Триботехнічні дослідження при підвищених температурах композиційних покриттів з евтектичним наповнювачем
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Проведено триботехнічні дослідження при підвищених температурах компо-зиційних електролітичних покриттів на основі нікелю в яких в якості наповню-вача використано розроблений для роботи при підвищених температурах зно-состійкий евтектичний сплав. Проведені дослідження показали високу зносо-стійкість розроблених покриттів за рахунок утворення на поверхні тертя плі-вок вторинних структур. Показано, що оптимальною можна вважати термі-чну обробку композиційного покриття з евтектичним наповнювачем в режимі без оплавлення за температур до 950 °С.
The elevated temperature tribotechnical investigations of composite nickel-based electrolytic coatings are carried out. As a composite coating filler the wear-resistant eutectic alloy powder designed for operation at elevated temperatures is used. Heat treatment in modes without melting and with melting of the composite coatings essentially changes the structure and element content of coating areas: matrix - transitive zone – particle filler. Necessity of heat treatment is validated by need of increase the mechanical properties of a matrix, increase the adhesion and cohesion. Besides, as the coatings were developed for operation at the raised temperatures the applying of heat treatment at temperatures above than friction units operational temperatures promotes avoidance of uncontrollable structural transformations in a coating at action of operational temperatures. Tribological tests have shown high wear resistance of the developed coatings at the raised temperatures due to the introduction into a nickel matrix specially developed eutectic alloy powder filler. The alloy powder filler content was chosen to form secondary structure optimum films for protection of a surface against wear process at a friction. It is shown, that modes of heat treatment essentially influence on coating wear resistance. It is thus established, that optimum heat treatment of a composite coating with eutectic alloy powder filler is a mode without melting temperatures 950 °С.
The elevated temperature tribotechnical investigations of composite nickel-based electrolytic coatings are carried out. As a composite coating filler the wear-resistant eutectic alloy powder designed for operation at elevated temperatures is used. Heat treatment in modes without melting and with melting of the composite coatings essentially changes the structure and element content of coating areas: matrix - transitive zone – particle filler. Necessity of heat treatment is validated by need of increase the mechanical properties of a matrix, increase the adhesion and cohesion. Besides, as the coatings were developed for operation at the raised temperatures the applying of heat treatment at temperatures above than friction units operational temperatures promotes avoidance of uncontrollable structural transformations in a coating at action of operational temperatures. Tribological tests have shown high wear resistance of the developed coatings at the raised temperatures due to the introduction into a nickel matrix specially developed eutectic alloy powder filler. The alloy powder filler content was chosen to form secondary structure optimum films for protection of a surface against wear process at a friction. It is shown, that modes of heat treatment essentially influence on coating wear resistance. It is thus established, that optimum heat treatment of a composite coating with eutectic alloy powder filler is a mode without melting temperatures 950 °С.
композиційні електролітичні покриття, термічна обробка, зносостійкість, евтектичний сплав, composition electrolytic coatings, heat treatment, wearproofness, eutectic alloy
Корнієнко А.О. Триботехнічні дослідження при підвищених температурах композиційних покриттів з евтектичним наповнювачем / А.О. Корнієнко, С.В. Федорчук, М.В. Кіндрачук // Проблеми тертя та зношування № 2 (75). - 2017. - С. 66-71.