Політ. Автоматизовані системи управління технологічними процесами та рухомими об'єктами. 2021

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/49940


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 14 of 14
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    Intellectual system for the production of printed circuit boards
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Plodystyy, Bogdan; Плодистий, Богдан Олександрович
    The intelligent system of the new format completely replaces the old processes of auto-correlation, pointing, optimization, alignment, imaging, recognition, processing of information of a particular installer in SMD production. The structure of the system is designed with the help of all technical documents and interacts with the safety technology in this SMD area. The basic principle is the developed system "Grape Tec", which allocates the necessary resources for the SMD mounters and emulates the system using Raspberry Pi or a computer, makes accurate algorithmic calculations, corrects the offsets and speeds up the work process.
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    Image depth evaluation system by stream video
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Sych, Alexey; Сич, Олексій Сергійович
    One of the data processing applications is stereo vision, in which obtaining a three-dimensional scene is based on models for determining the depths of key points of images from a video sequence or several images. If it is considered an example with a person, then a two-dimensional image is formed on the retina, but despite this, a person perceives the depth of space, that is, has three-dimensional, stereoscopic vision. As a result, in the presence of data on the size of an object, it can be estimated the distance to it or understand which of the objects is closer. When one object is in front of the other and partially obscures it, the person perceives the front object at a closer distance. Because of this, the need arose to teach machine devices to do this for various tasks. Based on the processing results, you can have spatial information for assessing the relief, obstacles while driving, etc. This algorithm is based on combining images of the same object, photographed or filmed on video with constant camera parameters and in the same focal plane from different angles, allows to obtain information about the distance to the object by perspective distortions (discrepancies).
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    Navigation dead reckoning system based on a mobile phone
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Lazarevskiy, Alexander; Лазаревський, Олександр Андрійович
    The problem of pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) is referred to the class of individual navigation problems. The common solution in mobile phones is the use of satellite navigation (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, etc.). But satellite signal sometimes can be jammed intentionally or lost due to obstacles in urban area. Also, the problem of PDR is interesting in the user localization in indoor environment such as large garages, city molls, etc. Instrumentation of smartphones is now based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensors (MEMS) technology and includes standard set of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU): accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers and pressure sensor (optionally). Accelerometers can be used to detect step events and further to calculate lengths. But it is sensitive to walking speed, slope of the road, etc., which leads to inaccurate results of calculating the stride length. Also, as any dead reckoning technique PDR suffers from the cumulative error. Since the location estimate is always calculated based on the previous result, the error accumulates rapidly over time. This means that correction updates are necessary on regular basis.
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    Controllers (PLC) safety (safety relay). Overview. Primary requirements. Features of the application
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Yehorova, Victoria; Єгорова, Вікторія Олександрівна
    Many machines and robots require safety circuits to stop all or part of an operation in the event of an emergency event. These safety circuits are typically configured using safety relays, or a safety-rated programmable logic controller (PLC) or other safety-rated controller. One or more multi-function safety relays can often be used to replace many basic single-function safety relays, simplifying installations and saving money. In other cases, multi-function safety relays can be used instead of a safety-rated PLC, resulting in substantial savings while streamlining implementation and maintenance. Most safety relay designs have traditionally used safety relays constructed with internal electromechanical, forceguided relays. The key advantage here is voltage flexibility, as nearly any typical control voltage can be switched. Typical voltages include: 5 V DC,12 V DC, 24 V DC, 120 V AC and 230 V AC. The nominal current at 24 V DC is about 6 amps for a resistive-based load. Contrast this with a safety controller. A safety controller is a solid-state device. This means that its outputs are “transistorized” and only designed to switch 24 V DC at a typical maximum of 2 amps. If you plan on controlling a higher power relay or contactor, then these outputs will work fine. However, if you are using a safety relay to control the final load switching using voltages other than 24 V DC, then this is an important consideration. Safety controllers are typically modular, so safety I/O can be added. The safety I/O expansion modules are either solid-state or electromechanical. If safety controller expansion modules are needed, these costs will be an important consideration. Expansion modules can also be added to a safety relay system.
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    Convolutional neural networks during object identification
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Katrenko, Maksim; Катренко, Максим Олександрович
    Nowadays, convolutional neural networks perform very well in identifying objects, but unfortunately, they have very important problems that are very difficult to get rid of. Convolutional networks use multiple layers of feature detectors. Each feature detector is local, so feature detectors are repeated across the space. Pooling gives some translational invariance in much deeper layers, but only in a crude way. The psychology of shape perception suggests that the human brain achieves translational invariance in a much better way. We know that, roughly speaking, the brain has two separate pathways, a “from” and “where”. Neurons in the “from” pathway respond to a particular type of stimulus regardless of where it is in the visual field. Neurons “where” are responsible for encoding where things are. As a side note, it is hypothesized that the “from” has a lower resolution then “where”.
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    How to choose a programmable logic controller for the industrial tires
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Bilai, Elizabeth; Білай, Єлизавета Сергіївна
    Programmable logic controller (PLC) is a special type of electronic computer. Most often, PLCs are used to automate technological processes. The main mode of operation of the PLC is its long-term autonomous use, often in adverse environmental conditions, without serious maintenance and practically without human intervention. PLCs have a number of features that distinguish them from other electronic devices used in industry: • unlike a microcontroller (single-chip computer) – a microcircuit designed to control electronic devices – PLCs are an independent device, and not a separate microcircuit; • unlike computers, which are focused on decision making and operator control, PLCs are focused on working with machines through advanced input of sensor signals and output of signals to actuators; • unlike embedded systems, PLCs are manufactured as independent products, separate from the equipment controlled by it.
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    Video surveillance system of target contour
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Haida, Maksim; Гайда, Максим Володимирович
    Computer vision is the science and technology of making machines that see. It is concerned with the theory, design and implementation of algorithms that can automatically process visual data to recognize objects, track and recover their shape and spatial layout. When recognizing objects, the most informative part of the image is the contour. An object contour is a part of an object that contains a lot of information about the shape of the object and almost does not depend on the color and texture of the image. You can analyze the shape of the object along the contour. In many cases, information about the shape of the object is sufficient to organize automated or automatic systems. In addition, the transition to object recognition by their contours allows to reduce the amount of processed information by several times, as a plus, the contours are invariant to the brightness transformations.The first element of an intelligent video surveillance system is a video sensor. Examples of video sensors are digital or IP cameras. For ease of use, installation and taking into account the cost of the module, I will use a WEB camera without an ultraviolet filter, with a resolution of 1280×720 pixels and a video recording rate of 25 frames per second.
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    The world's main manufacturers of programmable logic сontrollers. Overview
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Yehorova, Victoria; Єгорова, Вікторія Олександрівна
    Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) has been extensively used in the manufacturing industry to automate the manufacturing processes, including making logical decisions in the assembly line, controlling robotic devices, and diagnosing process faults. The recent increase in industrial automation and advent of Industry 4.0 have bolstered the demand for PLCs. The are looking for innovation including compact PLCs and increased I/O capacity of PLCs that enhances the functionality of devices. Siemens (Germany). Siemens offers a wide range of products and solutions to various industrial companies mainly process and manufacturing industries. The company provides automation technologies, industrial controls, and industry software that help customers to optimize the complete product development and production processes. The company offers SIMATIC range of controllers. It provides four varieties of SIMATIC PLCs, namely basic, advanced, distributed, and software controllers.
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    Evaluation of the inertia of the change in the speed of rotation of the lifting rotors on the dynamics of the motion of a heavy quadrocopter
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Gulyuk, Vasyl; Гулюк, Василь Ярославович
    Unlike a helicopter, which uses a swashplate for control, which changes direction of the lifting rotor thrust, and the total pitch and adequately the magnitude of the rotor thrust, in the quadcopter (QC) the thrust direction relative to the body and the pitch of the rotor blades are unchanged. To change the flight trajectory or angular orientation of the quadcopter, the rotation speed and, accordingly, the magnitudes of the thrust of all four rotors change in a certain way. Thus, the control of QC is reduced to the control of the rotor rotation speed, which greatly simplifies the design of the control system.
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    Computer traction management system in the mode of landing on a short runway
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Olender, Bogdan; Олендер, Богдан Андрійович
    Analysis of European airfields in small towns shows that today airfields with "short runways" are the largest group, and in the future their number will only increase due to: the desire to bring airfields to densely populated areas, as well as due to low , compared with the "elite" airfields, construction costs. This trend is accompanied by the emergence of short take-off and landing aircraft SR, as well as the implementation of automated control systems (ACS) and such aircraft modern methods of landing control on "short runways". Based on the analysis of the experience of developing such ACS, the following requirements for onboard short-landing systems can be determined: information support of the approach to landing on a steep glide path with a landing point located at the beginning of the runway, while implementing high-precision guidance to the point of contact; direct control of the thrust of the power plant, with the optimal combination of the action of the chassis brakes and reverse thrust at the stage of the run of the aircraft on the runway.
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    Batteries of the spacecraft
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-28) Rud, Andrew; Рудь, Андрій Андрійович
    The study and development of space requires the development and improvement of spacecraft for various purposes. In this case, it is economically feasible to increase the service life of the spacecraft. The high level of reliability and quality of operation of onboard systems and equipment of spacecraft largely depend on the efficiency of their power supply systems. As practice shows, the primary source of energy in the energy supply system is the solar battery. It determines the period of active existence of the spacecraft. Failure of the solar battery leads to the gradual failure of the entire power supply system.
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    Automated system for orientation and stabilization of a small spacecraft
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-28) Tsoba, Arthur; Цьоба, Артур Олександрович
    Flight control of small spacecraft is one of the most time-consuming and complex components of the process of their operation. This is especially true for small spacecraft, designed to implement modern space programs. As follows from the existing experience of creation and operation of small spacecraft, the reliability and safety of their flight are determined not only by the perfection of the aircraft, but also the quality of methods, tools and flight control systems. In addition, the requirements for control systems affect the appearance and characteristics of the small spacecraft , its systems and onboard software.
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    Дослідженя ефективності нейрокерування у нелінійних електромеханічних системах
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-28) Білай, Єлизавета Сергіївна
    В галузі систем регулювання електричними приводами у більшості випадків застосовуються лінійні регулятори, які розробляються за допомогою лінеаризованих математичничних моделей об’єкту регулювання. Для систем, що мають великі нелінійності, такий підхід веде до дуже обмежених результатів. Виникають також труднощі, якщо є лише приблизний математичний опис об’єкту регулювання.
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    Візуальна далекомірна система
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-28) Шкрамко, Денис Миколайович
    Стереоскопія - це метод, який використовується для запису і подання стереоскопічних (3D) зображень. Він може створити ілюзію глибини, використовуючи два знімки, зроблені в трохи різних положеннях. Є два можливі способи отримання стереоскопічних зображень: за допомогою спеціальних двухоб'єктивних стереокамер або систем, в яких дві однооб'єктивні камери з'єднані разом. Стереоскопічні зображення дозволяють розрахувати відстань від камери (камер) до обраного об'єкта на зображенні. Відстань розраховується на основі відмінностей між зображеннями і додаткових технічних даних, таких як фокусна відстань і відстань між камерами. Певний об'єкт вибирається на лівому зображенні, в той час як той же об'єкт на правом зображенні автоматично виявляється за допомогою алгоритму оптимізації, який шукає мінімальну різницю між обома зображеннями. Розрахунок положення об'єкта може бути розрахований шляхом виконання деяких геометричних висновків. Точність положення залежить від дозволу зображення, оптичних спотворень і відстані між камерами. Результати показали, що відстань до об'єкта розрахована точно.