Some neuro-physiological aspects of traffic safety



The problen of expert estimation of the state of cognitive functions of drivers of elderly and senile age is examited in the article. Exactly in this age probability of development of cognitive disorders rises up to dementia. The age-dependent changes of cognitive functions affect the sphere of memory, psyhomotor, visible-spatial, verbally-logical capabilities, and increase of time of reaction. It is suggested to include the cognitive evoked potentials (CEP) in the standart of expert estimation of the state of drivers in age from 60 years. Ror the ground of application of CEP the latency of P300 and time of reaction of driver in a transport stream are confronted. Researches of micro-model of motor transport stream are for what conducted and information of timing reaction of drivers is got. On the basis of comprarison of age-dependent norms of nearo-physiological indexes and findings of time of reaction of driver, criteria are offered for a selection on additional deep research of cognitive functijns of drivers of indicated.


the cognitive evoked potential, expert estimation of the state of drives, the traffic safety, micro-model of the motor transport stream, the time of the reaction of the driver, quick spline-transformation


Growth of amount of cars and increase of traverse speed results in the substantial enlagement of invesity of motion on roads. Therefore `pondering` is a problem of providing of safety of motion in the mixed transport stream.