Медичний туризм в кризових умовах: чинники та перспективи
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Видавничий дім «Гельветика»
У статті розглянуто важливість медичного туризму в умовах глобальних криз, зокрема пандемії COVID-19та російсько-української війни. Автори статті вказують на те, що пандемія COVID-19 та війна спонукає людей переосмислити своє ставлення до медичного обслуговування і підкреслює важливість якісної медичної допомоги, яка може бути забезпечена як на локальному, так і на глобальному рівні. Розглянуто потенціал медичного туризму як інструменту для підвищення якості та доступності медичних послуг. Окреслено основні фактори, які впливають на розвиток цієї галузі в умовах кризи, а також аналізують можливі перспективи розвитку та вдосконалення медичного туризму в надзвичайних обставинах. Визначено основні напрями розвитку медичного туризму на деокупованих територіях, а також проаналізовано можливі перспективи розвитку та вдосконалення медичного туризму в надзвичайних обставинах.
The article discusses the importance of medical tourism in the context of global crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian war. The authors of the article emphasize that the COVID-19 pandemic and war have prompted people to reconsider their attitudes towards healthcare and underscore the importance of quality medical care, which can be provided both locally and globally. The potential of medical tourism as a tool to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare services is explored. The main factors influencing the development of this field during crises are outlined, and the potential prospects for the development and improvement of medical tourism in extraordinary circumstances are analyzed. The article highlights medical tourism as a means of accessing high-quality treatment and prevention abroad. It is crucial to examine the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon, especially in crisis situations. The authors point out the potential of medical tourism as a source of investment and increased revenue in the healthcare and tourism sectors, which becomes relevant when other sources of income may decline during a crisis. It is noted that patients may seek medical assistance abroad due to limitations in the quality or availability of medical services in their own countries during crises. This underscores the importance of exploring how medical tourism can meet the needs of patients and contribute to their improved health
The article discusses the importance of medical tourism in the context of global crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian war. The authors of the article emphasize that the COVID-19 pandemic and war have prompted people to reconsider their attitudes towards healthcare and underscore the importance of quality medical care, which can be provided both locally and globally. The potential of medical tourism as a tool to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare services is explored. The main factors influencing the development of this field during crises are outlined, and the potential prospects for the development and improvement of medical tourism in extraordinary circumstances are analyzed. The article highlights medical tourism as a means of accessing high-quality treatment and prevention abroad. It is crucial to examine the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon, especially in crisis situations. The authors point out the potential of medical tourism as a source of investment and increased revenue in the healthcare and tourism sectors, which becomes relevant when other sources of income may decline during a crisis. It is noted that patients may seek medical assistance abroad due to limitations in the quality or availability of medical services in their own countries during crises. This underscores the importance of exploring how medical tourism can meet the needs of patients and contribute to their improved health
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медичний туризм, кризові умови, потенціал медичного туризму, санаторно-курортні та медичні заклади, чинники та перспективи медичного туризму, теорія туризмознавства, medical tourism, crisis conditions, medical tourism potential, factors and prospects of medical tourism, sanatoriums and medical institutions, tourism theory
Сайчук В. С., Дудник І.М., Фокін С.П. Медичний туризм в кризових умовах: чинники та перспективи. № 54(2023). Електронний журнал Економіка та суспільство. URL:https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/2391