Methods of management by enterprise corporate social responsibility development: ecological component


The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches the management of competitiveness the economic entities in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource potential, formation of competitive advantages and development strategies. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities, marketing and logistics, analysis of energy-efficient potential, assessment of development potential. The research results have been implemented in the different models of inventory management, corporate social responsibility management, business process management and project management. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities and increase their competitiveness. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of competitiveness the economic entities in the context of efficient use the resource potential and iintroduction of modern innovations.


In recent years, in post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, the focus of entrepreneurship on the theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has intensified. Such questions as the role, objectives and tasks of entrepreneurial structures in the field of social responsibility, its importance for the socio-economic development of the country are widely discussed by the state, business and society. This interest is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, growing globalization increasingly stimulate domestic companies to bring their social activity to correspondence with international standards. Secondly, entrepreneurs are paying more attention to the strategic planning of their long run activities. Thirdly, the influence of local communities and nonprofit organizations that encourage businesses to comply with ethical norms of business activity is increasing. Application of corporate social responsibility principles is rapidly developing in Ukrainian business practice. Most companies publish social reports that describe their social activity, namely: participation in charity, support for sports and environmental events, sponsorship of socially significant projects. The ambiguity of the concept of «corporate social responsibility (CSR)» and the frequent neglect when considering the CSR of environmental component is one of the reasons for the irresponsible attitude of the business to compliance with environmental legislation and prevention of environmental pollution, which leads to irrational use of natural resources, including energy resources. Companies mainly form ecological culture through environmental «subbotniks», educational programs, leaving without attention the possibility of reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing environmental pollution as a result of the activity. Energy efficiency issues are often dealt with CSR separately, and company‟s energy policy is not related to its social activity. The urgency of the research topic is determined by the lack of practical and methodological recommendations for the development of processes of formation and strengthening of environmental responsibility in Ukrainian companies, improvement of approaches to the development of corporate social responsibility, its ecological component. It will improve the efficiency of business structures management, increase their competitiveness, and contribute to improvement of the relationship of entrepreneurs with the state and society.


monograph, management, enterprise, social responsibility


S. Smerichevskyi, T. Kniazieva, S.Ramenska.Methods of management by enterprise corporate social responsibility development: ecological component // Conceptual aspects management of competitiveness the economic entities: collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, in 2 Vol. / Higher School of Social and Economic. – Przeworsk: WSSG, 2019. – Vol. 1. – 30-42p.