Strategies for agricultural production in the world economy

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Національний авіаційний університет


The global food problem escalates in the 21st century because the number of people living on planet Earth has already exceeded 7,6 billion people and the level of food supply is not sufficient. The total number of people suffering from food shortag-es is over one billion worldwide. The fact is that natural population growth in the world’s poorest countries outstrips agricultural productivity. That is why the problem of providing intensive agricultural production and developing effective strategies are important for the world economy.



global food problem, agricultural countries, food producer, agricultural production


Vasylyk V.S. Strategies for agricultural production in the world economy // Polit. Challenges of science today. International relations: Abstract of XX International conference of higher education students and young scientists, Kyiv, 2020, National Aviation University. – K.: NAU, 2020. – C. 173-175.