Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания
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Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара
Исследовано белковый и липидный состав и биологическую активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. с разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,85-25,62 %) и 8 жирных кислот с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20 в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9 %), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8 %). Оценено общую антиоксидантную активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенилпикрилгидразила (ДФПГ) колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлено статистически достоверные различия между образцами, как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности.
Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and Slovak Republic were investigated. The collection sites are near the highways and apartment houses, as well as a natural park, forest, botanical garden. Protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. The chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a «Cvet 500» gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. Bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. Protein content of the pollen of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. varies from 17.85-25.62 %, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low acid content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%). It was also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. A measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8-85.5 %. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3-95.0 % and for the methanol extracts – 46.1-92.6 %. The Turkey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of p < 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, there are differences between the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Using pollen of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic use should be as close as possible to the place of origin.
Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and Slovak Republic were investigated. The collection sites are near the highways and apartment houses, as well as a natural park, forest, botanical garden. Protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. The chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a «Cvet 500» gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. Bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. Protein content of the pollen of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. varies from 17.85-25.62 %, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low acid content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%). It was also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. A measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8-85.5 %. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3-95.0 % and for the methanol extracts – 46.1-92.6 %. The Turkey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of p < 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, there are differences between the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Using pollen of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic use should be as close as possible to the place of origin.
пыльца, белок, жирнокислотный состав липидов, общая антиоксидантная активность, радикал ДФПГ, pollen, protein, fatty acid composition of lipids, total antioxidant activity, DPPH radical
Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания / Т. В. Шевцова, Е. Г. Гаркавая, Я. Бриндза [и др.] // Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Біологія, екологія. – 2013. – № 21(2). – С. 105-112.