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Название: Aircraft engines. Lecture notes (first preliminary edition). Chapter 3. Theoretical dependencies for an ideal gas
Авторы: Goncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich
Ключевые слова: aircraft
piston type engine
gas turbine engine
thermodynamic cycle
thermodynamic process
Дата публикации: 1-мар-2019
Издательство: National Aviation University
Краткий осмотр (реферат): An equation that establishes (sets up) the connection between pressure, temperature, and specific volume of a medium of a constant content (composition, compound) is called the thermodynamic equation of state
Описание: The equation of (2.6) in space depicts (portrays, shows, represents, describes, illustrates, gives a picture of) a surface, which characterises all possible equilibrium states of a regular (uniform) thermodynamic system. This surface is called the thermodynamic surface or the surface of state. At the thermodynamic surface a certain point corresponds to each state of the system.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/37940
Располагается в коллекциях:Aircraft engines

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