследована экономическая конкуренция в Украине как объект административно-правового обеспечения. Раскрыты понятие и содержание административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Предоставлено авторское определение административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине. Рассмотрена нормативно-правовая основа обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине административно-правовыми средствами. Очерчен круг субъектов административно-правового обеспечения економической конкуренции в Украине. Выделены административные процедуры в сфере економической конкуренции в Украине. Охарактеризованы меры административного принуждения как средства защиты экономической конкуренции в Украине. Обобщен зарубежный опыт административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции. Выяснены актуальные проблемы административно-правового обеспечения экономической конкуренции в Украине.
The thesis is concerned with the systematic study of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine. The author stuied the economic competition in Ukraine as an object of administrative and legal support in the field of business activity with the participation of economic entities of Ukraine and in the field of foreign economic activity with the participation of foreign economic entities. Approaches to definition of the oncepts of economic competition, unfair competition, fair competition, custom/business custom with regard to he characteristics of administrative and legal relations, as well as anticompetitive performance in economic competition, including in the field of foreign economic activity were analysed.The concept and the essence of dministrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine are revealed. The author's definition of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine as the activity of subjects of power is ormulated and substantiated, which involved creating conditions for facilitating development, support, security nd protection of economic competition, effective performance of Ukrainian economy, monopolyre striction, rotection of subjects of economic activity and consumers from anti competitive actions, establishment and evelopment of fair business practices by means of administrative measures. Regulatory framework for dministrative legal support of economic competition in Ukraine is considered. The author's definition of the egulatory framework for support of economic competition in Ukraine is proposed. It is stated that the legal basis for economic competition in Ukraine is the Constitution of Ukraine, international, intergovernmental, nterdepartmental agreements, agreements of Ukraine with other foreign countries, international legal acts atified by Ukraine, legislative acts of Ukraine, as well as bylaws of Ukraine. The scope of subjects of dministrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine is outlined. It was concluded that the system of subjects of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine consists of subjects of power of general competence, carrying out exclusively regulatory 21 activities in the field of economic competition and subjects of power of special competence, carrying out public authoritative management activities related to the support, security and protection of economic competition, restriction of monopoly in economic activity and protection of economic entities from anti-competitive actions in economic competition. Administrative procedures in the field of economic competition in Ukraine are highlighted. In particular, the roceedings in cases of violation of legislation on the protection of economic competition, anti-dumping rocedure, anti-subsidy procedure, special procedure, procedure for granting concentration permission to economic entities, procedures for granting permission for concerted actions to economic entities, procedures for providing preliminary opinions on concerted actions, procedures for providing preliminary opinions on the concentration, procedures for providing conclusions on the possibility of renting an integral property complex of the enterprise were analysed.Administrative actions as a means of protecting economic competition in Ukraine are characterised. The author identified that in the field of economic competition the measures of administrative prevention, measures of administrative termination and measures of administrative responsibility are the administrative actions. It is concluded that the administrative actions enshrined at the legislative level are versatile and provide an opportunity for the subject of power to choose one or another measure of administrative coercion. The foreign experience of administrative and legal support of economic competition is summarized, in particular within the internal market of the European Community, the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It was found that the competent competition authorities take measures to properly implement measurs of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine within the country and the commodity market where they operate and are established. The author clarified the current problems of administrative and legal support of economic competition in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the inexpediency of assigning the cases on challenging the decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in court, in particular decisions to refuse to hear a case of violation of legislation on protection against unfair competition, to the jurisdiction of commercial courts. Proceeding from the existing public law dispute, the legal status of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and public administration functions in the field of economic competition, it is proposed to assign the cases on challenging the decisions of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to refuse to consider cases of violation of unfair competition laws to the jurisdiction of administrative courts.
адміністративно-правове забезпечення, економічна конкуренція, недобросовісна конкуренція, захист економічної конкуренції, охорона економічної конкуренції, зовнішньоекономічна діяльність, административно-правовое обеспечение, экономическая конкуренция, недобросовестная конкуренция, защита экономической конкуренции, охрана экономической конкуренции, внешнеэкономическая деятельность, administrative and legal support, economic competition, unfair competition, protection of economic competition, security of economic competition, foreign economic activity
Пасічник В. В. Адміністративно-правове забезпечення економічної конкуренції в Україні. - Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.07 ‒ адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право. ‒ Приватний вищий навчальний заклад «Університет сучасних знань», «Національний авіаційний університет». - Київ, 2021. - 244с.