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Назва: The usage of plant test systems for the determination of phytotoxicity of contaminated with petroleum products soil
Автори: Cherniak, Larysa
Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr
Madzhd, Svitlana
Lapan, Oksana
Dmytrukha, Tetyana
Korniienko, Iryna
Ключові слова: phytotoxicity
oil products
aviation fuels
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: Journal of Ecological Engineering
Бібліографічний опис: Cherniak L. The usage of plant test systems for the determination of phytotoxicity of contaminated with petroleum products soil / L. Cherniak, O. Mikhyeyev, S. Madzhd, O. Lapan, T. Dmytrukha, I. Korniienko // Journal of Ecological Engineering. – 2021. – Volume 22 (6). – Р. 66–71.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The level of phytotoxicity of the soil samples artificially contaminated with the aviation kerosene was determined in the work. The dependences of the growth characteristics of the plant test system (flax) on the excess of the approximate permissible concentrations (APC) of the oil product concentration in the soil were identified. The change in the mass of raw material depending on the level of aviation kerosene contamination of soil samples was determined. A decrease in the plant growth activity with an increase in the content of aviation fuel in the soil was established. It was found that there is a hormesis effect at certain concentrations of aviation kerosene in the soil. The comparison of the concentration dependences of the action of petroleum products on the growth rates of seedlings and their dependence on the distance to the source of pollution allowed in the latter case to conduct a kind of “dosimetry” on exposure concentrations when the petroleum product concentration was not determined.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/51627
ISSN: 2299–8993
Розташовується у зібраннях:Публікації у наукових виданнях співробітників кафедри екології

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