Матеріали наукових, науково-практичних конференцій кафедри авіаційних комп'ютерно-інтегрованих комплексів

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/25301


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 31
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    System of Aided Classification of Ground Objects by Video Observation from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Mukhina, Maryna; Barkulova, Iryna
    Analysis of classification system by video observation has been done. The system with aided classification based on probabilistic models is proposed. Feature vector contains the most informative components and allows the minimization of decision risks. Results have proven the reliability of classification during a number of video frames in the condition of non-full data descriptive space.
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    On the Question of Analyzing of the Iteratively Integrating Measurement Converter
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sergeyev, Igor
    Generalized structural scheme of the measurement converter which uses iteratively integrating conversion method is described. Analysis of its conversion equation and errors for the case where the input variable X = X (t) is not a constant, while the input values Z1, Z2 and output value Y are constant, was produced. Basic expressions for the calculation are listed.
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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navifation System Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Radiounits
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Daskal, E.V.
    Modern unmanned aerial vehicle navigation systems are highly dependent on Global Positioning System signals. Since Global Positioning System signals in dense urban housing areas, in tunnels or indoors may be unreliable, unmanned aerial vehicle will not be able to fulfill its tasks if needed to pass such zones. An unmanned aerial vehicle navigation system based on on the increasingly popular radio standard IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee is proposed. A description of such networks and their advantages for unmanned aerial vehicle positioning are given.
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    A New Approach in Cluster Analysis
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Chumachenko, O.I.; Gorbatiuk, V.S.
    A new clustering approach that is capable of finding clusters that are separated by some complex hypersurface is proposed. The approach can be useful for performing analysis of big amounts of unlabeled images that can be nowadays easily gathered, in particular by using unmanned aerial vehicle with mounted cameras. The approach is based on “softening” the initial clustering criterion and then using nonlinear optimization to find the optimal hypersurface that separates clusters.
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    Dynamic Testing of UAV Navigation System
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Dolgorukov, S.O.
    The paper considers dynamic test table system for navigation sensors testing and verification. The problem of test table confidence margin is considered taking into account different sources of errors. Estimation of frequency characteristics of sensors is shown by special test table criteria.The paper describes inertial navigation system experiment on dynamic test table in order to compensate navigation system parameters.
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    Meter of Initial Speed of Mobile Object
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Kozlov, A.P.; Yurchenko, A.S.
    The need to measure the initial velocity of a moving object is shown. A brief review and analysis of existing technical means suitable for solving the problem is given. The constructions of devices and their elements for measuring the initial velocity of a mobile object, structural diagrams of devices for measuring the initial velocity of a mobile object are considered. A design with a capacitive converter is proposed, which forms an information impulse. The results of the development can be used to design and manufacture the device.
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    Testing System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Microelectromechanical Sensors
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Vasylenko, M. P.
    Designed system for microelectromechanical sensors testing before use them in the unmanned aerial vehicles navigation systems. Microelectromechanical sensors pressure and temperature sensor, magnetic field sensor and inertial unit were studied. Experimental results shows that designed testing equipment allows to calibrate microelectromechanical sensors without necessity of performing test flights that reduces the risk of unmanned aerial vehicles damaging in case of significant measurement errors.
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    Analysis of Informativity of Anomalous Geomagnetic Field Databases for Aided UAV Navigation
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Mukhina, Maryna; Babeniuk, Ganna
    Analysis of existent anomalous geomagnetic field map has been done. Informativity of map has been estimated as trajectory data in terms of variance, signal-to-noise ratio and correlation radius. The recommendations and general algorithm for realization of geomagnetic aided navigation have been developed and proved.
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    Conceptual Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking for Solar Rechargable Airplane
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Karabetsky, Denis
    This paper shows problem of maximum power point tracking for solar rechargeable airplane; defines problem statement why it is important, structure of the energy system with analysis of each subsystem.
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    Correction of Quality of Control Systems of Remotely Controlled Aerial Vehicles
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Ablesimov, A.K.; Pylypenko, M.A.; Ryabokonev, А.М.; Adamchuk, K.A.
    Analyzed the properties of corrective devices for remotely controlled aerial vehicles and are designed algorithms for calculating their frequency characteristics.
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    Dynamic Aided-Design of UAV Navigation Systems
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Godny, A.P.
    Presented navigation system for unmanned aerial vehicles based on microservices with an integrated environment introduces a new approach to managing the design process. Used in the proposed medium design scenario can greatly simplify the work of the designer. Available in medium monitor provides the flexibility of design processes with a flexible structure description of design procedures in the design scenario.
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    Approach of a Tanker Aircraft to the Remote-Controlled Drogue of the Air-to-Air Refueling System
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Filyashkin, M.K.
    Here are considered benefits of airlift using an air-to-air refueling civil aircraft. Such technologies provide in particular for regional aircraft their main advantages at long flights. There are proposed variants of automation of approach of refueling devices using a predictive model.
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    Visual Navigation System Adjustment
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2017-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Ischenko, V.S.
    Unmanned aerial vehicle flight simulation bench for visual navigation system. Visual navigation system gives opportunity to flight in radio interference zone. Considered approach for adjustment and evaluating visual navigation system
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    Intelligent Image Recognition System
    (Osvita Ukrainy, 2016-10) Sineglazov, Victor M.; Ischenko, Vitaliy
    The design problem of intelligent image recognition system is considered. For the solution of this problem it is proposed to use constitution neural networks with fuzzy classifier pretraining with the help of the restricted Boltzmann machine.
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    Generalized Structural Scheme of the Measurement Converter Using an Iteratively Integrating Conversion Method
    (Kyiv, “Osvita Ukrainy”, 2016-10) Sergeyev, Igor
    Generalized structural scheme of the measurement converter which uses iteratively integrating conversion method is described. Analysis of its conversion equation and errors was produced. Basic expressions for the calculation are listed. It is shown that the conversion equation for the steady state does not depend on the conversion coefficients of direct circuit blocks, which affect only a dynamic quality of converter that allows you to set low requirements to the said block at high precision converter as a whole.
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    Calculation of consumer and manufacturer risks for unmanned aerial vehicle checkout equipment
    (Osvita Ukrainy, 2016-10) Tupitsin, N.F.; Krymov, E.О.; Stepanenko, I.C.
    The paper presents description of algorithms for calculation values of consumer and manufacturer risks. Determination of UAV technical state with the account of received risks reflects the information about how much more it will work.
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    Methods of Determining the Desired Frequency Characteristics of the Automatic Control Systems
    (Osvita Ukrainy, 2016-10) Ablesimov, A.K.; Pylypenko, M.A.; Pogribnyak, L.V.; Usenko, N.V.
    Considered the methods of determining the desired frequency characteristics of the automatic control systems while the synthesis of their corrective devices.
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    Automated Guidance System Drogue to Probe Tanker During in-Flight Refueling
    (Osvita Ukrainy, 2016-10) Filyashkin, M.K.
    Here are considered benefits of airlift using a phase in-flight refueling civil aircraft. Such technologies provide in particular for regional aircraft their main advantages at long flights. The variants of automation of this phase of the flight are proposed
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    Partial criteria system of estimation of pilot preparedness level before simulator training
    (Osvita Ukrainy, Kyiv, 2016-10) Sineglazov, Victor; Glukhov, Vitaliy
    The paper deals with partial criteria system of estimation of pilot preparedness level before simulator training that allow to evaluate the ability to perform operations of helicopter control by the pilot. Presented the formalized problem statement, which includes the effectiveness criteria of training on the simulator. Provided the algorithm of of pilot preparedness evaluation on the basis of partial criteria. Presented a comparative analysis of calculation results of pilot preparedness level evaluation by this algorithm. The proposed approach provides optimal distribution of trainingload for the pilot based on his executive preparedness.
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    Multi Objective Optimization for UAV Navigation Equipment Test Table Design
    (Osvita Ukrainy, Kyiv, 2016-10) Sineglazov, V.M.; Dolgorukov, S.O.
    Real world test equipment design optimization problems are a class of challenging multiobjective optimization problems, which may contain two levels of optimization tasks. In these problems, the optimal solutions to the lower level problems become possible feasible candidates to the upper level problem. A bilevel optimization is used for the navigation equipment test table design. The six lower level optimizations are driven by a top system level optimization by approach based on hybrid bilevel evolutionary algorithm using quadratic approximations.