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Title: Investment mechanism for air transport financing in Ukraine
Other Titles: Інвестиційний механізм фінансування авіатранспорту в Україні
Authors: Vladyka, Yuliia
Savytska, Maria
Keywords: transport
investment policy
investment activity
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2021
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Vladyka Yu., Savytska M. Investment mechanism for air transport financing in Ukraine // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Finance: theory and practice». – K.: National Aviation University, 2021. – P.300-302.
Abstract: One of the tasks of modernization of Ukraine's economy is to create favorable real conditions and their opportunities for the development of transport and transit potential of Ukraine on the basis of investment development. Intensifying the use of external and internal investment resources allows for structural transformation in the transport sector and the implementation of strategically important projects aimed at upgrading transport infrastructure and ensuring high standards of transport services.
Description: 1. "Інвестиційні механізми структурних трансформацій у транспортній галузі". Аналітична записка | National Institute for Strategic Studies [Електронний ресурс] / 1 – Режим доступу до ресурсу: 2. Financing for aviation infrastructure ICAO [Tktrnhjyybq htcehc] | 1 – Ht;bv ljcnege lj htcehce^ https^||www/un/org|esa|ffd|wp- content|uploads|2016|01|Financing-for-aviation-infrastructure_ICAO_IATF-Issue- brief/pdf/
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