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Title: Management of the bank's investment portfolio
Authors: Malte Pehl, LL.M
Trofimchuk, Rehina
Keywords: investment portfolio
investment activity
banking sector
banking system
quality of investment portfolio
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2022
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Malte Pehl, LL.M.,Trofimchuk R. Management of the bank's investment portfolio// Collection of materials international scientifically-practical conference «Finance, accounting and taxation: theory and practice» – K.: NAU, 2022. – P.53-55.
Abstract: The article examines the investment activity of banks as an alternative to lending, which will help the banking system to recover further. The reasons that motivate banks to carry out investment activities are identified, namely: expansion of the income and client base; high risk of credit operations and the desire to optimize the taxation of banking income. Despite the impact of COVID-19 on the country's economy, the banking sector gradually continued to stabilize. Investments create conditions for expanded reproduction, structural transformations in the country, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products, solving socioeconomic problems. Ways to improve the efficiency and quality of management of the bank's investment activities through the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization regarding the management of investment activities are proposed; efforts to create new goals and objectives for improving the organization of analytical support for the investment activity management process; constant support information support of the investment activity management process; professional development of managers related to the management of investment activities.
Description: 1. National Bank of Ukraine. Available at: control/uk/index. 2. Nikonova I. (2006) Securities for business: How to increasethe value of the company with the help of IPOs, bonds andinvestment operations. Moscow: Alpina Business Books. 3. Basic indicators of activity of banks of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. Available at: (accessed 02 April 2021). 4. Vladyka J. P., Bezuhla L.S. and Turova L.L. Zdobutky ta novi vyklyky u dijal'nosti systemno vazhlyvyh bankiv v Ukrajini. Elektronnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal «Infrastruktura rynku» (in Ukrainian)
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій кафедри фінансів, обліку та оподаткування

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