Людський вимір місцевого самоврядування: конституційно-правові аспекти формування та реалізації
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Державне некомерційне підприємство «Державний університет «Київський авіаційний інститут».
Дисертацію присвячено комплексному науковому аналізу конституційно-правових аспектів формування та реалізації людського виміру місцевого самоврядування. Досліджено теоретико-доктринальні підходи до визначення диспозиції людини та її індивідуального габітусу в розумінні становлення місцевого самоврядування, а саме: місцеве самоврядування як природний простір життєдіяльності людини та пріоритетна сфера її існування; людина як біосоціальна істота в контекстуалізації визначення характерологічних ознак соціального та нормативно-правового вимірювання на рівні локального соціуму; філософський стан повсякденності та його стратегічний вплив на процеси формування людини як соціальної істоти в розумінні визначення системи її соціально-рольових позицій; людина в системі координат місцевого самоврядування в контекстуалізації існування та вибору між індивідуальним та колективним існуванням; феноменології індивідуальної соціалізації і індивідуальної правової соціалізації та їх роль у становленні і розвитку індивідуального габітусу людини в умовах місцевого самоврядування; розуміння і визначення нормативної системи координат людини в місцевому самоврядуванні.
The dissertation is devoted to a complex scientific analysis of the constitutional and legal aspects of the formation and implementation of the human dimension of local self-government. The theoretical and doctrinal approaches to determining the disposition of a person and his individual habitus in understanding the formation of local self-government have been studied, namely: local self-government as a natural space for human activity and a priority sphere of his existence; a person as a biosocial being in the contextualization of the definition of characterological features of social and normative-legal measurement at the level of local society; the philosophical state of everyday life and its strategic influence on the processes of formation of a person as a social being in the understanding of the definition of the system of his social role positions; a person in the coordinate system of local self-government in the contextualization of existence and the choice between individual and collective existence; phenomenology of individual socialization and individual legal socialization and their role in the formation and development of the individual habit of a person in the conditions of local self-government; understanding and definition of the normative system of human coordinates in local self-government. It is proved that: 1) in the system-target understanding, vision and perception of the surrounding social environment (teleological instruction), 2) in which a person exists, his essence is manifested, his social potential is realized (subject-characteristic instructions), 3) and lifestyle, health and social well-being (object-subject characterological instructions), 4) that directly and directly depend on it and at the same time are determined by it (existential-technological instructions), 5) were, are and will be the most valuable reference point in the directions of various studies (axiological guidelines), 6) including legal studies that investigate social norms, which with the help of norming, norm-projecting and norm-making activities / from "soft law" to "hard" (positive) rights/ (special legal technological guidelines), 7) are transformed, taking into account their socially important typified and stereotyped nature (ontological guidelines), 8) into legal norms that regulate and regulate the relevant social rules of behavior (behavioral and activity guidelines), that are important for society, because they optimally solve the relevant existential problems faced by a person in the process of realizing his life cycle (epistemological guidelines), 9) within the territorial human community - territorial community (communicative guidelines), 10) in the conditions of local self-governance, where the main processes are self-organization, self-expression, self-activity, self-development, self-identification, self-constitution, etc. (status guidelines), and) in the philosophical and vital state of everyday life (temporal-continuum guidelines). It is proved that the processes of institutionalization of the legal space of local self-government, which take place within the boundaries of the territorial community and in the conditions of local democracy, have spatial-functional and temporal-dynamic characteristics and are directly related to the permanent processes of self-affirmation of territorial communities in the context of their humanistic-existential and humanitarian - functional instructions, both in the process of realizing such existential possibilities of existence and functioning at the level of local society, and in synergistic interaction with the protectionist policy of the state regarding recognition, legalization, organizational and regulatory support, support and provision of the institution of local democracy. Therefore, the competence of local self-government bodies in the specified conditions is: firstly, evidence of such positive support of the state; secondly, the factor of recognition by the state of the existence of other interests, that is, those that do not coincide with the state interests, but do not contradict them - interests produced by territorial human communities based on the interest of a specific person; thirdly, by confirming that the given local interests, which are determined by the existence and functioning of territorial communities in the conditions of local self-government, objectively need their adequate implementation through the institution of its own competence of the public-management structure of local society, which is represented by local self-government bodies; fourthly, provided by the system of regulatory opportunities for social management in the local society.
The dissertation is devoted to a complex scientific analysis of the constitutional and legal aspects of the formation and implementation of the human dimension of local self-government. The theoretical and doctrinal approaches to determining the disposition of a person and his individual habitus in understanding the formation of local self-government have been studied, namely: local self-government as a natural space for human activity and a priority sphere of his existence; a person as a biosocial being in the contextualization of the definition of characterological features of social and normative-legal measurement at the level of local society; the philosophical state of everyday life and its strategic influence on the processes of formation of a person as a social being in the understanding of the definition of the system of his social role positions; a person in the coordinate system of local self-government in the contextualization of existence and the choice between individual and collective existence; phenomenology of individual socialization and individual legal socialization and their role in the formation and development of the individual habit of a person in the conditions of local self-government; understanding and definition of the normative system of human coordinates in local self-government. It is proved that: 1) in the system-target understanding, vision and perception of the surrounding social environment (teleological instruction), 2) in which a person exists, his essence is manifested, his social potential is realized (subject-characteristic instructions), 3) and lifestyle, health and social well-being (object-subject characterological instructions), 4) that directly and directly depend on it and at the same time are determined by it (existential-technological instructions), 5) were, are and will be the most valuable reference point in the directions of various studies (axiological guidelines), 6) including legal studies that investigate social norms, which with the help of norming, norm-projecting and norm-making activities / from "soft law" to "hard" (positive) rights/ (special legal technological guidelines), 7) are transformed, taking into account their socially important typified and stereotyped nature (ontological guidelines), 8) into legal norms that regulate and regulate the relevant social rules of behavior (behavioral and activity guidelines), that are important for society, because they optimally solve the relevant existential problems faced by a person in the process of realizing his life cycle (epistemological guidelines), 9) within the territorial human community - territorial community (communicative guidelines), 10) in the conditions of local self-governance, where the main processes are self-organization, self-expression, self-activity, self-development, self-identification, self-constitution, etc. (status guidelines), and) in the philosophical and vital state of everyday life (temporal-continuum guidelines). It is proved that the processes of institutionalization of the legal space of local self-government, which take place within the boundaries of the territorial community and in the conditions of local democracy, have spatial-functional and temporal-dynamic characteristics and are directly related to the permanent processes of self-affirmation of territorial communities in the context of their humanistic-existential and humanitarian - functional instructions, both in the process of realizing such existential possibilities of existence and functioning at the level of local society, and in synergistic interaction with the protectionist policy of the state regarding recognition, legalization, organizational and regulatory support, support and provision of the institution of local democracy. Therefore, the competence of local self-government bodies in the specified conditions is: firstly, evidence of such positive support of the state; secondly, the factor of recognition by the state of the existence of other interests, that is, those that do not coincide with the state interests, but do not contradict them - interests produced by territorial human communities based on the interest of a specific person; thirdly, by confirming that the given local interests, which are determined by the existence and functioning of territorial communities in the conditions of local self-government, objectively need their adequate implementation through the institution of its own competence of the public-management structure of local society, which is represented by local self-government bodies; fourthly, provided by the system of regulatory opportunities for social management in the local society.
Дисертація містить результати власних досліджень. Використання ідей, результатів і текстів інших авторів мають посилання на відповідне джерело ____________О.О. Боярський. Дисертація є ідентичною іншим примірникам дисертації. Вчений секретар спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.062.21 к.ю.н.,доц._____________ А.Ю.Замула.
людина-житель, місцеве самоврядування, локальна демократія, громадянське суспільство, person-resident, local self-government, local democracy, civil society
Боярський О.О. Людський вимір місцевого самоврядування: конституційно-правові аспекти формування та реалізації. – Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.02 – конституційне право; муніципальне право. – Державне некомерційне підприємство «Державний університет «Київський авіаційний інститут», Київ, 2024. - 546 с.