Study of Energy Ions, their Varieties and Charge on Temperature, Rate of Temperature Rise, Thermal Stresses for Nanostructureson Steel Materials


Taking as criteria for obtaining nanostructures desired temperature range, the rate of rise of temperature, pressure (thermal stress) and the presence of the catalyst, we can consider the possibility of obtaining nanostructures depending on the physical and technological parameters of flow during processing, which will analyze some of the theoretical and technical task



nanostructures, temperature range, thermal stress, ions, mechanical characteristics, nanostructure formation


Study of Energy Ions, their Varieties and Charge on Temperature, Rate of Temperature Rise, Thermal Stresses for Nanostructureson Steel Materials / Kostyuk G., Popov V., Bryiaka O. // Сучасні досягнення у науці та освіті : зб. пр. XІV Міжнар. наук. конф., 26 верес. – 3 жовт. 2019 р., м. Нетанія (Ізраїль). – Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2019. С. 63-66