Метал як формотворчий чинник в дизайні меблів для сидіння

The article explores metal as a form-forming material in the design of furniture for sitting on the example of chairs. The peculiarities of the application of various metals in furniture for seating in different epochs are analyzed. Since the times of ancient civilizations and antiquities, throughout the history of great styles, it has been traced to the use of metal mainly for decoration of chairs At the end of the 19th century, new technologies for the manufacture and processing of metal, gave impetus to its new application in the design of chairs. The metal in modern seating furniture is used for the manufacture of frame and decoration, the nature of shaping the chairs is determined by the material of the frame and the nature of the relationship of the framework and additional materials
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метал, сплав, metal, seating furniture, forming of chairs, frame, design, style
Новік Г.В. Метал як формотворчий чинник в дизайні меблів для сидіння /Гнатюк Л. Р., Новік Г. В., Яценко Є. О. // Open Access Peer-reviewed Journal Science Review 3(10), Vol.7, March 2018/ RS Global Sp. z O.O., Scientific Educational Center, Warsaw, Poland. С.79-84