Offence of disseminating or publicly displaying content that may facilitate the commission of a terrorist offence (art. 255a § 1 of the Polish Criminal Code)

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National Aviation University
Pursuant to Article 255a § 1 of the Polish Criminal Code, whoever disseminates or publicly presents content that may facilitate the commission of a terrorist offence with the intent to commit such an offence, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. Introduction of this crime to the Polish legal system in 2011 resulted from international agreements binding Poland. Currently, this obligation results from Directive (EU) 2017/541 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA and amending Council Decision 2005/671/JHA (Official Journal of the EU.L 2017 No. 88, p. 6 - hereinafter referred to as the 2017 Directive).
displaying content, terrorist offence, penalty, deprivation of liberty, public order, degree of gravity, public-legal solutions, social relations
Krzysztof Wala. Offence of disseminating or publicly displaying content that may facilitate the commission of a terrorist offence (art. 255a § 1 of the Polish Criminal Code) / Krzysztof Wala // Сучасне право в епоху соціальних змін: [Матеріали ХІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 26 лютого 2021 р.] – Тернопіль: Вектор, 2021. – С. 241–245.