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Title: Comprehensive assessment of the financial status of aviation enterprises: advantages and disadvantages
Other Titles: Комплексна оцінка фінансового стану діяльності авіапідприємств: переваги та недоліки
Authors: Vladyka, Yuliia
Horbachov, Ivan
Keywords: complex assessment
financial indicators
financial condition
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2021
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Vladyka Yu., Horbachov I. Comprehensive assessment of the financial status of aviation enterprises: advantages and disadvantages // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Finance: theory and practice». – K.: National Aviation University, 2021. – P.10-11.
Abstract: The focus is on conducting a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of airlines. The advantages and disadvantages of conducting a comprehensive analysis are highlighted. Taking into account the defined preconditions, the sequence of conducting a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of airlines has been determined.
Description: 1. Poddierohin A. M. Finansy pidpryiemstv : navch. posib. Kyiv : KNEU. 2012. 406 s.
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій кафедри фінансів, обліку та оподаткування

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