Body composition and heart rhythm variability in wrestlers
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Національний авіаційний університет
Modern elite sport presupposes high competition among participants in sports competitions, coaches, functionaries and many other professionals who provide the training process . In this connection, in order to ensure an objective understanding of changes in the parameters of athletes' readiness, and to build a competitive system for training athletes of national teams, a scientific approach to the training process is relevant and does not raise doubts about its need.
The heart rhythm variability is a very relevant and informative direction in the analysis of the adaptive reactions of the body of athletes. However, there is little understanding of the relationship between body composition and heart rhythm variability in elite athletes.
preparation, training process, competiteve system, elite sport, body, heart rhythm
Korobeynikov G. Body composition and heart rhythm variability in wrestlers / Korobeynikova L., Ludanov K., Baić M. // Фізичне виховання в контексті сучасної освіти : Матеріали XVI міжнародної науково-методичної конференції (м. Київ, 17-18 червня 2021 р.) / За заг. ред. І.І.Вржесневського. - К. : НАУ, 2021. - С. 17-18.