Reconstruction аrchitectural environment of airports


The development of aviation requires significant investment in the construction of new, reconstruction and modernization of existing buildings and facilities of airports. Prior to 2023, Ukraine plans to increase the airport capacity twice, and to bring the level of airport services in line with international standards.



airport, reconstruction, modernization, construction, Ukraine


Vent O. V., Agieieva G. M. Reconstruction architectural environment of airports. Міське середовище - ХХІ ст. Архітектура. Будівництво. Дизайн: ІІІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конгрес, 14-16 березня 2018 р., Київ, Україна: тези доповідей. - К.: НАУ, 2018. - С.14-15.